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rocky lane island

Hello all

What superb pictures!

If you look to the right of the Beehive Pub you will see a shop front. My family lived there from around 1958 to 1964/5. It was a baby millinery shop that my mom had to close a couple of years before we moved (out to Acocks Green).

On the opposite corner to the Beehive (in Nechells Place) was another pub, the Brittania (my grandfathers favourite). He used to send me there when I was 6 (and older) with a jug that I would get filled in the Outdoor.

My grandparents (Albert and Marie Weaver) lived in Nechells Place.

My family is the Bennett's. Dad was William Henry (aka Harry). My mom was Brenda. Me I am Paul Bennett, went to Cromwell Street School from around 1955 to 1963.

My uncle Norman Bennett lived in St Clements Road and my Dad's mom, Ellen Bennett (nee Moorfield) lived in Mount Street (number 53 from memory).
Hello Dave

I'm sorry, I don't remember a Colin Preece (though the fact he is a Wolves supporter wouldn't help! lol).

I don't recognise anyone in that photograph (though they would be 2 or 3 years older than me) including the teachers.

Schoolfriends I do remember are Paul Mustoe, Clifford Phipps, Leslie Robinson, Paul Meeries (his Dad was the school caretaker a German from memory which in those days was really something), Clive Hayes, Anne Carson, Susan Bishop, Margaret Mitchell.

Teachers I remember were Mr Troth, Miss Painter, Mrs Wolley.
Hello Paul,
Where was the Brittania, I do not know of any other pub on Nechells Green other than the Beehive.
There was an outdoor across the island from the Beehive on the corner of Charles Arthur St. and Thimblemill Lane called Crown Stores.
I lived in Cromwell St. from 1940-1953, I was a paper boy at Hughes which is to the left of the photo in Rocky Lane.
Regards John.
Hello John

I was a paper boy there too, my round was Bloomsbury Street.

I remember looking at the paper with 2/32 marked on it (or something like that) and it dawning on me it was number 2 back of 32.

The Brittania was in Nechells place. About 100 yards or so on the next corner down from the Beehive on the same side.
Hi Paul,
I have no recollection of it at all, yet I can still see this one clear as yesterday, here's a couple of photos which may bring back memories,
and a map of the area from 1902.
Nice John it seems like only yesterday that I would ride the No 8 with Mom & Dad & my Sister to our Aunts every Saturday evening in Small Heath.
Cheers Alf,
I forgot to mention the photos came from this excellent book.
Unbelievably I could not buy it in this country, I had to send to Cinncinnatti for it.
Regards John.
hi john..theve got that inner circle book at the central library..had a flick though it a few months ago and i keep meaning to buy it...if memory serves me correctly the ladies on the front cover are standing at the no 8 bus stop outside lozells girls school..

Lyn never even thought of the library.
I love the fact that all the women have flasks peeping from their baskets.
Is there any street you would like to see in the book I'll have a look and post a pic if there is.

Smashing photos mate. The first one of the number 8 bus is showing the Albion which was on the corner of Cato Street North from memory. From there it went over the railway bridge and the Brit was on the corner of Freeman Road and Nechells place. The next bus stop was right outside the Beehive pub. Our back gate was right where the bus stop was.

A two minute walk from where that bus is.

The second bus is of course at the bottom of Nechells Place just turning towards Saltley Gate.

The hours upon hours I spent trainspotting at Saltley Station!

Lovely memories.
john the library did say that you could buy this book from there..i will go into it one day...going back to the front cover...is there a pic of it inside the book giving a longer shot...i would love that one and any of nursery road..gerrard st...i am sure there is a story behind that pic..something to do with the building that was attached to lozells girls school...my mom attended when the building was used for housewifery classes...sure theres also a pic taken inside the yard of the building with the girls having lessons...could be wrong as i look at that many book and pics...

thanks john...

Glad you liked them, I also spent a lot of time on Saltley station, waiting to see OCEAN which according to the train buffs was one of the rarer engines of I believe the jubilee class, I'm sure someone will correct me.
Here's 3 more from the same book, enjoy.
how amazing to see those old pics of nechells,-the green as we all new it, i remember the car sales, and the garage opposite, we used to sit on the bench in front looking over the green, i lived just up rocky lane on the left, just befor anthonys shop, the wootens lived just passed the car pitch next to the open entrance, the lovelands in the middle, im still in contact with tina, sends me all her corny jokes, the beehive was my mom and dads local, in fact i think my mom alma had her own seat where she would sell goodies from her basket, we would sit on the bench on a friday or saterday night, the voices getting louder before breaking into song, then the fighting as they started coming out, good fun, i must say, i was there in the sixties but the "lane" looks a bit smaller than i remember, and a bit rougher.
Does anyone have any idea why the picture area just says attached thumbnails? The picture never opens. All I can get on this thread is the photos on page 1. Its so frustrating.
I went to Cromwell nursery from age 3 and then on to school age 5 in 1958. I remember Mrs Wooley who loved us to tickle her feet when we were all sat on the floor listening to her tell a story. I remember being sent to Mr Taylor to read my books in order to get the next Dick, Dora Nip and Fluff book. Oh happy days!
It would appear that the photos were among those which got lost with the latest forum up-grade, possibly John could re-post.

Hi guys
did any of you guys worked at the saltley gas works in those days
i had a old friend whom worked there for years on the boilers named sid he was also a seargent in the territory army
and he was at thorpe st barracks i would presume he has died now he was getting on in those days [ age wise] is surname was hanson ;
and he came from aberdeen st winson green at that time i beleive he was brought up and born in gosta green birmingham
he maryed a lady from liverpool whom was related to dear old ken dodd
best wishes astonian ;;;;;
Great set of photos John the Albion Vaults is still there.I,ll save them hope you don,t mind. Dek
Thank you John I was so miffed to have missed them. Do you know when the problems with the site will be resolved?
I love this site, and all the people that want to help each other, just like the old days .
hello jakaan1,the brit and the beehive were my dads fav as well, and i remember fetching a jug of ale, 2 points, i used to know a family of bennets, used to go to charlie school, by a coincidence my friend and nieghbour is a billy bennet, his nephew has a skip hire bussiness, he tells me he did have relatives around nechells, know him,?? also, the millinery shop next to the beehive, do you remember the old guy who lived next door,? i thought between the shop and the beehive?? a great old guy, always used to talk to him about the war, normal as anything, then he would see a copper and go of on one, throwing a brick through a local window, im sure he put one through that shop once, haha.