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rocky lane island


Staff member
rocky lane island...with the beehive pub just visible....


pic courtesy of carl chinn birm lives.
Another great photo Lyn, it's hard to remember sometimes how places looked, there has been so much change over the years, it's hard to relate to the "old days".
so there was two behive pubs around aston then there was one next to the bee hive cafe on lichfield rd asto just yards from aston station and across from lovers walk
in the early years i am just racking my brains as to where the b,hive pub was on rocky lane island in fact i thinking where was the island on rocky lane
best wishes astonian ;
Morning all,
The island in question was the centre of Bloomsbury St., Rocky Lane, Charles Arthur St., Thimblemill Lane, Nechells Park Rd., and Nechells Place.
The Beehive was on the corner of Bloomsbury St., and Nechells Place facing Rocky Lane.
I had a paper round at the shop on the left Hughes (you can just see the canopy) in 1952.
Saltley Gas works next on the Inner Circle, I always thought it was Nechells Place also.

Nice photo Lyn
Hello Astonian,
The pub next to Aston Station,on the corner of Holborn Hill,was the Swanpool,it's a listed building,and still there, although they have changed the name.
I always thought it was High Park Corner.


Spot on Phi just looked at my old Street Map Of Brum the road going towards Saltley Gas works was Nechells Place ending at the junction of Saltley Road & Saltley Viaduct

Quite right, Nechells Place ran from Saltley Viaduct to Nechells Park Rd. Uphill all the way. Hence the junction being known as High Park Corner. I think another name it was known by was Nechells "Green" a laughable thought.

Here's a couple of photo's of the bottom Viaduct end of Nechells Place. Although the title referred to the whole Rd. Most people meant here when they said Nechells Place.

For a time for a reason akin to one of these photo's it became known as Saltley Gate. Which of course is the other side of the Viaduct.



  • Saltley Nechells Place 1972 .jpg
    Saltley Nechells Place 1972 .jpg
    118.5 KB · Views: 4
  • Saltley Saltley Place Garage .jpg
    Saltley Saltley Place Garage .jpg
    55.4 KB · Views: 4
If we went left and stayed on the No8 Bus, we were going to my Aunt Rose at Edmund Road Alum Rock if we got of the Bus a Saltley Gas works we were going to my Aunt Mabel in Saltley Road, happy days.
Hi Phil. The second photograph was that just over Saltley Bridge , just out of sight to the right would have been Nechells Place ? If it was, is it where there was a Scrap Car Business by the name of Ward and Peter's?

Both photo's are of the same location, the bottom end of Nechells place. I remember it well. I remember the bus stop that was outside the public toilets just out of view to the right. I have lost count of the times I have walked up that hill towards the Green and the El Greco Cafe.

Lyn and Phil. Once again, great pictures. I had completely forgotten about the island, and the pic from the coal dispute is brilliant. Barry.
Phil. Thanks you have re-assured me. Perhaps someone can tell me if there was a Ward and Peter's car dismantles on that corner. I have no idea of the date.
my pleasure barry..as you know its not quite my neck o the woods but i love to read other members memories.....


Both photo's are of the same location, the bottom end of Nechells place. I remember it well. I remember the bus stop that was outside the public toilets just out of view to the right. I have lost count of the times I have walked up that hill towards the Green and the El Greco Cafe.


On the left in the second photo is the Sportsman pub, been in there a few times.

It was always known to us as Nechells Green, like Phil said what a laugh.
3 photos ,courtesy of Carl Chinn.
1. Junctions of (from the left) Rocky Lane, Charles Arthur Street, and Thimblemill Lane.
2. Rocky Lane from the island.
3The world famous (in my dads eyes) Beehive.

Both photo's are of the same location, the bottom end of Nechells place. I remember it well. I remember the bus stop that was outside the public toilets just out of view to the right. I have lost count of the times I have walked up that hill towards the Green and the El Greco Cafe.


I'm sure there was a Horse Troth on the right as well
Hi lyn,
This area was like a 2nd home to me, I practically lived in those streets, in the first photo on the left is Hughes paper shop where I had a paper round,
and from where the photo of your post of the back of the lorry was taken.
To the right behind the phone box in Thimblemill Lane was Pows coal merchant where we used to get a barrowful of coal for 4/6 with 1/6 deposit on the barrow.
The Beehive was my dads 2nd home, he used to have a mate who used to call at our house in Cromwell St., on Sunday ,with a pony and trap to go to the pub.
Hi john ,
great pictures, i used the no 43 bus every day to go to school -charles arthur st 94-98
from gosta green TO NECHELLS GREEN Thanks terry
What memories those photos bought back.I walked those streets everyday to Bloomsbury Girls school from Malvern Hill road and later to Duddeston Manor Bilateral.There was a horse trough on the other side of the road,by the 43 bus stop city bound.I knew this location as Nechells Green ,and my Mom reckoned that the block of land with the bill board on was once a pet shop supplier that was bombed in the war and people were killed ,that,s why it was never built on.They reopened the shop in Nechells Park Road inbetween the Post Office and the Hardware Store in the row of shops between Butlin Street and Malvern Hill Road.I will ask my Aunty,she,s 93 and has lived in Nechells all her life.