Graham I read that dock leaves grow where ever there are stinnging nettles. Marvelous how everything is ther for a purpose Jean.
It did have a warning on the box, or at least the one my mother had in her cabinet did (c 1950s I should think). As you can see, i am a bit of a hoarder !!
Hi Arkrite, I am pretty my old Dad used Zambuck for his piles! in which case he would not have put it on his feet, BernardTalking of black stuff what about " Zambuck ". Yellow tin with black stripes you put it on you feet but don't know why. Any guesses?
Years ago went to Yugoslavia and trod on a sea urchin. The Pharmacia covered my foot in a black tar like goo. I reckon that was their version of Black Jack. It stained everything it touched. I left my own oil slick behind me.
You put the stuff in the tin on your feet not as I say in my second sentence.
Until the worse than preposterous "redevelopment" of Birmingham, especially city centre, during the 1960s - all the brutality that involved as evisceration of quality of life - there were at least two herbalists operating as herbal practitioners as well. One was on Broad Street and the other somewhere about what is now the Big Top.
Other than chiropractors, osteopaths, the herbalist was a stalwart for many.
Any memories?