Maria - I can personally attest to dandelion relieving the pain of gall-bladder problems: once, after having a nagging, and occasionally sharp pain for a few days, it developed into an UNBEARABLE pain, and I was whisked away by ambulance to hospital. Once x-rayed and diagnosed, as having an inflamed and distorted gall-bladder, I remembered my mum's old dandelion-remedies and sent my wife out-side to search in the hospital gardens for some dandelions (she thought I was demented too!)
I chewed a couple of leaves and the pain subsided; each day I ate a few more leaves and, when it came for another x-ray, prior to my operation, it was found that my gall-bladder was no longer inflamed, and had returned to it's proper shape! The surgeon was amazed, and, was highly amused at my explanation. My operation was cancelled!
When I saw the specialist a few weeks later, at out-patients, he told me that he'd done a bit of research and discovered that dandelion had indeed been used for centuries for gall-bladder complaints...and he intended to carry-out his own studies.
Mind you, I had to drastically adjust my diet too ... as there is invariably a 'cause' for any ailment; but a 'low-fat' diet and a regular inclusion of dandelion - either as leaves, or as a coffee (made from the dried, and then roasted roots) eventually cured my problem. Proprietary dandelion coffee, although again, not as efficacious as 'home-made' is STILL very good ... I have the occasional cup if I have over-indulged on fatty-foods; or even better, just chow-down on a leaf or two. And yes, it does tastes pretty awful, but you get used to it - more or less!
Ps. If given the choice, try NOT to collect dandelions from the hospital car-park .... too many dogs cocking their legs! But hey, 'needs must when the devil drives'!
I chewed a couple of leaves and the pain subsided; each day I ate a few more leaves and, when it came for another x-ray, prior to my operation, it was found that my gall-bladder was no longer inflamed, and had returned to it's proper shape! The surgeon was amazed, and, was highly amused at my explanation. My operation was cancelled!
When I saw the specialist a few weeks later, at out-patients, he told me that he'd done a bit of research and discovered that dandelion had indeed been used for centuries for gall-bladder complaints...and he intended to carry-out his own studies.
Mind you, I had to drastically adjust my diet too ... as there is invariably a 'cause' for any ailment; but a 'low-fat' diet and a regular inclusion of dandelion - either as leaves, or as a coffee (made from the dried, and then roasted roots) eventually cured my problem. Proprietary dandelion coffee, although again, not as efficacious as 'home-made' is STILL very good ... I have the occasional cup if I have over-indulged on fatty-foods; or even better, just chow-down on a leaf or two. And yes, it does tastes pretty awful, but you get used to it - more or less!
Ps. If given the choice, try NOT to collect dandelions from the hospital car-park .... too many dogs cocking their legs! But hey, 'needs must when the devil drives'!