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Prince Of Wales Cambridge Street

hi again if you read from post 65 on this thread a few of us have put together bits of info for you including newspaper articles.. photos of the pub and a list of previous landlords...not sure if they are any use to you but hope so...looking forward to the opening day

hi again if you read from post 65 on this thread a few of us have put together bits of info for you including newspaper articles.. photos of the pub and a list of previous landlords...not sure if they are any use to you but hope so...looking forward to the opening day

Been looking at all the info posted with great interest, this is just what we need, thanks once again! We can't wait to welcome everybody at the bar... Hopefully my next post on this thread will be announcing the opening date. Please come and introduce yourself when you come to visit, so glad I found the Birmingham history forum :)
Been looking at all the info posted with great interest, this is just what we need, thanks once again! We can't wait to welcome everybody at the bar... Hopefully my next post on this thread will be announcing the opening date. Please come and introduce yourself when you come to visit, so glad I found the Birmingham history forum :)
Also, I did previousy find a list of landlords that listed the Gibbons family as the earliest tenants, to my dismay I have not saved the i
Below is the list I have extracted from directories. Will try and add to it later. note particularly that in the 1862 directory the pub is named the Fox & Hounds

Prince of Wales, Cambridge St

Below is a list of landlords for the pub. The date of the directory items is the publication date and in later directories is usually taken as referring to the year before, but in ealier directories it could refer to an even earlier year, as can be seen from the lack of entries for the two 1855 directories.


D = directory; N= newspaper report

1854(D) George Littlewood

It does not seem to appear in the 1855 PO or White's directories

1858(D) Mary Lowe

1862(D) Benjamin Gaunt (Was named as the Fox & Hounds)

1867-1873(D) Joseph Gunn

1876(D) George Chapman

1878(D) Thomas Smith

1879(D) David Reid

1880-1882(D) George Gibbons

1883-1884(D) Henry Thomas Tyler

1888-1892(D) William Ware

1895-1900(D) Alfred Hill

1903-1908(D) Joseph Humphreys

1910(D) Keeling Birch

1912-1915(D) Arthur Polton

1921(D) Ernest Parsons

1924(D) Thomas Bradley

1932(D) Frederick Carl W.Skipp

1933-1936(D) Thomas Rose

1937-1939(D) John Packwood

1940-1946(D) Mrs Polly Packwood

1947-1949(D) Benjamin Jones

1950 (D) Bernard Yarnold

1955 (D) Bert S.Jones

1956-1958(D) Harold Newby
Great to see this list, thank you for sharing... If anyone can take us up to the present day I shall do my best to have a comprehensive list of previous landlords up in the pub. Cheers!
glad the info is of use to you and yes i am quite sure that apart from myself there will be other members who will be calling in when you are open again i know that mikejee who compiled the list of previous landlords for you is hoping to visit asap...:) i could be wrong but i think that you will have to go to the libary and check up on the electoral rolls to obtain landlords names after the last year that mike found as i think past that year they are not available online but maybe mike can confirm this for you

Thank you for reminding me Lyn
There are two further dates available from the online electoral rolls
Wilson F.Barratt & his wife Florence were there in 1960 & 1962.
However, as Lyn says, for later dates you will have to go to the library to access the electoral rolls
thanks for the photos mike..i believe you were in there lunchtime..i popped in one of the evenings last week as i was over that way and it was pretty low on customers then...i would think that all the rebuilding work could be affecting trade at the moment so hopefully it will pick up in time...word needs to get out that this pub is now open again so we have done our bit and we wish them well because pubs like this which must have seen so much history especially being so close to the canals deserves to stay open and do well..:):)

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Very nicely turned out, I must say. On a sad note, Linda Semp, who used to organise the Sunday afternoon sessions at the PoW and at other venues, passed away recently. She was a very keen and enthusiastic promoter of amateur live music in Birmingham.

The main problem with Sunday afternoons at the PoW was it got so crowded you could hardly move in there; not a place for the claustrophobic.

I note that Steve Ajao is at the PoW on New Year's Eve - very much worth seeing (and hearing!) - if you can get in, that is. One of Brum's great promoters of blues and roots.

Hi all, I have just checked back in here to see if there is any more info on the pub and I am so pleased to see that it has been restored and re-opened.

It is special to me as my great grandparents lived next door, but what is just as important is that we don't see anymore of Birmingham's history demolished and we celebrate what we have. I am hoping to visit the pub soon and I would like to see some of the live music.

Thanks to the landlord for communicating with the forum, and thanks again to the forum for providing me with some fantastic information.

Nice photos and glad to see they are promoting live music. I was last in there in 2014, but spent many hoours in there when I worked in Brum. Bit too far for me to come now alas.

Hi Kat if there's any other archive material at the pub, we'd be very pleased to hear about it. If you see any old docs/photos on the wall, might be nice to see any - but don't want to put you to too much trouble. Many thanks. Viv.
Hello, My grandfather was Joseph Humphreys about 1904. I believe that is the name that is blotted out. If anyone has any information/photos I'd be delighted.
Have added some extra details from the newspapers. You will see there is some difference as to exactly when John Beddowes left.

Prince of Wales , Cambridge St

Below is a list of landlords for the pub. The date of the directory items is the publication date and in later directories is usually taken as referring to the year before, but in ealier directories it could refer to an even earlier year, as can be seen from the lack of entries for the two 1855 directories.


D = directory; N= newspaper report

1854(D) George Littlewood

He applied for a spirits licence on 8th sept.1854(N). As, on his bankruptcy, in March and April 1855, he is stated to have been at the Fox & hounds for 2 years, he must have been there in 1853 (N)

It does not seem to appear in the 1855 PO or White's directories. Possibly after Littlewood left it was not used as a pub

1858 John Beddowes is landlord . Pub lease for sale in august 1858(N)

1859 John Beddowes. Bankruptcy petition staes he was at F & H up till about February 1859 (N)

1858(D) Mary Lowe

1862(D) Benjamin Gaunt (Was named as the Fox & Hounds)

Daughter reported died Dec, 1863 (N)

1867-1873(D) Joseph Gunn

Applied for licence on 23rd 8.1867 (N)

Licence transferred to Chapman 6.8.1874. Described as Prince of Wales (N)

1876(D) George Chapman

Licence transferred to Smith on 5.4.1877 (N)

Smith came fro Sherborne Tavern Sherborne St (N)

1878(D) Thomas Smith

Cannot find licence transfer from Thomas Smith, but there is the licence application by a Thomas Smith for the Rose & Crown, Brearly St West on 2.8.1878, which may be the same person (N)

1879(D) David Reid

Licence transferred from David Read to George Gibbons on 2.10.1879 (N)

1880-1882(D) George Gibbons

(George Gibbons applies for licence for Brown lion essex st on St on 4.8.1882 (N))

Licence given to Thomas Tyler ( no mention of previous landlord) on 6.4.1882 (N)

1883-1884(D) Henry Thomas Tyler

1884 Licence taken over by Henry Wallington 4.12.1884(N)

1888-1892(D) William Ware

March 1890 advertised for lease by Holt Brewery (N)

Ware was prosecuted for, on 6.11.1891, permitting drunkenness and supplying drink to a drunken person (N)

1892 William Ware won a dispute regarding payment from a money club he ran, because the club was illegal !

1895-1900(D) Alfred Hill

1903-1908(D) Joseph Humphreys

1910(D) Keeling Birch

1912-1915(D) Arthur Polton

In 1946 Arthur Polton's death was announced and it was stated that he started the Crescent Wheeler cycle club at the Prince of Wales pub (N)

1921(D) Ernest Parsons

1924(D) Thomas Bradley

1932(D) Frederick Carl W.Skipp

1933-1936(D) Thomas Rose

1937-1939(D) John Packwood

John Packwood died Sept 1939 (N)

1940-1946(D) Mrs Polly Packwood

1947-1949(D) Benjamin Jones

1950 (D) Bernard Yarnold

1955 (D) Bert S.Jones

1956-1958(D) Harold Newby
Joseph Humphreys was my grandfather. Any further information would be much appreciated.
I think this was taken inside the Prince Of Wales in about 1980. The painting on the wall looks to be called "The Combat" I think. Wonder if the painting is still at the pub somewhere ? Plenty of drinking going on judging by the number of glasses !! A lunchtime leaving 'do'.
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