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Photos - Uploading

You have just done something I can't do. Congratulations oldmohawk. There is no need to remove it, it's one of my favourite spots on the Stourbridge Canal in Wordsley. It still though, doesn't answer the question I posed, as to why I can no longer post pictures from this computer directly onto the Forums, no matter what format I use. The problem seems to be with my PCs IP Address, which could be due to an accidental slip of a finger on a keyboard, flagging it up as suspect. I will try what you suggest, but I simply can't keep all my pictures on Coppermine, can I.
the problem isn't with the forum, post an image on another forum one you cant post here give me the address of the posted image and ill download it and take a look. too big.PNG

This is what error the forum gives if i try to upload a file that's too big, as for file types all the standard image types are supported inc png. (as the one above is)
There is no reason why you cannot store your pics in Coppermine which is on a BHF server and you appear to have no difficulty uploading to it. I use it quite often and have lots of pics on it.

The problem with that is, a great big message appears across the bottom of the picture, which stays with it on a download, making it unusable for use elsewhere, and obscuring any written text I may have added to it. i.e location, date, history, etc. I have used Coppermine before, but again, this is the first time I have encountered this. Pictures of interest always get nicked at some stage oldMohawk, thats the nature of todays modern world, and I don't blame anyone for putting on a name or logo. I suffered the same fate many years ago as this forum did, and lost a load of material, I haven't made the same mistake since. Thanks for all your help, all very useful stuff, which I'm sure has helped others with a similar problem.
Blackcountrymuse, I have been a member for nearly 8 years, am 86 years old and have little understanding of modern high tech but have no trouble whatsoever in uploading images, occasionally I may have to resize them but that's no problem and as mikejee states it works for everyone else. Eric
rename the file to something like upload.png and try it again let me know if it works.

Nothing Warren, it still won't accept any pictures from me. I have taken oldMohawks advice, and uploaded a further 23 photographs to Coppermine, if anyone can find a use for them on here, please feel free, because I can't upload from there either.
I definitely think there is something wrong with my connection to this site. I took your advice Oldmohawk and tried to open the IMG's (I was logged in) but with no success so I followed your link to this thread and had to log in again. Very strange!
Also, I don't get alerts through to my email since the site overhaul. I check in regularly and they appear on the opening screen.
Thanks for trying to help, just hope I don't miss anything!
Hi Lady P,

I think you are inadvertently logged into the https version of the forum. I have just tried an experiment clearing all cookies etc and logging into the https version and then I could not see the images.

Log out of the forum then ..

Try a log into the https version by pasting (or entering) the line below into the address bar of your browser and press return.
This will give you a clean log in to the https version.

I'm using the Chrome browser but could also try it with Edge and even IE11 if necessary,
The problem is caused because the links to the images have the https address.
If necessary I can do some screenshots.

ps. alternatively you can log out, close your browser, then re-start it, and while logged out click the link above and this should open the https version and then log in to it.

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Depends on your phone. If you can connect to the Internet via your phone then it is just type message and then upload files. It may be you can connect the phone via USB port and upload from there. If I do that my phone works like a memory stick. If you can't do either then it gets complicated.
I do it from an iPhone and iPad as below ...
Type a message,
Then touch the 'Upload a File' button,
Find the pic thumbnail in it's folder in the phone (usually Camera Roll)
Touch it and a blue tick appears
Touch 'Done' and you will see the pic uploading.
Touch 'full image' if you want the pic to show big
Touch 'Post Reply'

I have the free Microsoft OneDrive app in my phone which automatically transfers pics to my Windows computers or my iPad. I take pics while I'm out and when I get home they are already in my PC or iPad. My phone has no USB socket.
I mostly post from iPad or PC ... larger keyboards ... and editing easier ...

The best thing to do is find the forum practice area and have go !
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It's been some time since I uploaded a photo and have searched for such a topic but can't find one. Could someone kindly remind me how please?
This information is a little old, what is the current best practise for posting pictures? Insert in the message or upload elsewhere and use a link?
Tony, I type message then click 'attach files', click 'open' on selected file/pic, then select thumbnail or full. Eric
My usual method too, Eric, but today it doesn't seem to want to work. Clicking "attach file" doesn't do anything. May be me. Still mucking about with it.


(PS Chrome was playing up - OK in Edge....so it was me, not the system
PPS If anyone else has a similar problem - no reaction when you click Attach File - I found it to be a Chrome Extension named Search Encrypt which had infiltrated itself. Removed it and all is well)
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I use exactly the same method as Eric does. One thing to remember is before clicking 'thumbnail' or 'full' position your pointer where you want the picture to appear. If your pointer is left between words etc then your pic would appear there.
If your post does not look like you want it use 'Edit' which can delete pics if your want to. Useful if you accidently attached the wrong pic.
cookie273uk, i'll have to work out the difference between posting a thumbnail and full image :)
I was more concerned over bandwidth, if you post the pics then BHF take all the traffic, if you use a hosting site it reduces BHF traffic. As a newbie i don't know if BHF have any worries over traffic.
Would also like to know if there's any rules or recommendations for image/file sizes
Tony, this question cropped up fairly recently and the official comment was that the Forum has no real problem with bandwidth. I still tend to try to limit myself to around 200kb as that seems adequate for the vast majority of images posted but it does seem that there isn't much concern if it goes well over that.

Difference between thumbnail and full is that if you select thumbnail the image will appear in the post as just that and anyone viewing the post will need to click on the thumbnail to see the expanded image. Alternatively, full will give the viewer full size without any further action.

Just to add that 200kb is usually ample size for the forum, but for certain items, such as a very large map, the forum seems to accept up to 1 mb
Life can be so complicated, I l like simplicity and my way in post #20 is just that and works every time even in repeat multiple images. Eric
Hi Jean,
If you are using Windows try Eric's method below which uses the Windows built-in Paint program.

If you are using an iPad or iPhone try emailing it to yourself this automatically reduces file size. I just tried this and it reduced a 5.1Mb screenshot pic to 133Kb. The limit on the forum is 1Mb.
I find the following way the easiest to 'down size' pics/files for uploading
(1) right click on selected pic
(2)click 'open with'
(3) click 'paint'
(4) press Control and letter W together, in the resulting box reduce from 100% to (say) 50%, click OK click 'x' in top right hand corner. Eric
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