Hi, Maryd, I was at Beeches Secondary between 1954 and 1959. Mr. McShane was, I believe, the only MA in the school at that time. Do you recognize any of the children in the photos?Hello Graham, ahh, yes, what a great teacher. As you say, strict, but fair. Wow, M.A....Wonder why he took the post. So, so glad he did.
Hello, I was in Mr.McShane's class during the '50s. I remember everyone you mention. Yes...on several occasions Mr McShane would ask me to get him his "Capstan Full Strength" cigarettes. On one occasion there was none of his favourite brand in stock and because I was "scared" to go back empty handed, I brought him a different kind. Back at school, I handed him the ciggies and explained the situation. He replied, "Blinkin' Senior Service. I hate those!" He took them anyway!Hi Mary, you are right It was infants, my friend Craig because of his size was sent by Mr McShane regularly to cottage stores to get his capstan full strength cigarettes and to put a bet on the horses, can you imagine that today, Miss Lloyd singing lessons, Mr Linnell for geography, Jones and Evans science and Mr Varty for art, Mr Cauldicot used to strike fear with his liberal use of the cane, what memories that brings back. Best wishes, Graham.
One of the P.E teachers for a while was Mr. John Kennedy. He apparently played cricket for Warwickshire. One day, in the gym, we were doing leaps over the "horse". When it was my turn to be a supporter, I accidentally let go of the leaping kid's arm (can't remember who he was) and he fell. Ohhh. Mr. Kennedy was so annoyed with me, he made me bend down and he kicked my backside in front of the gym class !!Hi Simmo, I remember the hot cocoa, but I thought that was Junior school. Maybe not then. Don't remember Mr Francis, I can't have been taught by him,but strangely I do remember the saying you mention. Teachers who taught me were: Miss Doogood, Mr Linnell, Mr Everleigh, Miss Crawford,Mr Newell, Mr Cauldicott, Miss Lloyd, Mr Jones, Mr Evans, Mr Varty, and the fantastic Mr P J McShane. Can't remember the D.S. or P.E names. Oh yes, and there was a horrible needlework teacher called Baker I think.
Best wishes
Yes...I remember that warning too. Another version, "You have been warned. Next time you will be warmed!" - Mr. Francis again!I remember miss doogood , I was in miss Best`s class and do you remember the large enamel jugs and plastic cups for our hot cocoa in the mornings, my later class was with mr Francis who`s catchphrase was " you have been warned you will be warmed "reference to being caned .
If your photos are to big to upload, make a copy and reduce the size in a program like paint. Check the size of the "photo file" by right-clicking on the photo, and see what memory it uses. This should do the trick.Welcome Harry and Pash. Harry, a quick guide to uploading photos to the site from Phil posted today is below. Viv.
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Yes, if I remember, he did have trembling/tremors. I believe it was as a result of his involvement in WW2, like so many others, of course.Hi Graham, I don't recognize anyone in your photos, but then I didn't get there until '62. Did Mr McShane have a bit of a head shake when you knew him? I wondered if it was onset Parkinsons - or maybe it was just the ciggies! Will be offline for a few days now.
Hello Doug. What year and class would this be ?Hi everyone, I can name a few on this group photo, it's me top far left, next to me is Watson (can't remember his first name ) we called him Vatson, 5th from the top left is Len ?? think he went on to be a hairdresser in Witton, on top row last on right is Hawkins, the teacher in the middle is Mr Wyatt, he was form teacher and woodwork, also very strict. front row 2nd left think he's David Baker whose mother was school secretary, and on the front row on the right is Clive. I recognise all the faces but the names escape me.Can anyone else identify or confirm these people.cheers Doug Baker
Just catching up on these posts. So interesting. Mr McShane took a group of us to the theatre one Saturday afternoon. Prunella Scales was one of the actors in a Shakespearean play. I was mesmerized. My family were not the type to go to the theatre. I loved it. He was a bit scary but a good teacher. On a school outing, my friend Dorothy drew a face on the back of his head while he was asleep.
My Brother was in the H.M.S Pinafore I went to see him act in it so funnyHi,
What a great photo to have. It looks to me as though the children were a bit younger than I was. I would have been in 4th year at the time. I have a vague recollection of the production being rehearsed, but better recollections of "H.M.S. Pinafore", in which some of my class certainly performed. Funny, because I wasn't interested at the time, - then a few months later I went to see Edward II at Birmingham Rep on a free ticket and went into acting myself after that. Mostly amateur, but I did do some semi-professional as well, so at least I knew I was all right at it. I was talked into doing a scene from "Twelfth Night" on the main stage, in which I played Olivia and was awful I expect, but I don't remember any photos being taken - luckily!
Hello,My Brother was in the H.M.S Pinafore I went to see him act in it so funny
I will see if I can rummage a photo out of him at near to that ageHello,
Clifford must have been there at the same time as me, 1962. I started in 1A, I can’t recall his name. It was funny you saying Arty Varty, that came back to me in a flash. I remember most of the teachers names that you mention.
Molly Crawford History Mr Bloxham french Mr West Woodwork Mr Waddley boys P.E who I met again at Christopher Whiteheads in Worcester when my middle daughter was thereI was a Perry Beeches scholar I was there from 1969- 1974 I remember Mr Edge, Mr Caldicot Miss Lloyd Mr Newel, Arty Varty, Mr Jefferson P.J.McShane Mr Evans Mr Jones Hr Hall Mr Ford a few more whose names escape me. My brother Clifford Commander went there as well 7 years before me and my cousins Linda Salt Jill Gregory and Lynn Gregory
I terrorised the right of way with my old moggy 1000 I learnt to drive in I bought for £4 but it saved me loads in driving lessons My second car was the escort and I always wanted a mini all taken on the right of wayI was at Beeches road until 1960 and have to say they were the worst years of my life. I lived in the Grove that shared the right of way with Derrydown and have great memories of my 25 years living there especially my time at Dorrington road infants and juniors.