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Parents of our parents.

Here are my 2 sets of grandparents. First are my paternal ones, it's nice to see Granddad Tom smiling, he was not a very demonstrative man. The second shows my maternal ones at a Coronation party. I think Granddad George is a little self conscious in that outfit.:rolleyes:
Lovely photos David - I particularly like the Union Jack outfit!!

Yes NAS, most times people didn't smile in these old photos did they? They took it all very seriously, in fact I don't think I have one photo of my granddad smiling at all. Mind you he always seemed very strict to me when I was small. I agree with you - this is one of my favourite threads.

I love both pics of your grandparents but the first is my favourite. The look on your grandmother's face as she looks at her husband is clearly one of love and devotion. It is so nice to see that and so rare in photos of that era. They must have loved each other very much, indeed! Thank you for sharing with us.

They are lovely photo's David. Very often the men of this generation were not demonstrative in public.This was common when you talk to people now about their childhood. I remember my father was very different at home to the way he was with his business colleagues.
Have found out my dads mothers memorial card and now know her name at last. the other must be my dads grandads memorial. Bye. Jean.
Thanks for your comments Judy, NAS and Wendy.:)
NAS, I too like the first pic as my Grandad was a very quiet man and Nan Liz was a bit of a tartar! So both expressions are precious. As Wendy says not many of this generation were demonstrative.
My Grandfather, William Walker, top left corner, Mom's father, as well as his siblings and my great grandparents on Mom's side.

Thank you Isabell. I am fortunate, indeed, to have a good number of old photos, some very old, such as this one. I need to take some of the others out of the frames and scan them. When I do, I'll post them here.

Beautiful photographs,things to treasure.

A few months ago a distant relative ,met online through Genes,sent me a photo of my Dads grandmother.

I sat in front of the computer with all sorts of emotions running through my head.
How much she looked like Dad and how I could see myself in her.

I was still sitting there when Steve brought me a cup of tea,looked at the screen and said "Blimey,whose that ugly old B****r".
Here is my great grandmother, Matilda Poolton. She died in April 1914 in Rosebery Street of Nephritus Aged 49.
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Mr Great Grandfather, Richard Poolton with his sons. Richard died in October 1914 Aged 57 of "Shock from falling downstairs while in fainting condition". His wife (see previous photo) had died in April 1914.
I guess this photo of Richard was taken not long before he died, judging by the clothing?
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I love looking at all these old photos. There is such a sense of history and family continuity about them. A peek into all of our pasts.

Alberta, what did you do when Steve asked you "Who's that ugly b*****?" I'm not sure if I would have been indignant or sat laughing.

Charlie, wonderful pictures of your ancestors.

:redface: Alberta tell your Steve I'll give him a slap. It's only recently that I have been able to study my old photo's of relatives because certain things upset me but I am so glad I have. I feel it a duty to make them part of history and not treat them as though they have never existed. Bye for now. Jean. :(
Wonderful photos everyone and so good to see. Alberta you made me laugh with your husband's comments :D Mind you, as I get older, I see my mother looking at me every time I look in the mirror these days, and see the family resemblance. I would love to be able to see photos of all my ancestors - wouldn't that be great!
My Grandmother looking rather austere, another one of her with my step grandfather. I wish I had a photo of my Granddad..:shocked:
They all looked so austere and serious in the photos back then. I wonder if it's that they were uncomfortable having their photo taken or that life was just harder back then and they didn't smile as much or perhaps the photographer didn't tell them to "Say cheese!"

My grandfather Sam Chapman, with my mom. Taken in the entry of their house in Icknield Street. Grandad was once a regular soldier.
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Here is a picture of my great great grandparents, who died in the 1920s in Acocks Green both in thier 80s. and thier son my great grandfather with some diploma,s he won for gardening. He lived in Lily Rd. Yardley and had 18 kids.
Further to the pic of my grandparents in Union Jack costumes, here are 3 more. It seems that my nan used to make the costumes. First one she's at the front, I think one or more of the men are her brothers but not sure, the second and third have my aunt and uncle at the front. The first could be in Alleyne Road and the other two are almost certainly Bromford Lane.
I have just spent the last half hour or so looking at this thread from start to finish, absolutely absorbing, this is really what the site is about -FAMILY HISTORY - the different eras and clothes - I do envy those of you who have photographs of your ancestors, I have just one of my maternal grandma as a young woman, and one of her in old age at my eldest sister's wedding, none of my grandad, or my father's parents. Perhaps someday one of my long lost cousins will be able to give me some.
That's how I found the pictures of my great-grandparents, Sylvia.
Long lost cousins found me via Genes Reunited - so never give up hope!
I have made contact with a number of second cousins through GR and other means, but no luck so far with photos, I think they must have been camera shy!!
This is a photo of my Grandparents restored by kind members of the site,It means a lot me as I never knew them. They married in 1915,so I would think it was taken around then.
John and David what fantastic photo's. I feel so privilaged to have started this thread not thinking there would be so many people with wonderful photo's like these. I enjoy a bit of banter but as Sylvia said this is what the site is all about. TTFN Jean.
Lloy have just gone back and looked through al of the photo's and am not sure if I thanked you for iproveing my photo's if not not I am doing it now. Jean.