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Old street pics..

This is a tram not a trolley bus. A tram runs on rails a trolley bus runs on rubber tyres. A trolley bus has two trolley arms whereas a tram has only one or a bow collector like the tram in the picture 2390 or a pantagraph on a modern tram. The sign at the side of the road is a temporary bus or tram stop.
Thank You. Would Horse drawn trams look different.?
Thank You. Would Horse drawn trams look different.?

Apart from not having any electrical overhead pickup equipment, no. Trams are normally double ended whereas trolley buses have to be turned round at the terminus like any bus. You will find single ended trams in some continental cities but they naturally would have to have turning circles like the one that used to be at the Lickeys.
The sign on the tram Chunky is Ask for St Martins Chucky Marmalade.

That was the day's maralade taste of orange with the peal in on a piece of crusty toasted bread done over an open grate.

Makes you feel hungry.

Is this a trolley bus as apposed to a tram. I know trolley buses didn't run on rails. They had them in Southsea. I remember sining Good King Wenseslas looked out in a Mini Minor, bumped in to a trolley bus and landed up in China, Good King Wenselas looked out, IN an Austin Seven, Bumped into a trolley bus and landed up in heaven, Standard Eight, gate etc. Also what was Chunky? As on the bus/tram? Note the height of the sign on the left. Anything under head height would be vandalised now.
Hi Roverman I wonder if our paths ever crossed.I lived in Hartopp Road 1926 - 1956.I went to Saltley College School 1937-1940
Apart from not having any electrical overhead pickup equipment, no. Trams are normally double ended whereas trolley buses have to be turned round at the terminus like any bus. You will find single ended trams in some continental cities but they naturally would have to have turning circles like the one that used to be at the Lickeys.
There was a tram turner in Cov in my district I am told. It is now a little island with a clock on it.
Hi Roverman I wonder if our paths ever crossed.I lived in Hartopp Road 1926 - 1956.I went to Saltley College School 1937-1940
Hi Harry, I lived in Bridge Road 1942 - 1951 and went to Leigh Road School Washwood Heath. I remember the small general store in Hartopp Road where we got our milk etc. also used the "British
Restaurant" that was in the old college.Later 1950-51, I had a company van( Civic Radio Services ) which I used to garage in a lock-up in Bridge Road , just down from the "Country Girl" ( No parking in the street in those days )
Regards Reg .
Hole in one Derek your neck of the woods I think I went to Alston Road Scool they taught me geography how to spell and rub out , I lived down the bottom of Charles Road by Bordesley Green till I was 13 Derek so I've walked up there a few times myself