No 45 in 1890 was J.H.Reddan & co, gas engineers, but this photo was obviously taken after that, as there is the sign "Davis Garage" just observable on the other side of the road. In 1921 & 1924 editions no 35½ Whittall st (about the right position) was Bertram Davis, motor engineer, and then no 45 was the home of Alfred Henry Leaney, and immediately to the left was the General Hospital. Davis is not listed in the 1915 Kellys, and in 1932 it has changed hands to Victor Davis, so could be either. Leaney and Davis are still there till 1940 edition, but by 1943 Davis has gone, and no 45 has another occupant. Below is a c 1903 map showing no 45 in red and a blue arrow by no 35½ , where photo was taken en from.