It was either clarkie from ledsam street from Ladywood just over the road from there or it was parkies from heath street Winston green
Saying that it could have been moulties also from heath street Winston green by lat quid on the bet it was old Clarke he was the nearest
To the site still we will never know whom got the jewel of the riches whom ever it was they would have been local
I could not see the well-known ones from summer lane nor farm street being g there , no names mentionioned on that one
Only people whom knew the family name from those areas would know whom I mean, Astonian,,,,,
It was either clarkie from ledsam street from Ladywood just over the road from there or it was parkies from heath street Winston green
Saying that it could have been moulties also from heath street Winston green by lat quid on the bet it was old Clarke he was the nearest
To the site still we will never know whom got the jewel of the riches whom ever it was they would have been local
I could not see the well-known ones from summer lane nor farm street being g there , no names mentionioned on that one
Only people whom knew the family name from those areas would know whom I mean, Astonian,,,,,