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Old street pics..

now thats a lovely pic dennis..thanks for posting on here thats another one i would have missed..


thanks again dennis my favourite has to be pic 3...that wonderful building on the right is no longer there
John Bright Street and Greens Village.jpg!!!!++++++++++++Staniforth Street.jpgHere's a couple I haven't seen before John Bright Street and the entrance to Greens Village , the old Irish quarter ,and Staniforth Street only seen the corner of this before
Nice ones Bernie....Love the shot of Greens Village...same house as in the 1889, more ubiquitous one below....

John Bright St Navigation St 1888.jpg

....and it featured on the Alleyways Thread last week when this one of old houses in Beak Street popped up....
Beak Street Nos 10-13 copy.jpg

and mikejee posted an old map of that area, which shows the old Green's Village areas adjacent to Beak Street marked...

Greens Village Map 1899 Beak St .jpg
cracking pic of staniforth st bernie...i know someone who will be delighted to see that one...


Thanks for posting the photo of Staniforth Street Bernie, my dad and his parents and siblings lived at 2 court, 4 Staniforth Street for years. Would No.4 be at the top left hand of the street? I only vaguely visiting once when I was quite young, my grandma had died before I was born and there was some falling out with my grandad which I have never been able to find out about.
Sorry Sylvia I don't know I've just put a few pics that I seem to remember people looking for I'm sure Mike or Phil will be able to help with the position the house
makes me weep dennis to see what has replaced the wonderful exchange building..i can never accept the reason for demolishing buildings like that was to benefit the city....

There;s always the problem with court numbers. Was it no 2 court 4 Staniforth st, or no 4 court 2. Court 2 was usually described as being accessed between nos 8 and 9 staniforth st, so was not back of no 4 Staniforth st. You can see this on the map below. Potter st across the bottom. another similar map slightly north of this shows court 4 just north of fisher st:


Great photo of the Exchange Building in Stephenson Street Dennis. What a beautiful building that was. Who was the statue of? I can remember a couple of telephone kiosks that stood about there in the 1960's but there was no statue there then.

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Yes the Small Heath Singer factory became the Rootes (then Chrysler UK) parts centre for all Rootes cars. I was at Rootes from 1969.
Thanks Carolina and Dennis for your information. And another great photo Dennis - plenty of detail in that one!
