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Going totally random now this is the barman at the Britannia Inn, Hampton Street / Tower Street in the 1920's, love the moustache, the apron and the size of the till behind him.

View attachment 186284
My Dad had a till exactly like that it was a "National" and he swapped it for a till that had been converted to the decimal system, I'm sure the chap that took it off our hands got the best of the deal. The new "second hand" till was just like Arkwright's, it slammed shut so quickly and it's a wonder it never caught anyone's hand in it! ;) The National was something like this:
My Dad had a till exactly like that it was a "National" and he swapped it for a till that had been converted to the decimal system, I'm sure the chap that took it off our hands got the best of the deal. The new "second hand" till was just like Arkwright's, it slammed shut so quickly and it's a wonder it never caught anyone's hand in it! ;) The National was something like this:
View attachment 186328
Made by National Cash Register Company. Yes, some of those are worth a "pretty penny".
Merry Christmas to everyone for your assistance, comments and support in the last twelve months on my two threads. :heart:

I have spent the last few days tidying and thinning down more pictures for you.
I came across the following picture - Colmore Row in front of the Council House, my Question, plenty to see, we see Queen Victoria which I assume is the statue that is there now, but my question, I assume the other statue is Prince Albert, where is that statue now? and where is the column that is there also, with the decoration on the top?

Merry Christmas to everyone for your assistance, comments and support in the last twelve months on my two threads. :heart:

I have spent the last few days tidying and thinning down more pictures for you.
I came across the following picture - Colmore Row in front of the Council House, my Question, plenty to see, we see Queen Victoria which I assume is the statue that is there now, but my question, I assume the other statue is Prince Albert, where is that statue now? and where is the column that is there also, with the decoration on the top?

View attachment 187185
Another view in 1937

City Victoria Square 1937 .jpg
The column looks like St George and the dragon, but no idea about this one! Queen Victoria was originally in marble, but acid rain damaged the statue which was replaced by a bronze. I certainly remember the black grimed buildings and choking air throughout the West Midlands.
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I also have vivid memories of soot black buildings and foggy days. Everyone burnt coal if they could afford it.
I also remember walking my bicycle from Six ways Aston to Witton island with a number 5 bus following me. The driver could not see the kerb from his cab. At Witton Island he abandoned the journey. The passengers had to continue on foot as it was deemed unsafe to drive. I continued home still on foot. I have told my son and grandchildren about the smog we used to endure every winter, I am not convinced that they believe me.
I also have vivid memories of soot black buildings and foggy days. Everyone burnt coal if they could afford it.
I also remember walking my bicycle from Six ways Aston to Witton island with a number 5 bus following me. The driver could not see the kerb from his cab. At Witton Island he abandoned the journey. The passengers had to continue on foot as it was deemed unsafe to drive. I continued home still on foot. I have told my son and grandchildren about the smog we used to endure every winter, I am not convinced that they believe me.
There were many days like that I recall in the 1950’s!
Most older buildings were still lacking TLC when I left in the 1980s. They look much nicer these days, and you can more easily appreciate the decorative details.
Victoria was cast in bronze in 1951 and Edward Vll removed with the remodelling of the square. I see from old photos that Victoria Sq used to contain other statues, George Dawson and Robert Peel which moved to other locations. Anyone track down the white column with a bronze (of George & Dragon??) on top? Did it remain until 1951? Or did it go earlier?
William Bloye recast Victoria in 1951. I remember seeing her statue as dark in colour in the late 1950s from the window of Jo Lyons cafe opposite.
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Victoria was cast in bronze in 1951 and Edward Vll removed with the remodelling of the square. I see from old photos that Victoria Sq used to contain other statues, George Dawson and Robert Peel which moved to other locations. Anyone track down the white column with a bronze (of George & Dragon??) on top? Did it remain until 1951? Or did it go earlier?
George & Dragon?? it wasn't there in 1932

victoria square c.1932.jpg
Reading the newspaper reports of Victoria Square, it seems to have been a very dangerous place for pedestrians and road traffic. There were lots of accidents, some fatal. A one way system was eventually installed, but the public preferred to simply walk across by the shortest route, which isn't surprising.
Sorry to break up this interesting chat - I have been working on some more negatives and thought I would post some more.
Roll A 49 is a selection of photographs taken from a block of flats ( I assume "a" flat) The description mentions Saltley - I know you will correct me and I will in turn amend my entries - Thanks
First image is a view down Rocky Lane - HP sauce factory is on the skyline and a very industrial landscape is before us
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