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Newspapers : From Birmingham Post 150 years ago

Proposals to expand St Pauls church, Balsall Heath (divided in two for legibility)
The request for no-smoking is signed by the proprietor of the /hen & Chickens, meaning that either the Hen & chickens was used as the refreshment rooms of the station, or, more likely, that they ran the refreshment rooms.



The 1867 directory lists 43½ Gt Charles St as Hunters anatomical Museum, with John & William Hunter, surgeons, living next door at no 44. whether they were related to the John Hunter who founded the Hunterian museum at the royal college of Surgeons, I do not know.

I believe that, John Hunter, Surgeon, Scottish anatomist, (1728/1793), founded the Museum of anatomy in London School of Surgery, so was earlier than your brothers , but could have been related.
This seems familiar.
Crinolines are a major industry.
Problem of dancers getting burnt by the lights in the theatre.



oh yes mike ;thats correct my days of sending the old valentine days are over because ie; i have lost contact with my old flames of yester years
but i am expecting a mail bag full this year [ wish fulll thinking guys ] ah ah ;
bu on a seriuos note will any of you guys and especialy the gals are you sending any out this day ; do we still need to send one to hubby or the old dutchess ;may be ?.
but i surose i will buymy oddutches a bunch of roses but wi dependon the cost of them this year
peronlly i personaly think its now become a commercial ripp off like the rest of britain; but you can bet your last dollar the pubs on the evening will be swooning around you for that one pound rose late on the evening when every as a drink and feels sloppy to the girl they will be with and they fall in love with ;
best wishes astonian;[ an old die hard romantic ] love women;

Recycling was certainly carried out then. Handsworth hall probably ended up as parts of many other buildings
Death of an ostler. showing what life could be like for some
I like the manner of this report.



It is sad to see that as then in some parts of the world, persons live and die , in such extreme poverty with out any comforts or friends.
Wrong place at the wrong time. bet he regretted it.
What would appear on the charge sheet - Damage by snowball?



I am a "newbie" on here, so here goes. My g.g.grandmother was Elizabeth Heaton (of the Birmingham Mint family) and she married John Nicholls (who was from a large firm of builders). John Nicholls died by drowning following an accident at the Birmingham Canal, Aston. He died on l6th March 1848 and was buried on 9th April at Saints Peter and Paul in Aston.

As there was the Heaton connection, I was wondering whether there would have been any newspaper coverage at the time. I know you have access to the Birmingham Post 150 years ago, and this is slightly longer ago, but I was hoping ! Also, I am confused regarding his widow, Elizabeth. Her death record shows she died April/May/June 1882, BUT her burial record shows "Elizabeth, widow of John Nicholls of Kings Heath, buried on July 20th 1883 !

Question: Why (unless someone has made a gross error) would be not be buried until 12/13 months after her death, and if the date is wrong, as she was ALSO buried at Saints Peter and Paul, how could I find out if she was actually interred in her husbands grave?

Can some genius help me out please ? Many thanks
I take it you are referring to her death record as taken from Free BMD which has a 68 yearold Elizabeth Nicholls,April/ May /June Birmingham

She lived in Albert road, Kings norton in 1881 so the entry is possibly
Elizabeth Nicholls age 68 Jul/Aug/Sept 1883 Kings Norton
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The advertisers don't seem to think much of there "foreign" relative
Olla Podrida when Googled is a form of spanish stew. This seems to be a pot pourri entertainment, containing all sorts of things


The Earthmen (or Erdermanne) were a tribe of people of diminutive stature from Natal. Flora and her brother Martinus were displayed to visitors in drawing rooms in the 1850s - dreadful practice. When her brother died she continued to be displayed. All sounds terribly archaic by today's standards. Viv.

What a terrible story Mike. It's sounds as if the men doing the demolition (and the Company employing them) were very negligent.
Absolutely Charlie. Terribly sad, the poor parents must have gone through hell. I found a reference to the Old Tree. It's the sale of a brass threepenny coin. I presume it had an illustration of the Inn on it. There's mention of the landlady; 1845- 50, Mrs Tookey. Maybe she was the last landlord given the building was falling down by the 1860s. Viv.

I think they did rebuild it, because it is on later maps, right on the corner of Key Hill. Now an empty site, the earlier Google earth (Earth not maps) images show a building there, though streetview was not going then so cannot see anything from the street. A building is shown, very blurrily in dec. 2006,but has gone by aug.2007
Mrs Tookey on the 1851 census at the Old Tree.

Maria TOOKEY Head W 51 F Inn Keeper Birmmingham-WAR
Richard TOOKEY Son U 27 M Sadler Birmmingham-WAR
Hannah M. TOOKEY Daur U 24 F --- Birmmingham-WAR
Henry E. TOOKEY Son U 23 M --- Birmmingham-WAR
Alfred G. TOOKEY Son U 21 M --- Birmmingham-WAR
Matilda A. TOOKEY Daur U 19 F --- Birmmingham-WAR
Ann M. DOUGHTY Sis U 44 F Barr Maid Birmmingham-WAR
George DOUGHTY Bro U 38 M Sadler Birmmingham-WAR
James JONES Serv U 22 M House Servant Lindbridge-WOR
Mary GUILLAM Serv U 21 F House Servant RAD Thurghton-WAL
George THURSTON Serv - 15 M Errand Boy --- (NK)----
Address: 16 Hockley Old Tree Inn, Birmingham
Census Place: Birmingham Birmingham, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2059 Folio: 145 Page: 3 FHL Film: 0332122

The names were presumably in alphabetical order. I assume that if one had been his sister he would have demanded that she be listed after him as well . What pratts they were then.
They refused his request quite rightly. If only the government now would do the same with these supposed cost overruns in defence (and other) contracts. Our taxes would be a lot lower then.
The police seem to have had it in for this guy.



The old New Street Post Office in two views: Samuel Lines (top) and Paul Braddon (bottom probably a retrospective view). They both show the Post Office low building with a window let into the street wall and gates to the right. Viv.

img029.jpgMikejee.. I have had this rather gory photograph from my late father's belongings and I remember him telling me it was of a neighbour who with his terrier killed this abundance of rats. It occurred c1930 in a hen house on the allotments of Fordhouse Lane Stirchly. I believe the man's name was Hayley living somewhere about 230 Fordhouse Lane. The picture, I believe, was put in the Birmingham Mail with a write-up. I know you regularly post items from The Birmingham Post but do you have a round-about way of extracting from the Birmingham Mail? It's a long shot on my part and probably an intrusion but I hope for the best!!
I'm afraid the newspaper sites which can be accessed for the Post, only go up to 1900. you could try contacting the Post. They might be prepared to help., Looked ta electoral rolls for 1920,22,25,27,30,25 and 39 and could not find a Hayley in Fordhouse Lane. He might have lived there between these dates of possibly the spelling is slightly different
Looks like it was not just children that went up chimneys to sweep them, but also adults. Must have been difficult to get up them for a large man.
