Well, if you are going to bring the USA into this then Milwaukee just has to be mentioned, the proclaimed capitol of beer in the USA, much as Burton-on-Trent was here. Miller (known here), Pabst, Schlitz and smaller breweries were mostly set up by German immigrants. Access to wheat from the prairies and water from Lake Michigan made it the ideal place. The bigger city of Chicago, situated at the end of Lake Michigan was another good area for sales. The larger breweries have mainly gone, as far as I know, but craft beers are prolific there. The city's baseball team is called The Brewers and there was, in the past a railway line known as The Beer Line which served many breweries.
Old Brit will chip in, I guess, with Coors at Golden, Colorado.
When passing through Burton-on-Trent a few years ago I noticed the name Coors on silos there.