Hi zambodie
The real story is the brewery serve or dish out good mild in kegs or barralls what ever you want to call them
But the real reason and what you may have been told by your friend the true story is a myth
Just like he stories of the guiniss ( Oh its better in Ireland , ) than Here , and the other part of the story is they get rats out of the
liffy ,( That's the big River running through Dublin City as you would see if if you weren to go to Dublin Today
Compete and utter nonsence, its Neither of them there no rats added to the vatts nor is there diffents in there and oiur Guiniss
I would never drink mild because its slops in most cases when it is served at a public house
It all depends on the public house and the publican,
There is some gathers that operate and do this practice today and have done so for many years
And sell it off at a pound a pint like wise the offers of a pound a pint because of its sell by date is gone past its date
And top up with left covers from the drip trays , but also there is a brewery out on the market and they have been operating for years now
Across the country whom have corners the beer trade oriniganly they bought all pubs out of date lagers and they added a substance
To the lagers and it gave them a extra ten days of life to make it nice and gassie and drinkable
This practice first started by a certain brewers in our country and are doing very well indeed today
I cannot name this brewers for legal reasons when they first came to brum with it there was a club just off broad street
Was there first customer for 12 months before moving into a certain pub hence then its big time
And every body is Happy and no complaints From customers and the public
I was in the management for Mitchell's and butlers across the county and also ran many pubs
And another manager and myself on the day in question met a person from this brewer whom told us both
Over lunch of the very first customer in brum whom they was dealing with and told us of there add option to expand the ,life for extra ten days
Best wishes Astonian,,,,,,
Mitchell's & Butler's
Does anyone have a photo of the M&B Recreation Ground pavillion at Portland Road, please? My grandfather, Wilf Moseley, played cricket there up until about 1960 and it is where I first tasted beer (aged about four years). I believe it has all gone now, but if you know differently, please let me know.
No full stop in Ltd will have Ms. Truss logging in to have a rant!Done Kieron. Hope your truss is not too tight
Mike, there are bound to be a few. In the last year alone I have typed up half a million words so I cannot imagine it will be 100%. If my partner reads a page and spots a typo she soon lets me know! Attached is what I see when I am typing a web page - it is easy to get a coding letter or number wrong. For example, for a semi-colon I have to type ; for it to be valid in html. I also validate every single page at WC3 when published to make sure the code is nice and clean. Oh, the pedantry!Added. Will have to do an in depth study of the Midland pubs site's typography and see what I can find - He He
Joe, like you I used to love Brew 11 but when when we bought our first house we couldn't afford Birmingham prices and we ended up in a small village in between Tamworth and Atherstone. Our first weekend there some friends came over and we went to the local pub at the bottom of the close. It was a Marstons house and when we went in and ordered a a couple of pints of bitter. The landlord pulled the pints and we took a good pull on the beer. Not a taste we were used to! The gaffer saw our faces and asked us what we normally drank and we told him Brew 11. He told us not to drink too much as Pedigree bitter, was a bit different to M&B or Ansells and as we were not used to it it may affect us. We took his advice with a pinch of salt thinking beer's beer and we could drink anything. How wrong we were. Normally a Saturday night consumption was about eight pints (I couldn't do that now!) but after 3 or 4 pints of this we were well gone.Hi had a great time reading through the posts Tis a great shame we lost are breweries I was an M&B man brew x1 was my tipple can’t get pint of it anywhere now I heard it is brewed in Cardiff now never be the same read an earlier quote saying brew x1 was pap it was the finest pint in the midlands as far as I’m concerned as for so called micro breweries brewing over priced ales if you can call it that you can keep it bring back the good old brew that made the midlands great