Hi all , I now live in Wincanton Somerset , but was originally born in Darleydale avenue in 1961. I spent the next 17 yrs living in Tansley Grove Kingstanding behind the Hare & Hounds , spending my formative years at Kingstanding Junior & infants (Cranborne rd ).
Some memories :-
The Hopcraft family , that used to own the ironmongers and the news agents next to the Hare & Hounds , at the news agents i always remember Mr Hopcrafts painted on moustache , when it changed to Duttons Newsagents i had a paper round their for 3 yrs until i left school at 16.
My mother used to work part time cleaning at Harry Kirtons the other newsagents on kingstanding road.
Other shops :- does any one remember The Maypole , Mace , The Candy Stores,The Welcome fish bar ( BEST FISH AND CHIPS IN BRUM )
The Timpo Shop on Kingstanding Rd ( MUCH POCKET MONEY SPENT THEIR ON TOY SOLDIERS etc ) , Halfords , Modmart , Hitchens
Bayliss :- the wallpaper shop , Greenways the fishing tackle shop , Ratners the jewellers ( where i bought my wifes engagement
ring )
Does any one remember some of the teachers from Cranbourne rd?
Mr Bullus ( head master )
Mr Martin ( Deputy head )
Mrs Cork ( Infant school head )
Mrs Jones
The notorius Mr Fryer
I remember the jumble sales at the 610 centre , the Kingstanding carnivals at Cardinal Wiseman recreation ground , Burford rd playing fields , the Pimple!!!! i used to cross the pimple regularly from Tansley grove to get to my future wife to be ( Lorrain ) who lived in Elswick rd.
my wife Lorrain went to Twickenham rd and then Warren Farm , which for a while was still a segregated school,ie :- boys and girls kept seperate.
More memories to come))))
Hi all , I now live in Wincanton Somerset , but was originally born in Darleydale avenue in 1961. I spent the next 17 yrs living in Tansley Grove Kingstanding behind the Hare & Hounds , spending my formative years at Kingstanding Junior & infants (Cranborne rd ).
Some memories :-
The Hopcraft family , that used to own the ironmongers and the news agents next to the Hare & Hounds , at the news agents i always remember Mr Hopcrafts painted on moustache , when it changed to Duttons Newsagents i had a paper round their for 3 yrs until i left school at 16.
My mother used to work part time cleaning at Harry Kirtons the other newsagents on kingstanding road.
Other shops :- does any one remember The Maypole , Mace , The Candy Stores,The Welcome fish bar ( BEST FISH AND CHIPS IN BRUM )
The Timpo Shop on Kingstanding Rd ( MUCH POCKET MONEY SPENT THEIR ON TOY SOLDIERS etc ) , Halfords , Modmart , Hitchens
Bayliss :- the wallpaper shop , Greenways the fishing tackle shop , Ratners the jewellers ( where i bought my wifes engagement
ring )
Does any one remember some of the teachers from Cranbourne rd?
Mr Bullus ( head master )
Mr Martin ( Deputy head )
Mrs Cork ( Infant school head )
Mrs Jones
The notorius Mr Fryer
I remember the jumble sales at the 610 centre , the Kingstanding carnivals at Cardinal Wiseman recreation ground , Burford rd playing fields , the Pimple!!!! i used to cross the pimple regularly from Tansley grove to get to my future wife to be ( Lorrain ) who lived in Elswick rd.
my wife Lorrain went to Twickenham rd and then Warren Farm , which for a while was still a segregated school,ie :- boys and girls kept seperate.
More memories to come))))
Hi all , I now live in Wincanton Somerset , but was originally born in Darleydale avenue in 1961. I spent the next 17 yrs living in Tansley Grove Kingstanding behind the Hare & Hounds , spending my formative years at Kingstanding Junior & infants (Cranborne rd ).
Some memories :-
The Hopcraft family , that used to own the ironmongers and the news agents next to the Hare & Hounds , at the news agents i always remember Mr Hopcrafts painted on moustache , when it changed to Duttons Newsagents i had a paper round their for 3 yrs until i left school at 16.
My mother used to work part time cleaning at Harry Kirtons the other newsagents on kingstanding road.
Other shops :- does any one remember The Maypole , Mace , The Candy Stores,The Welcome fish bar ( BEST FISH AND CHIPS IN BRUM )
The Timpo Shop on Kingstanding Rd ( MUCH POCKET MONEY SPENT THEIR ON TOY SOLDIERS etc ) , Halfords , Modmart , Hitchens
Bayliss :- the wallpaper shop , Greenways the fishing tackle shop , Ratners the jewellers ( where i bought my wifes engagement
ring )
Does any one remember some of the teachers from Cranbourne rd?
Mr Bullus ( head master )
Mr Martin ( Deputy head )
Mrs Cork ( Infant school head )
Mrs Jones
The notorius Mr Fryer
I remember the jumble sales at the 610 centre , the Kingstanding carnivals at Cardinal Wiseman recreation ground , Burford rd playing fields , the Pimple!!!! i used to cross the pimple regularly from Tansley grove to get to my future wife to be ( Lorrain ) who lived in Elswick rd.
my wife Lorrain went to Twickenham rd and then Warren Farm , which for a while was still a segregated school,ie :- boys and girls kept seperate.
More memories to come))))
I went to Cranbourne Road School but a bit before your time 1943 onwards.
Headmistress was Ms Fairhead, Teachers Mr. Martin, Mr. Evans. Ms Freeman good with the cane.
Do you remember a Derek Boxley I went to school witn him I'm sure he lived in Tansley Grove top lefthand corner