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Hi Dek, Goffy is correct about the 29 and 29a bus route in fact the 29a used stop just by the Trees Pub before it went a few more stops to the terminus, could have saved yourself a walk.

The 33 bus terminated at the end of Finchly Rd then turned left into Kings Rd , did a u-turn through the opening across the central reservation and parked in the bay almost outside the King Charles pub then they turned right back into Finchly.

I don't remember Rose's but i do remember the Co-op being opposite the Cop shop and the Billiard Hall, used to get our Penny Specks and bruised bananas from the Co-op. My earliest memory of Lennons was a small shop next to the Barber shop on the right as you went into Rough Rd from the Circle then some years later they moved across the road.

Hello Paul I,ve never heard of this school was it a R.C. School i,ve heard of Archbishop Grimshaws . the big Catholic School in Kingstanding Is Cardinal Wisemans. Dek

There is 'Christ The King' school and church near the old swimming baths. Miriam
Hi Goffy You are correct with the bus route's but Rose's was in Rough Road which is now and has been for a time Lennon's store,the greengrocers opposite the police station was the Co-op I think I am correct with that. Mike

Yes Mike, I,m getting confused, it was the CO OP opposite the police station, and Roses was in Rough Road opposite the original Lennons shop next door to the barbers shop, (used to queue up outside on a saturday morning to get your haircut, one of the barbers used hand out numbered tickets (raffle) to keep everyone in order) There was another greengrocer and that was Attwoods in Kettlehouse road.

Roses Greengrocer was on Kingstanding Rd, opposite the Police station, the one on Rough Rd was Park,s Greengrocers I know because back in the 1940,s I used to deliver papers from the stationers on the Circle, I don,t remember the name, or was it Clares but Parks,es had a big dog that used to come running over to me to get the paper and he would take it back to the shop.

Have a nice day, Wally.
Hello Dek, It was the 29a which went up Kettlehouse Road,its terminus was at the junction of Hillingford Avenue and Collingwood Drive on the Pheasey Estate. The 29 only reaching Kingstanding Circle. The 33 terminus was, as Andrew says, along Kings Road, as short walk from the Kingstanding Circle. There was also a 'Roses' greengrocers on the Kinstanding Circle, on Kingstanding road opposite the police station.


My dad was the manager at Roses and I believe it was also called Suttons for a while. The 33 terminus was at Finchley Road and Kings Road just across from a Pub, was it the Kings or The Kingstanding pub, I can't remember, my aunt lives on Hatchum Road two blocks from the bus terminus.
the 33 bus used to turn round at Kings road Finchley road in the 40s 50s i remember it dropped passengers off in Finchley road turned left into Kings road did a u turn in the duel carage way and started in finchley road Allen
Way back in 1966 I remeber going to a church, St Lukes to watch a band practice in the church hall, I think they were called "The Cinettes", or "The Clique", not sure which name they went by then, there were a few people there that night, they were very good. Anyone remeber the band or going to see them practise?
Hello Paul I,ve never heard of this school was it a R.C. School i,ve heard of Archbishop Grimshaws . the big Catholic School in Kingstanding Is Cardinal Wisemans. Dek

Archbishop Masterson School was in Turves Green. My wife taught Modern Languages there in the 1970s and 1980s
Hello David i know of Turves Green Boys School and Turves Green Girls School both on Turves Green is it near by. Dek
hi dek
I have only just recieved your reply tonight for some reason my sister maralyn went to (ABM) late 50's early 60's I was sure she said it was in kingstanding but not really sure it was an RC school very modern when built in the 1950's you know all widows and red brick .
Hello from Canada, I found this old picture taken on Hatchum Road Kingstanding on Coronation day of Queen Elizabeth II, my grandmother is in the picture, do you know anyone here? My grandmother (Hope) is centre row third from the left and I think Mrs Swash is 2nd from the left same row.
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Hello Andrew from Canada. What a lovely photo, thank you for putting on the Forum. I would like to think that my aunty Phylis is on there, but I can't remember which road she lived in. I do remember those fences and privet's though.
Andrew thank you so much for sharing that lovely photo with us. I will send Miriam a message as I think she had relatives there. Jean.
Hello, glad you like the picture, I have another one somewhere of the children of Hatchum Road taken the same day as the adult one, as soon as I find it I will upload it, my aunt Brenda from 27 is on it, thank you for the comments.
Hello again, here is the other picture of the children of Hatchum Road on Coronation Day of Queen Elizabeth II.
Hope you can find someone you know here, I think my cousin Susan is the can-can dancer front row far left and Barbara Wheel, my aunt Brenda's friend is back row far right. This has to be the other side of the road to the adults picture.
Hope you like it.
View attachment 52107
Andrew your pictures are wonderful. They must have put so much time and effort into the day. The costumes are fantastic. Unlike today where they are bought from a supermarket. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Hi Andrew
Enjoyed looking at your very good photos of Hatcham Road.I worked for a bakery in the late 1940s early 1950s and we had a lot of customers in Hatcham and Bendall Roads so I must have known some of the folk on your pics.Regrettably due to length of time involved I can't recall any faces with certainty.Must agree with Wendy re.the costumes,they are really good.People in those days were,due to necessity and the war years etc.great at improvising.
Sorry these are the only two pictures I have from the coronation day, they were given to me when my dad passed away in 2003, I kept two albums of pictures from his house in Hednesford. Glad you like the pictures and maybe someone will remeber a face or two.
HELLO ANDREW. Great pictures . I cannot recall Hatcham road, but Kingstanding spread quite a distance. Miriam.
Hello again, here is one more picture taken on Hatchum Road, it may be taken at the end of the war, I am not sure, or the coronation, as there was nothing on the back of the picture, my mom and grandmother and some of my aunts are also in the picture.
View attachment 52333
I remember the Monkey on Hawthorne Rd very used walk the run many nights with mates Martin Reynolds & Terry May ( his dad owned the ladies & gents outfitters just below Matty's the Radio/ T/V shop.

There wasA chemist ( I think it was Bootes0 on corner with Kingstanding Road, the there was a butchers shop, and Dry Cleaners Jewellers Tranters the Peacocks ( the stores with no floor covering.

The Cafe was a little further down I remember it used to have one of those stick figures that used to nod into a glass of water in the window before an entry and a shoe repairers, Gywnns the sweet shop was a liitle further down.before Mattys.

In 1957 I bought my girl friend then she became my wife golden bird earrings and locket from Tranters she's still got the today wears the locket pactically every day.

On the Corner of Stowell Rd was Caukins the hardware shop next was a furniture stores anthe The Corn shop, with a Cycle Shop next to renolds the Gents & ladies outfitter.

We would walk past Warren Road to Chippy the home no luck again.

All those wasted hours i meet girl friend and wife on a City Of Birmingham Week Holiday Excursion to Brighton.

Happy memories

Footnote do'es anybody know of Terry May he used to work at Fosters on corner of Hawthorne Road And warren Farm Rd.
hi ray..if you hang on a few mins i will post a pic of the shops opposite what used to be fosters...looking at the car in the pic i would think it was taken in the 50s...

Great photos Andrew thanks for sharing them with us on coronation day me and my two brothers were dressed as jockeys can any one tell me why all the kids were dressed in fancy dress so to speak
