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Key Hill Cemetery

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wendy
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hi there buttercup. i to have never heard of a st lilas church. as suggested it will probably be the st silas church mission hall that was in nursery road. i remember it well as i only lived a couple of mins away from it. as i have quite an extensive amount of photos of nursery road from the 50s and 60s i have had a look and found i have got 3 photos of the church. best wishes wales
hi wendy. seems we have 2 st silas,s. the photos i have of the one in nursery road are not the same as the ones that you posted. not sure which one buttercup is looking for. it prob is the one you know as there were no burials at the one in nursery road. wales
ps. there may have been christenings though. i would have to ask mom and dad. they would know that. wales
Yes Wendy, I ,meant St Silas, sorry about that,
as for Key Hill, i must have misunderstood the posts, initially when i seen the comments about the drug users, run down and negleted, the pictures you posted of the broken Head Stones, people not feeling safe, then Charlie mentioned in his post Quote;
(why can't they concentrate on making the place secure from (illegal) vandals and drug users ) they seem to turn a blind eye to all the disused needles and detrius left behind -
the the post Astonian put
(I Seen These Sorts Of People Dossing Around Drinking ,
I Seen Gay Couples Snogging And Kissing On The Benches
And Lord And Behold There Was Two Youths On
A Blankett Injecting Themselves With A Needles)
Lloyd mentioned Quote You are right, though, the place is in a terrible state

it was the posts with reference to that sort of thing that stuck out in my mind, and paint a pretty bleak picture of the Cemetery, and i presumed, wrongly, that this was the problem, i realise now, it is not, i am sorry and did not mean to cause offence to anyone, please accept my apologies.
Wendy, it was St Silas in Lozells many were Christened at, as we live in France, when we go back to England it is only to visit family, i have never been to any of the Cemetery's, as i said, we were planning a visit to those i have in my tree, but when we will actually get round to doing it, i do not know, i do however, love looking at the photoes, you all put on here,
once again i am sorry for my post on Key hill, and i commend the many people work very hard to maintain and improve it
Buttercup: There IS some drug using and vandalism @ Key Hill, but I've been many times during the day and never felt unsafe. Not a place I'd visit at night though - but I can't think of any cemetery I'd visit after dark (not willingly anyway). As Wendy says, the gravestones were laid down by the council for Health 'n Safety reasons, not through vandalism. If you want to visit, I wouldn't anticipate any problems, I think Astonian must have been there on a bad day, I don't think either myself or Wendy have seen anything as bad as he states. Go with someone if you're bothered by it all but it's honestly a fascinating place to be.
PS I'm a female Charlie :)(my nickname from my name of Charlesworth)
Cemetery Clear up day

There is a clear up day at the cemetery next Sarurday 12th April organised by Birmingham Breakfast Rotary. If you would like to help you can arrive any time after 9am. If possible bring along some garden tools, like rakes, rubbish bags and gloves. Tea, coffee and toilet facilities will be provided in a near by office. All attending will be covered by Rotary insurance for the day. Do come along its better than the gym and more rewarding!:beam:
Coincidence Meeting Today

This is a true story and it happened today.
I finished work early Michael and I decided to go and collect the raffle prize I won on Thurday. We had to go to the Mayors Office at the council house. On the way home we decided to make a call into Key Hill Cemetery, to take some more photo's for my research. We always go and see the ancestors grave. While we were there we noticed the grave next to ours and it mentioned the gentleman had died in his hundredth year. We headed towards the gate talking about how wonderful to reach such an age in that time. I stopped to take another photo and a gentleman entered the cemetery, he came over and asked if we knew how to get down to the other entrance. I told him I knew the cemetery well and could we help. He told me he had visited his family grave as a child but, couldn't remember exactly where it was. I said we would help and asked for the family name when he told us my husband said "I'm sure thats the grave next to ours". We walked over and just couln't believe it there were both headstones laid flat right next to each other. It was so strange there we were with our relevant families and shaking hands. He was on a short visit up from Devon and was so pleased to be able to photograph the grave........what a coincidence....
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I'm a new member, but thought you might like to know of my experiences of Key Hill cemetry.

I'm an ex Bobbie and worked the Kenyon Street Patch, in the 1950s,(the jewelry quarter) It couldn't have been a worse time of the year, but in the fogs ,or should I say Smogs, of the November of 1953. Some of the very old graves are built into the sandstone side walls of the cemetry, and these had started to move, revealing the coffins. Some of the occupants, were believed to have been buried with jewelry etc.

We were given the job of guarding these until repairs could be effected. To say this was eerie on nights in the dark and fog/smog thick enough to see about 6 feet, is a wild understatement.

One of my earlier memories as a young copper.
Oh my Trevor what an experience the cememtery can be a little eerie in the day time, but at night with coffins exposed I would run a mile. Now I have visited Key Hill several times and find it very tranquil. I would love to write down your memories if thats ok. Wendy
Yes Wendy, no problem. There used to be, at the back of Hylton Street, off Vyse Street, a passageway that ran around the back of the buildings and overlooked the cemetry. I haven't been around there since the 1950s, so not sure if it's still there. If so quite a good view across and down to the cemetry.
It is still there, Key Hill Drive, at the top of the drive it takes a left turn, through a passage and into Hylton Street (Next to Miniature Pressure Gauge)

I used it as a short cut from Icknield Street School to my part time job up to H C Whiteheads in Northampton Street in the jewelry quarter, 5 night a week 4.30 to 6.30 for the princely sum of 10/6d per week
Wendy.......I might be popping down to Brum soon & would love to go & have a look around Key Hill. How would I get to it from the town centre?? Would love some directions please if you can.......I know the main areas of the city centre but could do with some details of streets to amble down etc. Ta ever so.:)
Dib44, yes Key Hill Drive is still there. I think it still goes through to Hylton Street. I think I went that way once but it was a while ago.

Dolphie it all depends what part of Birmingham you class as centre. The city is constantly changing, there is a lot of constuction work going on around the St Chads area. The Jewellery Quarter is well signposted with the brown signs. I would head for St Pauls, Ludgate Hill area and walk from there although its a bit of a trek. I would check on a map first.
Ta Wendy, I suppose I always think of the centre as New St & up to my favourite area the Town Hall, Colmore Row etc. Funnily enough I dont think I've ever walked to the Jewellery Quarter!! Will try & get there when I pop down (probably May or June).:)
We had a very satisfying morning at Key Hill Cemetery. The men managed to turn over 8 headstones which had not seen the light of day for many many years. I could not believe how hard they worked! especially Rod and Keith well done! I hope you are not in too much discomfort with your arms Keith.
My arms arent too bad, just aching and tight :P

It was an amazing experience to be honest. Uncovering something that has been hidden for many years and that someone, somewhere will be researching.

I am looking forward to doing more, just next time with some gloves and more equipment (web strapping etc so that we can lift with more ease).

Thanks to all involved, it was a productive and fun morning :)
Here's an example of what can be found. This lady is commemorated on the Birmingham Air Raid Association site.
I would just like to add that we have not cleaned any of these stones after turning them face up. We have of course brushed the mud/leaves off of them but no cleaning has been done.

You will note that the stone looks immaculately clean for its age, and the fact that it has been lying face down for decades!
I had a brilliant morning, its nice to get out and do something for history rather than sit at th pc. I think maybe I'd like to be far more involved at a practical level with brum history.

Smashing pictures Wendy
Dolphie, let us know and maybe some of us can meet up!:)

Just found this thread again. Yep Wendy, would love to meet up when I eventually manage to pop down to Brum. Fabulous photos & how rewarding to uncover those headstones. Someone researching will be so grateful eh?
Is Key Hill Cemetery the one you see from the train when (looking down) you leave Moor Street station & go via the jewellery quarter??
Dolphie, just let us know when you can come and we will try and arange something. As you say turning the headstones will help people to locate lost family. There is also someone doing the headstone inscriptions so this will be a great help to him also.

Yes the cemetery is below the metro line.
Cheers Wendy.......I'm so looking forward to 'popping down home' again soon, although it wont be before July now by the looks of it.
Is your work in Key Hill something that you've all been doing for quite a while, how did it all start, did you need permission from anyone etc......I think its wonderful.:)
I hope the weather is kind as I am doing the tombola on Saturday! We will have a marquee, toilets and a snack van on site
Hi Everyone
I would love to come to Key Hill on 13th but I have to work all day:(I went for the first time last bank holiday couldn't believe I had never been before,as I was bought up in Hockley..Hope you all have a good day :)