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Key Hill Cemetery

Thats fine Tess any help let me know. I am like you always taking photo's around Graveyards and Cemeteries I find them lovely peaceful places. I have found many relatives graves for people sometimes its a little strange almost as if I am meant to be there.

My grandfatherwho died in 1954 and uncle were buried at West Bromwich cemetery the grave was dammaged by vandals and my grandmother paid to have it restored. It was dammaged again and eventually removed so sad.:(
Hi Wendy. I can just about see an Alfred Davenport on this public grave head stone at Key Hill. i just can't make out the dates.are the any clearer on your photo ?
he could be one of mine. thanks Clive

researching Birmingham family names, Davenport.Stevens.
Hello Clive. If you click on the image then again in the left corner where it says open original it will come out supersize and you can read it easily. I hope this helps.:)
Another reminder this Saturday May 16th is The Friends Of Key Hill Cemetery members day. This is a chance to meet the people who are working on projects within the cemetery. Dick Empson the chairman will be there with information on his memorial inscripton project....great for people looking for family.

Memory Lane is a project where a section of the cemetery is chosen and Information researched on the headstones to find out more about the people. This information is presented in the area on the Heritage Open Day in September.

Memorial Refurbishment is the work carried out by the stone mason.

Clean up and Ground Maintenance. Although the council do their bit the funds don't stretch to putting kirbs, flower containers etc back in place. This work as well as ground clearing and sympathetic planting is done by volunteers. This is a great chance to meet the people who do this work. They also have a great knowledge of the cemetery. It seems a pair of woodpeckers have taken up residence in the cemetery. This is great news as we want the wildlife.
Just a reminder I don't know whether the rain will affect things!:(
See previous post!
hi wendy...lovely photos.....i am going to try to get to the end of the month clean up.....

That would be great Lynn we need all the help we can get. Today was brilliant as Charlie came along and a lovely man named Brian helped her locate several family graves it was just great. Here is a photo of Barry and Charlie. The other photo is of the new gate pillars I think they will be stunning.
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thanks for the pics of brian and charlie....isnt it great the way folk are so willing to help others....must agree wendy those pillars look like they will be the bees knees....nice to see something being done.....can you let me know nearer the time where abouts you all meet up please...i must also make sure i dont go to the wrong cem....:D:D:D

You sneaked that one Wendy, I didn't realise you'd taken it.
Thankfully, I'm facing away from the camera so shouldn't scare the residents too much - but if you find Key Hill empty next time you're there, you'll know why!
The one of the gates/pillars turned out well though didn't it?
Hi Charlie, It was so nice to see you again.I must have been tired when I posted the photo of you and Barry. Just realised I named Barry Brian. I have edited it now. I really enjoyed the visit I just wished it had been a bit longer. I can assure you, you won't bother the residents they are used to me....lolo. The gates and posts I am sure will be amazing. I can't wait until they are unveiled.
i've visited Key Hill a couple of times but have never located Joseph Chamberlain's grave, does anyone know where it is please?.
Interesting ytube video of Warstone Lane and Key Hill, spot the spelling mistakes...
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypuz5fTDkXs"]YouTube - The Mint and Key Hill Cemeteries by jewelleryquarterbirmingham.com[/ame]
Hi Brumgum thanks for the video link as you say shame about the spelling! The area where the Chamberlain and Kendrick graves are in section K. If you look at post 18 you will see the area in front of the catacombs.
I really really must venture into this cemetery when I'm next down in dear old Brum. I dont get down very often & pass it each time going thru on the train........yet I've not managed to get down there. I dont even think I have any rellies buried there but it just looks a really lovely place. Those photos are lovely Wendy & it woud be smashing to meet others who know the place so well. :)
I recently went looking for ancestors at Warstone Lane and Key Hill.
Walking around Warstone was great, the only exception being we were verbally abused by two drunks, who would not leave us alone and as i had my children with me i had to leave, sooner than i intended.
I then went to Key Hill but the gates were blocked off and i tried to find the other entance but couldn't i must have missed it somehow.
Can anyone tell me what this reference means please to Key Hill, as i found it at Birmingham Library
13V H
As one of my ancestors is buried there.
Many thanks
Hello Brummagen lass I am sorry you had a bad experience at Warstone Lane Cemetery. The local police do patrol both cemeteries and try to keep out the drunks and druggies. They seem to have succeeded with the druggies but sadly drunks are everywhere these days. I would suggest if this happens to anyone take the local police number on your mobile and phone them. Key Hill does not seem to have this problem. The gates on Icknield Street are being restored which is why they are closed. The other entrance is on Key Hill if you walk past the petrol station its just up the hill on the side of the cemetery. As for your inquiry 13V H is a vault. these are situated by the catacombs. If you let me know the name you are looking for I can locate it for you.
Many thanks Wendy,

I must have missed the other entrance and could kick myself now for missing it.

I have just seen your post about Warstone for today and wish i could get there

At Warstone i went looking for my grandads grave and was dissappointed that even though i know where it should be the stone was not to be found.
I did see two stones the wrong way up and wish i could have turned them over.
It was lovely though to go there and see where they were buried, and also had a lovely walk around the jewellery quarter

Well you could always join the Friends of Key Hill and Warstone Lane and ask for help. They are a great bunch!:):)
Well you could always join the Friends of Key Hill and Warstone Lane and ask for help. They are a great bunch!:):)

Had nice afternoon in Warstone and is looking better for the litter pick etc. The new contractors for the grass cutting seem to be doing a good job.
That is realy good to hear you went to the clean up brumgum, I am so gald you could make it. I am sad I couldn't make it as it was one of those times when family comes first. Hopefully next time we can meet.:):)
Re: Key Hill Cemetery or Wartsone

can anyone confirm which cemetery this grave stone is in and are there many other public headstone like it please
Re: Key Hill Cemetery or Wartsone

can anyone confirm which cemetery this grave stone is in and are there many other public headstone like it please
I can't quite figure out if it's Warstone or Key Hill but there are public common graves like this in both cemeteries. My Gt Grandfather is in a public common grave in Warstone Lane but unlike this the stone is laid flat. I should imagine that someone on this site will confirm exactly where this is....

Re: Key Hill Cemetery or Wartsone

can anyone confirm which cemetery this grave stone is in and are there many other public headstone like it please

This is the memorial of a public grave in section L at Key Hill Cemetery and there are many like this.
Hi Moma
I Have Just Read Your Thread
On Key Hill Cem,
I Went There Last Year In Search Of A Public Grave
But I Could Not Find One ,
I Took My Camera Thinking I Would Get A Pic,
But To My Disopointment , I Never Found It
I Was Given A Map From Handsworth Cem,
To Tell Me The Excact Spot ,but Apparantly
Only To Find The Ground And Graves Have Been Removed
And Had Been Cleared
I Was Wondering Where Was This Stone In The Cem ,
That You Took Pics Of ,
On The Subject Of Cem , What Dolly Said
About Warstone Lane Cem,
I Entirely Agree I Was In There Myself On My Own
And I Seen Alsorts Of Carrying On
I Seen These Sorts Of People Dossing Around Drinking ,
I Seen Gay Couples Snogging And Kissing On The Benches
I Had Two Yobs Aproach Me On Bikrs
First They Was On The Tumb Stones Above Me
Watching Me , They Followed Me Around
And Alittle Later They Approaced Me
And Struck Up A Conversation About Certain Graves
And About Grave Digging For Jewerly
When They Rode Off I Got Myself
Out Of There Sharply ,
Because I Thought I Was Going To Be A Victom
Of Robbery Plus My Camera.
I Would Not Go There Again ,
They Should Have Security On These Cems
To Stop These People And To Stop Damages To Head Stones[/

Thanks very much for that.

There are a lot on myths about these cemeteries. Dollyferrets post was over two years ago and things are a bit better now. The local police do patrol both cemeteries. I think the problem with Warstone Lane is it is so open and in the middle of the Jewellery Quarter. I go to Key Hill often and have never had a problem but there are a lot of volunteers there in the day. People talk a lot of rubbish about graves being broken into for Jewellery. Often toomb's were broken but people didn't realise the bodies are buried underneath. As I said before go in two's as you would most places around the city carry a mobile phone and a number for the local police. The only way to stop this is to lift the profile of these places and then more people will visit and this put's off undesirables. There are people working very hard to improve these cemeteries and all I would say is if you have a problem report it to the police so they are aware of the problem.:)