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I'm a reporter for ITV News Central, based in Birmingham. Despite the current lockdown, we're working on some plans for our coverage of the week leading up to the 75th anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8th May.

I've been asked to do some research which I wondered if you might be able to help with. I'm looking for a photograph from the celebrations on VE Day itself in 1945 - preferably in Birmingham, but anywhere in the West Midlands would be fine. Now, here's the difficult bit.....we'd like to trace two or three people in the photo and interview them about their memories of that day.

75 years on, the obvious candidates would have been children at the time, and could well have moved away or whatever, so I appreciate that it's a needles-in-a-haystack job - but if it came off I think it would make some riveting TV!

I imagine the likely photo would be some sort of street party, and it would have to show several children close-up enough to be able to recognise them (so not just a crowd photo) but perhaps a family photo would also work, as long as it was taken on or around VE Day 1945.

Would you be so kind as to put some feelers out to your colleagues on the BHF and see what comes back?

It'd be much appreciated, and we still have the rest of this week to pull off a miracle! My email is andy.bevan@itv.com if anyone gets any response.

Many thanks,

Andy Bevan
hello andy nice to hear from you again hope you are keeping well since the last time we met ..very pleased that once again you thought of this forum to try and help with your research...there should be plenty of VE day photos dotted around on the forum but as you say you are after specific photos that shows any of our members on it who may have a memory of that momentous day...so

calling all members ...if you have a photo of yourself as a youngster celebrating VE day and can recall it and would be happy to talk to andy could you please contact him or post on this thread..andy i have moved this thread from general discussion section as it will get swallowed up there...moved it to the ww2 discussion thread and could you please keep us updated...ive got my flags and bunting at the ready :)

thanks and good luck andy...

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Just to pull this thread back to the top of the heap. I managed to sort out a couple of family pictures of VE Day which introduces the fact that at that time Birmingham was the recipient of evacuees.
Yes, the evacuees were not, most likely, in the Midlands as a result of danger from bombs but the fact that their homes had been destroyed by earlier bombing raids and as such, it seems, were homeless. I quote Midlands, rather than Birmingham, as some, I know, were in the Solihull area and most likely elsewhere. They were certainly in Devon at the time.
Thanks Jim.....I'm still trying to trace the girl in your photo - but it's proving pretty impossible 75 years on! Just to appeal again to everyone one here that if they have any photos from VE Day 1945 that they or people they know (who are still alive) appear in, could you please get in touch? Thanks again!
Just sent some pictures off to Andy which were unearthed just this morning so I fear they may be too late. For members eyes they were taken in Oakhill Crescent, Acocks Green which is where my mother was living in 1945.
VE Party Oakhill Crescent.jpg VE party Oakhill Crescent (2).jpg VE Party Oakhill Crescent (3).jpg
Perhaps someone recognises a face or two on them, I certainly don't.
Great photos - and sunshine !

I did a quick trawl of BHF and there were references in the threads below. If any members posted to these threads, maybe you could help Andy out ? Thanks all. Viv,

Post #214 and #215 (photos and certificate) in this thread https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/index.php?threads/bridge-street-west.16058/page-11

Post #3 here https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/index.php?threads/lots-of-ww11-photos-of-brum.41940/