I wonder if your sister became a secretary Nij? I ended up in an office I still can't type well as you can see. My brain goes too fast for my fingers. I ended up having mum's old portable Olivetti with the ribbons. I used to offer to clean it for her so I could have a go. We used to do printing with potato halves at school and designed our own dies with them. Also made potato head people and animals with matchsticks. You could buy potato head sets with bakelite noses and ear to stick on. I am smelling the classroom now - that white opaque glue with the brush stuck in the lid, plasticine, papier maché, powder paints you added water too. We had to bring in an old shirt of our dad's incase we got paint all over us. I loved it when we made things to take home like at easter or mothering sunday for our mums. But I always on insisted on making 2 things if the teacher let me, one for Nan as well. I made her a calendar out of a dairy lee spread cheese box with a picture of puppies on it and she binned it. So I never made her anyting after that. Mum had a calendar made from a paper plate and she put it on the wall I was so pleased. And a dark plain christmas card with a christmas tree made out of a doiley. Happy days.