Butchers are disappearing as you say. Where I live there were 5 now there are 2. Where my parents lived there are none now.
I am related to some Birmingham butchers called Tricklebank originally from Lichfied and Burton on Trent. I am told they worked in the meat market and were excepionally tall.
On my other side of the family one was a Butcher in Malvern.
Cov had a Walter Smith in Town at one time. As far as I know there are only 2 in the City Centre now as apposed to 7 when I was a kid.
The Cov Butchers shops (allover) that I remember were/are Clews, Bells, Haywoods, Tucky, Putnams, Drage, Mr Eatwell, Butcher Boy, Cheshire and Morton, Dewhurst, Ellis, Hillers, Co-Op, Bishops,. Nan always called Putnams - Putmans! We had a friend worked at Pargettors funeral parlour he called it Pargareeters.
Cooked meat shops are also disappearing. We had Needles that Nan called Needlers, Isherwoods and Garners.