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In The Kitchen Today

Hi jean
i have got plenty of rhubbie in my garden
i give it my local pensioners they love it ;
by the way its good to hear the young ones are starting to learn to cook for themseves
i started to learn when i was a nipper ; by watching old fanny and johny
from the blue yonder days when we only had the little 12 inch tv
whilst every body else had colour
but it dd not matter; at least i do not need a woman to cook for me
and after being in the army i now can sew ; wa ; aye; i,m very indepentant
any way girls which is the best way to cook duck ;
i love the chinese special plum sauce with mine
happy cooking girls ;and have a nice day ; astonion ;;
Astonian plum sauce with duck. Lovely. I have made a load of sausage rolls for the gaffa to take to the van tomorrow and now he says we are going on Thursday. Half have been eaten already. Oh well as long as he enjoys them it does not matter where they are ate. Jean.
Astonian , what about the forgotten cook Phillip Harben. I can remember his adverts more than his 1950' cookery programs. He had a very husky well educated voice and wore a butchers apron. A bit like a school master in his manner.. I was far to young to cook then, cannot have long been off rusks and milk. I think he lasted until the 1970's and his kitchen utensil company is still going ,apparently.
I scrounged a chicken carcass, off the stepson, which was only half eaten and loads of spring onion tops ( he only eats the white bits ). That went in my slow cooker with whatever I could find and hey presto Chicken soup that actually tasted of chicken. He wastes a lot of food when I am not around to save it being binned. That chicken gave its life to feed us, the least I can do is do it justice.
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1/2 a pound of potatoes for 4 people the mind boggles. Dek

Dek, perhaps these portions are more to your liking. Just how you get an illegal dead whale of 105 tons back home from the fish mongers without arousing the neighbors suspicions is beyond me. It could go down well at a BHF get together and there would be plenty for everyone, even seconds or thirds.

It is surprising at the number of whale meat ricipes there are. I believe during the war it was off ration like most fish.
I am pleased to hear that so many of you gents take an interest in cooking. I know some of you re single but even when I was in hospital my husband did not cook for himself other that throwing a pile of chips with the sausages into a chipper and he did actually cook an egg. I am not having a go at him as he will do anything about the house and has taken over with the vaccume . Alan I slow roast a duck on a rack with no fancy coating as Pete wouldn't eat it. I do keep a quarter for myself for a stir fry. Richard your soup sounds delicious. Jean.
I can't believe no one has been in the kitchen for so long!! Today I put a pint of veggie stock, chopped onion and about a pound and a half of chopped tomato's in the slow pot on high for about an hour. Then I added two lamb shanks and let them cook for about three hours. Then I added about a pound and a half of yam cut into pieces. Two hours later I added a handful of chopped mint leaves and the wife served it up. My son was here so he had a meal and because I am eating less there is enough left for tomorrow.

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Right Trevor I am back in the kitchen today and have done these two cottage pies ready to put in the oven to finish off [brown]. They are for my daughter in law who is still in quite a bit op pain after her operation. Jean.
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jean it looks yummy.today,i went to asda, and bought. 1 spud. 1 carrot 1 onion. 6 peas.i piece of beef.the woman said you live alone dont you.
i said how do you know? she said you are ugly.
I like that one Pete. Just popped two steak and kidney pies in with the others. I have not had one for ages. Making my own next week but Pete wanted one from the farm and they are lovely so he tells me. We shall see. Jean.
I have been cooking for my wonderful wife again today. I put a saucepan of water on to boil. Then I got a small honey glazed bacon joint and cut it up into small slices and added it to the boiling water. The pasta was next. I added enough for two to another pan of boiling water and by now the bacon was almost cooked. I added a jar of pasta sauce and let it heat through then added a jar of pitted olives, stir a few times and it is done. Serve the pasta onto two plates and serve a quarter of the bacon and olives onto each plate. That leaves half the bacon for tomorrow. I do it this way because some pastas should not be re-heated. It is quite versatile because there are several types of pasta and several types of sauce.
Hope they were good ones Trevor?. Just received a phone call to say they have been eaten along with the veg I cooked and were appreciated. Doing a lamb hot pot next week four eight of us. That is quite straight forward. Love the sound of your gammon Trevor. Jean.
Sounds appetising Stitcher though I may have cut the ham into lardons and fried crisply to add more texture to the dish. I have reheated all types of pasta successfully and a quick search on google confirms this though different techniques are necessary depending on whether the pasta is plain or in sauce. Living alone, I often do a batch of any pasta dish then freeze portions for future meals.
sounds nice jean.tonight i am going to open a tin of beans,insert spoon then transfer contents to gob lol
Warm em up first Pete at least. Grilled sausages tonight to make up for Pete's fish finger for lunch. Cooked the dog one too. Brad the dog that is. Looked in the fridge and have a bit of shopping to do tomorrow. Jean.
johndavies, friends of mine who are in the catering trade,(one being a chef) inform me that when reheating some types of pasta extreme care is needed. Again with rice extreme care, and some pasta sauces are not recomended for reheating.
A day late with this one I am afraid. Dahl, lovely and easy. A decent pinch of cumin powder and a finely chopped red onion fried in a desert spoon of Olive Oil for five minutes, a pinch of chilli flakes is an option. Stir in 140 grms of split red lentils, 850 grms of vegetable stock, one 400 grm tin of tomatoes and half tin of chickpeas. Allow this to simmer for fifteen minutes then blitz with a hand blender to a creamy pur'ee. I allow it to cool a little first so as not to damage the plastic parts of the blender. Pour it all back into the pan and return to a low heat then add the rest of the chickpeas and a handful of chopped coriander leaves. Cool until chickpeas are done, we had it poured over a boiled potato and a piece of white fish cooked in the steamer.
Trevor you always make me feel hungry!!!!!!!!. Have made the steak and kidney pie filling and am topping it later. I have made a suit cake for the birds with bird seed, pea nuts, sultanas and currents. Put a mince pie on their table and the first one down was the Mistle Thrush. Jean.
Hello Jean, we do much the same with the bird's as you. This morning they have had bread a lard, sultanas, peanut's, a fat ball, plus an apple. We have to care for them don't we?
Hi Maggs yes we do. They are not touching bread crumbs at the moment but love the currents and sultana's. The thrush sits on the neighbours chimney pot and when he sees Pete he fly's on the fence. Don't want him too tame like the other poor black bird. Jean.