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This was tree shrubs in our garden that were wiped out with last winter's cold. We cut them back and we were told to wait with them until may or June. Sure, enough in late May we started to see green.......Then they went crazy. growing & blooming all over. What you can't see in the photo are all the new buds emerging. Mother nature is such a wonderful thing & so enjoyable!
After the bites I read up about the fly and one article said don’t think you can beat these by covering up. They can drill through the hide on cattle. After that I went in front through woods and my late mucker followed to warm me ! Strange that I was bitten no end of times by things like midges, but I can’t remembering him having a single bite.

and then some have alarming problems !
thats them p gleg/horse flys they make me ill i have to have anti biotics i swell up all around the bite

i think the smell of certain people must attract them.:)
i have used all kinds of smelly sprays but still they Bite me
Citronella, vinegar, eucalyptus, geranium, peppermint and vinegar are all said to repel horse flies. A final tip is to position fans strategically around outdoor seating areas or pools to create continual airflow. This will keep things cool and put off horse flies, as they aren't strong fliers.
When battling bothersome horse flies, it helps to understand their likes and dislikes. 'Horse flies are attracted to motion, carbon dioxide, heat, and shiny objects
Does anyone else get bitten in their garden ? When I had a pool there seemed to be many more about.

Reports seem to suggest it is a bad year for midges, and mosquitos are moving further north with climate change.
Does anyone else get bitten in their garden ? When I had a pool there seemed to be many more about.

Reports seem to suggest it is a bad year for midges, and mosquitos are moving further north with climate change.
Many flying insects are attracted by pools and such, particularly standing water.
Just tidying for me today, winter pansies in, don't know if I said. Oh, we had 2 armed Apatche helicopters fly over at appx 3 pm. Never known that before, flying low too? Any suggestions as to why
Just tidying for me today, winter pansies in, don't know if I said. Oh, we had 2 armed Apatche helicopters fly over at appx 3 pm. Never known that before, flying low too? Any suggestions as to why
prob think your presure washer is a deadly weapen.:)
a training exercise for its pilots......................where i live jets and most aircraft fly very low it is a training area "the mach loop"

London on red fire ant alert after deadly species found in Europe​

A invasive non-native ant species has become established in Italy and could rapidly spread through Europe to the UK with global heating, a study warns. The red fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, has a powerful sting, invades gardens damages crops and can infest electrical equipment including cars and computers


Ants fascinate me, I know they are a nuisance, but I just find them so interesting. I used to love watching them at my families houses in Birmingham as a kid. Everything was new in Redditch, nobody had ants!

I have to concentrate when using the pressure washer, one wrong move and I've blasted some of the stones off the top of my pots!!!!!!!!
soon be time to get my hot washer out in the garden and blast the green algie away its getting slippy now:(

ants could take over the world

Most species of ants are territorial and do not tolerate interference in their nests. As a result, humans are known as the predators of these tiny insects that crush thousands of ants underfoot each day.
This massive killing gives rise to their anger and revenge to wipe out the population of humans from the planet and take control of it.
However, these insects do not bother the presence of humans until they responsible for causing potential harm to their population.
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