Latest update:
As the weather was good, I went to have a look at the park this morning. It was wonderful. Sitting by the lakeside in the sun, watching the boats while I chobbled me ice-cream - it was like going back 45 years. The best part is the mixture of people using it now, everything from picnicking East Europeans, all the way through the spectrum to old fogies like me. For the first time in years, on a normal day, I saw a bloke on the bandstand that was neither a drug dealer or a drunk. All in all, I was very impressed.
I even came close to selling some of the photos I took of the opening when I heard an old girl asking her husband to take her home to get her camera as she was so impressed. It was only later that I decided my photos would be no good as there were none of me and that's what she really wanted, not the park. ^-^