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Gosta Green Through Duddeston

Please excuse my blunderings!! The George Horton I am looking for lived at number 32 Coleman St, and my grandfather at 1/30. Any clues???
billwalkey99. So sorry I just realized you are in South Australia .
Unless someone on this forum can get to Birmingham Central Library to the 6th floor Local Studies to search for you, the only other answer would be to phone or write them a letter, ( This can be found on the internet ) I am waiting for them to do one for me at the moment and they said it would take about four weeks. I have not been to the Library for about 18 months now as I need a mobility scooter to get about. Some things I remember well but those two addresses you quote seem to escape my memory. I knew the houses but not so much the people who lived there as I must have been around 11 years old then. I am sure you may get some luck if you put your request on the forum for someone to check out those Electoral Rolls
as near to the year that you require. I wish you well with your search and don't give up, like I say request if someone can get there and do it for you.
Ernie: I have just come across your post to billwalkey99 in which you mention that you are restricted to a scooter these days and can't get to the library.

Until I get my muscles back after four sessions in hospital last year I'm confined to the house tethered to an oxygen machine...! (I think I told you)

What has interested me about your post is that you mention you are awaiting the answer to an enquiry you have made by letter (or email?), which, apparently, you are going to have to wait about four weeks for...

What I want to know is: is this service free or do you have to pay for the search?

I know that certain facilities - searching files, for instance - are free so long as you can get to the library and operate their computers. I believe that any written request for assistance has to be paid for.

But, is there a special arrangement for pensioners or disabled who, maybe, can't get to the library?


billwalkey99: Th Electoral Rolls 1920 - 1945

32 Coleman Street:

1920 Elizabeth ORTON

1925 Elizabeth HORTON

1930 Elizabeth HORTON
James William NEWMAN
Nellie Elizabeth NEWMAN

1935 Elizabeth HORTON
James William NEWMAN
Nellie Elizabeth NEWMAN

1939 Elizabeth HORTON

1945 Eliza HORTON

1 Court 11 which seems to be 1 back of 30 Coleman Street:

1920 Charles FAULTLESS

1925 Charles FAULTLESS

1930 Amelia FAULTLESS
Thomas William LEONARD

1935 Amelia FAULTLESS
Thomas William LEONARD
Nellie May LEONARD

1939 Thomas William LEONARD
Nellie May LEONARD

1945 Thomas W. LEONARD

These are, of course, only people of voting age. Sorry but the formatting facilities leave a bit to be desired!

Hope that helps.


Does anyone remember
the Gospal Message Mission?
It was held in a building at the top of some rickety stairs on the left hand side, just before the bridge at Great Lister Street? The bridge on the way to Saltley.
Also during the summer they would sometimes have a marquee in front of the flats in Duddeston Manor Rd and do a 2 week thing there. I also remember being taken on a trip out to the countryside somewhere with them. We had a picnic, games and songs. I still have my bible that was given to me by 'Uncle Frank'. Uncle Frank was an african/nigerian man who was possibly a missionary.
Happy days!
pedlarman. Jim. I expect I shall have to pay for the search, but taking all things into account ( 160 mile + journey ) it should be worth it ( that is if anything can be found.)
a s wood I seem to remember the building but that's all I can say.
Hi Amanda

I have no personal memory of the place but, that would have been the Gospel Message Mission at 66 Saltley Rd, which was between the Library and Goodrich St on the same side of the road. It opened its doors for the first time in 1934.

Ernie: I have just come across your post to billwalkey99 in which you mention that you are restricted to a scooter these days and can't get to the library.

Until I get my muscles back after four sessions in hospital last year I'm confined to the house tethered to an oxygen machine...! (I think I told you)

What has interested me about your post is that you mention you are awaiting the answer to an enquiry you have made by letter (or email?), which, apparently, you are going to have to wait about four weeks for...

What I want to know is: is this service free or do you have to pay for the search?

I know that certain facilities - searching files, for instance - are free so long as you can get to the library and operate their computers. I believe that any written request for assistance has to be paid for.

But, is there a special arrangement for pensioners or disabled who, maybe, can't get to the library?



Sorry Jim, Its Like me at times not to get things right,
I read your post again, Well I rang up the library as I could not get their email address to work. Gave them the details that I wished to know about and that's when they told me about four weeks. I cannot say about Disable Facilities which they may or may not have. We both have disablity scooters, I know there is a chair lift at the enterance and of coarse the lifts but cannot say if these are meant for disablity scooters.
The other two questions you ask I am not sure of ( but I expect to have to pay a fee.)
Thank you Phil for that information. I am sure that someone on this forum will have known the place and have been there like me. Sunday schools were big in Nechells when I was growing up. We went to them all.
Hi all
Does anyone have any photos of Claverdon St, my grandad Bernard Wallace was born there in 1922.
I have given and taken away so much from this thread,
and without ger22van and the like it would have been a damp squib.
i will never forget he night and i,m sure Ernie will remember the night he came up with a picture of almost the front of my house in Cromwell st,i was in tears,
and on so many other occasions,i have been shell shocked at the knowledge of others, well done and long may this thread survive, regards dereklcg..
derek...i too echo your sentiments.....i was in tears when phil posted me a pic looking right up villa st..pics of this street are very few and far between so what would we do without the likes of him???

anyhow ive just found this one of henry st...dont think its been posted before..apologies if it has....

its of silks coffee shop on the corner of henry street....




  • Nechells Great Lister Street Henry Street Silks Cafe 1960 .jpg
    Nechells Great Lister Street Henry Street Silks Cafe 1960 .jpg
    45.9 KB · Views: 8
thanks mossy....although not my neck o the woods i did have an ancester from henry st...so any pics are of interest to me...

Hi Lyn

That a good photo of Silks cafe, although I have seen others I don't think that one has ever been seen on the forum before. Ernie would know, he's the expert on Silks.

hi phil...i hadnt seen that one before although there are too many pages to go though to find out..lol

ok will await to see what ernie thinks.....

I'm pretty sure this one hasn't been on before. Its an aerial view of Windsor St Gas works. The only trouble is I can't make head nor tail of it.

Can anybody align it for me by answering a couple of questions. Where is the curved road just above the gas works, and what is that building to the left of the frame, is it a school?



  • Nechells Windsor St Gas Works.jpg
    Nechells Windsor St Gas Works.jpg
    136.3 KB · Views: 17
I think that the first curved road is a further development of what is called William Henry Street on the 1890 survey. The road that runs straight past the last gasometer is Avenue Road I think and in the distance are the curves of Rocky Lane. No building is shown in 1890 where the school building is (if it is a school). You can see the canal in the photo. If this is correct then this picture is close to the location (top right) of the first location of Thimble Mill in a recent post. How old is the photo?

That makes sense with my 1960's map of Birmingham. Even down to the school of which I have no memory. The photo itself was taken in the 1930's



  • Windsor St Gas Works .jpg
    Windsor St Gas Works .jpg
    135 KB · Views: 17
Looking at the photo you can see how much industry marks the landscape. Think before all of that and about bare land. Then looking from the same spot you would see a leat bottom left to top right taking water from below Asto Brook flour mill to the original location of thimble mill and I think there may have been a weir on Hockley Brook from which the leat would have been fed. It would probably have passed by where the gasometers were to be.
Even down to the school of which I have no memory.
I think the school in the pic is St Mary's the one connected to St Mary's Aston Brook Church that was on Aston Rd.
The one on the map in Dartmouth St Was part of the school that was annex to Bloomsbury Girls. there were gates in a long fairly high wall, then a wide sloping playground down the school building that looked like it had once been a large posh house of some kind. However there was a small entrance in Lord St that led to the part of the building that house the Nursery school and I think part of an annex to the Catholic School of St Josephs.

I know this because I attended there for my Third year classes and also used to drop off a neighbours daughter at the Nursery each morning. The school closed when Duddeston Manor opened.
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Neat job John. Pom, the picture is from before my time and definately before you. So maybe the one in the photo was levelled before we were born if it was the school on PMCs map.
Hi Rupert I missed out part of my post when copying and pasting it Sorry .
I was just editing my post when you made yours
I'm pretty sure this one hasn't been on before. Its an aerial view of Windsor St Gas works. The only trouble is I can't make head nor tail of it.

Can anybody align it for me by answering a couple of questions. Where is the curved road just above the gas works, and what is that building to the left of the frame, is it a school?


I think you have already answered it Phil, Rupert Street in the bottom corner and also Avenue Road with the railway office block. The photograph has appeared on here before, I cannot say what that large building is that looks like an old school.
hi folks...talking about windsor st gas works..ive come accross a pic of it in a book...its taken from the corner of adams st and gt lister st 1953 with a pic of the new inns on the corner of windsor st itself...not sure if its been posted before..i have a load of other pics to downsize and post so i will put in on later...

hi folks...talking about windsor st gas works..ive come accross a pic of it in a book...its taken from the corner of adams st and gt lister st 1953 with a pic of the new inns on the corner of windsor st itself...not sure if its been posted before..i have a load of other pics to downsize and post so i will put in on later...


Looking Forward to them Lyn, Don't worry as to wether they have been on before.
I've just been looking through my copies of Kelly's directories and I think the school is St Mary's National School on Avenue Road, it looks to be that sort of a building.

I was still there in the 50's but it was gone by the early 70's, as it shows on my 60's map it must have still been there then. Can anybody narrow it down further than that, because I still can't remember this school and I used to use Avenue Road as a short cut to my mates when they moved him out of Heneage St in the early 60's.

hi ernie...think it ernie anyway..lol..

ive got pics from all over brum to put on so i will try and post them under the appropriate threads....

also got a couple of where is this pics hoping to catch you all out but i have me doubts as there is an awful lot of knowledge on the forum...

Afternoon all,
For the sake of clarification, I have marked a few street names on the photo.
Phil, I am almost certain that the building I have marked in orange was a granary which I watched burn down in the early fifties.
The school in Avenue rd. was next to St. Mary's church which was on the corner of Aston Rd. North, so therefore is way off to the left of the photo.