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Gosta Green Through Duddeston

hi folks...ive just come accross this pic of the redevelopment of duddeston and nechells....whats interests me is the little house in the bottom left hand corner... it looks quite old and i wondered if any of you nechells experts could give any info on it and is it still there..

many thanks.


ps sorry if this has been posted before.
hi Lyn,great pic i would say it is little hall road,running parallel with Malvina rd,
which runs from duddeston mill rd to saltley rd,i think that rd far right is Malvina,because that is the railway line that i can make out with it,s wall i have so many times clambered up train spotting.
The road on the left off(Lt hall rd) is either the end of loxton st or duddeston manor rd? i,m not sure what the end of that building is i don,t think it is to do with st Mathews church which as i goes is still there.
i lived directly across the rd from it in Cromwell st.
happy days. regards Derek
wicked pic derek...fancy a paddle..lol....phil thinks that building may be part of loxton school.???

hi folks...ive just come accross this pic of the redevelopment of duddeston and nechells....whats interests me is the little house in the bottom left hand corner... it looks quite old and i wondered if any of you nechells experts could give any info on it and is it still there..

many thanks.


ps sorry if this has been posted before.
hi Lyn me again i think if you,re interested mite be right on my answer ,i have found a pic i believe i was sent, just can,t remember who at the mo.
But if you look at the pic it is grt Lister st to saltley,at the start you can see st Mathews church if you look to the right you can see loxton st school,as it goes was the school i went from 1953 and the picture looks the same then as you have posted,and the end of the building could have been the school?
catch you later Derek.
hi Lyn me again i think if you,re interested mite be right on my answer ,i have found a pic i believe i was sent, just can,t remember who at the mo.
But if you look at the pic it is grt Lister st to saltley,at the start you can see st Mathews church if you look to the right you can see loxton st school,as it goes was the school i went from 1953 and the picture looks the same then as you have posted,and the end of the building could have been the school?
catch you later Derek.
sorry Lyn i,ve lost the plot.
for some reason the pic i was posting did,nt go sorry but here it is..lol Derek.
lol derek...dont worry i have senior moments all the time...

yes looking at the two pics you may well be right...


kalispera, sospiri.
glad you like it,my house where i was born in 1948 was the one by the telegraph pole,
next to the phone box.
read the island by Victoria hislop,want to go to spinalonga.
regards Dereklcg

So you never went hungry with Wimbush's on the corner!

I live about 20 minutes inland from Spinalonga at a village called Limnes.


Lyn. What a fabulous photo ( No.1190 ). I havent seen that one before. Like Phil, I think the little building in the bottom left, is part of Loxton St. School. Its hard to remember exactly what it looked like after all these years, but Im pretty sure thats what it is. That was my old school by the way. Best wishes, Barry.
hi folks...ive just come accross this pic of the redevelopment of duddeston and nechells....whats interests me is the little house in the bottom left hand corner... it looks quite old and i wondered if any of you nechells experts could give any info on it and is it still there..

many thanks.


ps sorry if this has been posted before.

Lyn I don't think I am wrong when I say that the little house is the caretaker's house of Loxton Street School (post 1190 ) near the entrance to the senior school. The square building behind is the science class at the top including the Secretary's Office and the Ground floor was the Woodwork Classroom ( Mr Martin ) The passage at the side lead to the playground at the rear.
Check photo on post 1190.

Bazz, sorry you have beaten me to it.
hi gervan22van. hope you and your,s are well.
#1201 there is a picture you sent to me sometime ago,
and you can see it on there,we were heavily into Cromwell st at the time.
it is a good picture if you back up a bit i think you will also see whats what.
take care mate regards Derek.
hi all....glad you like the pic..when it was first mentioned that it may be part of loxton school i did think maybe it was the caretakers house....no honest..i did....lol..anyway if any of you who went to loxton are interested if you go to carl chinns birmingam lives site there are pics of one or two(not sure how many)leaving certs for that school... if you have any probs finding it let me know...

GER22VAN. After I had posted my reply, it suddenly came to me also, that the building was the care-takers house. Im glad you confirmed it for me. Barry.
Hi all,
well done barry, phil, ger22van, & derek, i thought loxton st
had gone by the time the new buildings where being erected,
but i can see from dereks picture that i was way out,
thanks phil for the new pictures terry
thanks amanda...didnt think it would still be standing...shame as it looked a nice little building..

Lyn. I have said in previous posts that when Loxton St. School was demolished I took a couple of pictures from the flat we used to live in. We lived at that time, on the eighth floor in Queens Tower, and therefore had an un-interupted view of the school. I have searched high and low over the years since joining this forum, but have still not been able to locate them. But, I dont give up that easy, and one day, when Im not looking for them, they WILL turn up, Im sure, and when they do they will be put on here. By the way the school was demolished in 1964, the year I left. Barry.
Back earlier in the thread a debate started up about the location of Perry Pens. I remembered this when I came across this photo of Lancaster Street with Perry Pens building there in the background. It's arrived a bit late in the thread but hope worth posting here.


  • Gosta Green Lancaster Street Perry Pens .jpg
    Gosta Green Lancaster Street Perry Pens .jpg
    142.6 KB · Views: 12
Definitely worth posting Mike - thank you very much - just what I was looking for! Now we have the back and the front of the building and it looks as though both Brick Kiln Street corners have been chamfered off.

Edit: Interesting that NCR appear to have an office on the corner.


barry...have you not got any pics of loxton school...if not i will me eyes open for you..

Lyn. The only photos I have of Loxton St School, are the missing two that I took when it was being demolished, and Ive already explained that they are hiding on purpose at the moment. So, if you do happen to come across any, I would be really grateful. Between yourself and Postie, you must have all the pictures of Brum that where ever taken. Best wishes, Barry.
barry if only i had....i only started searching for photos when i joined the forum 12 months ago...must admit though that i have been on a mission ever since then...i cant imagine that i have more than postie...phil...john houghton...just to name a few...and i have had such a lot of help from them and many others..not just with pics but also maps of which mike provides.....its nice to give something back...

will look out for loxton for you....hope you find your pics....

barry.. ive found 2 pics of loxton st houses just before demolision...but unless you lived there i surpose they wont be of any use to you...let me know if they are and i will post them...

barry have you been on the heartlands history society site...theres a couple of loxton class photos...

hi Lyn i,d like to see them if you don,t mind posting them,
as i also attended locko from 1953 infants till going to Charles Arthur st,
in the seniors.. best wishes Derek.