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Gosta Green Through Duddeston


Here's another version of the same line drawing. There may well be quite a bit of artistic licence in this drawing, but I can assure you that the side entrance of Perry Pens was in Brick Kiln Street.


Sospiri, I am not suggesting that Perry was not where you said; what I am looking at is the factory on the box. Joshia Mason became a partner with Elkington on Newhall Street and that factory had a canal along side. The factory in the picture looks large to fit in the Brick Kiln site and there is no canal there. It also looks large for the production of pens although I suppose metal rolling may have been involved. Looking at your picture I thought that it could not be Newhall Street because there are many elevating locks there and the picture looks as though there were two boats on the canal. looking at the picture above, I think the boats may be rudimentary renditions of locks. So perhaps this is Elkingtons. If you look on the horizon... can that be Big Brum and even the dome of the council building.
ps. I don't think any of the pictures are very accurate renditions and must have changed over the years. There is a Travel Lodge on the site now. Link below...


If the box picture factory is in fact the Elkington site then maybe it was an architectural sketch to show the customer something for discussion. There does seem to be a lot of windows and the frontage would have been a fair step. It may have just been used on the boxes as something like... for advertising. The eventual building was a bit more modest and in fact spanned the canal with fewer floors but it seems to have had a more attractive frontage. Just thoughts for possibilities for differences.
Incidentally the business was moved to Selly Oak eventually and became Elliots I think maybe...There would probably have been a canal alongside there too but it would have been country and a different skyline.
Here's a couple I don't think we have seen before. Aston St & the corner of Sheep St, Gosta Green, and the corner of Old Cross St. Anyone remember these two firms. Are they still in business?



  • Gosta Green Aston St - Sheep St 1964 .jpg
    Gosta Green Aston St - Sheep St 1964 .jpg
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  • Gosta Green Old Cross St 1968.jpg
    Gosta Green Old Cross St 1968.jpg
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gosta green c 1925...taken from the upstairs window of a tabacconists before the delicia cinema was constructed...

Legge Street on the left and Aston Road on the Right. The shop with the blind out is 265 Aston Road - N.Budd & Sons. Tent and Tarpaulin manufacturers. My family. Georgie
I can't remember this Motor Showroom at all! When would it have been built? My dad had a Store yard in Sheep Street.. Georgie

Hi Georgie

Can't tell you when it was built, there is no listing in 1950 Kelly's for it. The photo is dated 1964, and Kelly's list in their 73-74 Directory as 10 Sheep St. So it must have been built sometime in between. Perhaps someone with those directories might be able to tell us.

59,60 and 61 Sheep Street was sold for the re-development in March 1971... it was N. Budd and Sons yard... but was bought in 1915 as Centaur Tool Works. Georgie
Tanks mike,

So the Sales Room was obviously built between 1956 and 1973, we are getting closer. Anybody know any more?

Hi phil,
motor sales was there in 1960 my brother had ,motor bike from
there in 1960, i think it used to be . Chemist some time befor, then.
Georgie, i remember your dads yard, my father worked for budds
in the 50,s we lived in lawrence st ,our back yard was in sheep st,the school,s nit clinic kyrle hall were in the same st.
was coles shop next to the rising sun in old cross st ?
Which was on the corner of coleshill st.
Thanks for the pic,s terry
My Dad did a list for me of all the shops he remembered on Aston St and they are as follows, down from Woodcock St.....Swareys newsagent, then my uncle had a greengrocers shop.....After Duke St was Dixon and Hunt clothes, Wrensons, Castle Pub, Wolfes furniture, Walkers cakes,....after Sheep St was James chemist, Walwyn butchers, Baines cakes, Daniels pork butchers, Newmans restaurant, Hawkins beds.... After Gem St was Goffs sweet shop, Dolls hospital, Fish and chip shop, Carter Langdon jewellers, Gibbs veg shop, Hastilows shoes, Forteys car bike parts......then old cross passage, quite the shopping centre!,

was coles shop next to the rising sun in old cross st ?
Which was on the corner of coleshill st.
Thanks for the pic,s terry

Hi Terry,

The Rising Sun was on the corner of Old Cross Street at No 1, next door was Singleton & Cole tobacconist & pipe manufacturers, as to any connection with the Cole premises in my photo I cannot say.

Here is a photo of the original Motor Sales further up Aston St taken in 1958, and another photo of another car sales room on Aston Rd Beacon Motors taken in 1966.



  • Aston Aston Rd Beacon Motors 1966.jpg
    Aston Aston Rd Beacon Motors 1966.jpg
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  • Aston Aston St 1958.jpg
    Aston Aston St 1958.jpg
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Hi brumgum,
i lived at 32 lawrence st from 1944-57, i remember he shop
mrs morris i think! On the corner of gem st.
I remember the james family who lived at the bottom of your
entery. On the left side.& the flower lady who was in the yard
i believe i know your family, but marney keeps comming to my mind ! Thanks for the list of shops in aston st they are good references , thanks terry.

Hi phil ,
thanks for your repy, & pictures, i am still trying to sort out
where l w cole was. Terry

L.W,Cole was on the corner of Ryder St and Old Cross St. When you have got your head round that. Here are couple more to mystify you. One in Aston St and the other in Aston Rd.



  • Aston Aston Rd - Avenue Rd 1937 .jpg
    Aston Aston Rd - Avenue Rd 1937 .jpg
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  • Aston Aston Street 1952.jpg
    Aston Aston Street 1952.jpg
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L.W,Cole was on the corner of Ryder St and Old Cross St. When you have got your head round that. Here are couple more to mystify you. One in Aston St and the other in Aston Rd.


Smashing picture of Newmans reataurant, this was on my Dad's list he gave me (above).
Hi phil,
aston rd picture is one i remember, st marys church on one
corner ,the avenue pub, & thompsons on the other two but i
cant think what was on the other corner,

the picture of aston st, what a good picture,
it was near to gem st, i read in one of the links these
resturants where for people who had no cooking means
due to the bombing etc so they could get a hot meal.
Thanks again phil. Terry
The first one of these three is titled Aston Rd 1961, but I can't put a handle on it. I thought the structure in the central background could be Nechells House the flatted factory units discussed on this thread a while back.

If this is so and that is Aston Rd running across the photo, then what street was the camera man standing in.

Another photo is of the lower end of Dartmouth St and has long disappeared under that large traffic island at the bottom of Dartmouth St.

The last one is when the BBC studio's were at the old Delicia Gosta Green, but it the old Auto Spring place that interests me most. Does anybody know did they actually manufacture springs there or was it just a sales office.



  • Aston Aston Rd 1961.jpg
    Aston Aston Rd 1961.jpg
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  • Aston Dartmouth St 1951.jpg
    Aston Dartmouth St 1951.jpg
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  • Gosta green  BBC Studio .jpg
    Gosta green BBC Studio .jpg
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I don't have your on-the-ground knowledge, but there are these points of note. The road (place) opposite aston road doesn't, at the time of the photograph, apparently take traffic, and, judging by the gardens, possibly never did. The road from which the photo is taken is slightly offset to the left to the one opposite. The terrace on the road (place) doesn't start immediately, but there is a space. To the right of the houses there is what appears to be a brewery/malting type building at an angle.
If you look at the 1913 map attached this fits with the photo being taken from the position of the arrow. I couldn't find any other position on the street that did fit. The brewery type building could be the slanted arm of the malthouse on the map. Whether it was there when the photo is likely to have been taken, possibly you can say.
If this is the position then it would seem that the row of houses is Strensham place and the photographer is standing in New john St. In 1956 (my approx guess) the building immediately to the right of the the photographer would be no 201, F.Burns, Capstan lathe work. Tried to make out sign on wall, but could only get Aston road.

Thanks, this is more or less what I thought from memory, but although I remember the location before it was altered I tend to remember New John St after the road widening and alterations when it was much busier. I know it cant be Pritchett St because that shop on the corner would be a pub.

All the alterations were done when I was about 15, and I used to walk down New John St daily to work on Newtown Row.

Hi phil,
your picture of aston rd,mikejee has got it bang on.
You are right with the flatted factory.mill st was .narrow st
which ran the back of these houses,there was a factory
which made hand tools, shovels etc, which i think was fronted
on dartmouth st.

The buildings in dartmouth st were premier motors.

The gosta green pic , i believe was a sales office ,it ws very small place, when we looked through the window
all you could see was leaf springs for cars.
More great pictures phil, keep them comming please terry
Here's a good photo of part of Gosta Green, taken to highlight Gem St Special School. It must have been taken at the start of the redevelopment of the area. Anybody got any idea what was being built behind the school.



  • Gem St School 1964.jpg
    Gem St School 1964.jpg
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Hi phil,
motor sales was there in 1960 my brother had ,motor bike from
there in 1960, i think it used to be . Chemist some time befor, then.
Georgie, i remember your dads yard, my father worked for budds
in the 50,s we lived in lawrence st ,our back yard was in sheep st,the school,s nit clinic kyrle hall were in the same st.
was coles shop next to the rising sun in old cross st ?
Which was on the corner of coleshill st.
Thanks for the pic,s terry

Hello.... I've only just read the above.... can you tell me your dads name... I may remember him? Georgie
Hi isobel,
the picture phil shows in thread 1063 are numbered from 47 - 53
51 is a newsagents (bastianelli vincent) in the 1941 kellys directory thats near the other end of the building. Terry
wearing my political cap today I will post a photo of the stretch of tarmac and concrete responsible for wiping out most of Gosta Green and Aston. Then a group of people celebrating the fact that they had wiped out hundreds of back street businesses and what makes it worse is we probably paid for the Champagne.

If I had to say one thing in its favour, that would be that it has helped bring millions of visitors to the heart of our city over the years.



  • Aston A38 Aston Expressway Opening 01.05.1972.jpg
    Aston A38 Aston Expressway Opening 01.05.1972.jpg
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  • Aston A38 Flyover.jpg
    Aston A38 Flyover.jpg
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