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I was an apprentice 1958 to 1963 in the EDO remember chief draughtsman was Platt and one of the draughters Donelley. I worked in a small office on the same floor as EDO but down the corridor next to the stairs which went to ground floor clocking in station. As you looked at the main admin entrance (rotating doors) my office was on extreem left second floor (I think) remember a covered walk way at high level between main admin and the LRPD work shop. Alwas tried to park my car down the side but was caught CID sid and had to park in the car park there after.
Hi Roger & Richard, EDO was my first dept starting out as a GEC Apprentice back in the late 50s. Bob Roberts was my section leader Standard Motor Section. Mr Griffiths the office manager (if my memory is not playing tricks) names I remember: Arthur Woodward Turbo sec, Gordon Wall (known as Porkey Wall due to him being so thin)Std sec, Gordon Emberton Drawing stores,
I also worked along that corridor later on & the one below,BIG BOSS ROW. After my in swithchgear days ended. ROTATING PLANT ESTIMATING names I remember:Viv Horder,Jim allworth, Chris Dain, John Coole, Len Moore, Jo strafford, Tom Blewitt?,Barry Bartlett, Jim Pruslow?,John Prince,Ted Morgan,Tom Dilworth, Keith Richardson, Dan Craig,then on to LARGE TURBO GENERATING SALES/CONTRACTS under Alf Coutts that were I first met Jim James & Harry Briscoe .
Many more faces but not so good on names any more?
Please keep posting the memories.
Jim Allworth still lives in Sutton Coldfield, jockey Road & has posted on this forum under GEC Witton.
Does anyone remember any of the girls who works in the drawing offices?
Hi Pat I was a first yesr apprentice then, but do remember ladies in the print room and tracing office but no name will come back. Also remember the tea lady with that large cream coloured tea ern on a trolly. My job to collect all the cups and get them filled. Bloody awful tea though glad when I had enough of it. Was there a lady called Joy in LRPD sale she worked along side Tom Blewit did all the filing , And what about all the typing pool girls spent loads of time up and down with the Recorded blue plastic sleeves which I dictated all my sales stuff??
YES Roger, "Joy STRAFFORD" Took over office fileing from a older lady I think her name was Connie? in RPD ESTERMATING.
I REMEMBER a good looking young blonde girl worked in EDO TURBO SEC when I started at witton in the 50s. She was a twin her sister worked at witton too but donot know were.
Then we had Over the bridge from addmin block The Typing Pool girls , Anita Powell, Shirley Tobin.
Jill Dodds & Zeina in telephone exchange.
Diane Bevan Supplys Dept.
Val Samson Sec to Brian Lee Commercial Mangaer Parsons.
i remember jean farina (now price). i think i had to take her memos occaionally and of course i too worked for terry doidge when he joined the wages office in lrpd. i actually went out on a couple of dates with his brother david doidge. david became a dustman in later years around perry barr area. he may still be doing it now.

chris formerly christine sutton
Re G E C my uncle was an armiture winder at the g e c went there as a boy is name was Samuel Wilks and he lived in Station Road Witton, als my friend June Butler worked in the Holereth Department also Reg Sice and dick Porter any body remember hem Bobby b
Shera, are you any relation to ALEX SUTTON who also worked at witton He was on the magnet club commitee along with JIMMY JACK (Both played Bowls for MAGNET CROWN GREEN CLUB)?
Met ROY BARKER Ex Eng; from GEC & PARSONS PEEPLES, yesterday in Aldridge not seen him for some 30 years.
He asks to be remembered to any one who new him & that includes JIM ALWORTH who I understand he has been trying to contact for some time. Roy is now comming up to is 80th Birthday.
Roy & I worked together on the Experimental Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Project in Burry Port SOUTH WALES for PARSONS PEEBLES.
Hi Pat I was a first yesr apprentice then, but do remember ladies in the print room and tracing office but no name will come back. Also remember the tea lady with that large cream coloured tea ern on a trolly. My job to collect all the cups and get them filled. Bloody awful tea though glad when I had enough of it. Was there a lady called Joy in LRPD sale she worked along side Tom Blewit did all the filing , And what about all the typing pool girls spent loads of time up and down with the Recorded blue plastic sleeves which I dictated all my sales stuff??

Hi Roger,

I've only just seen your post. I knew Tom Blewitt very well - he was the father of my very good friend Joe who, sadly, died in a car crash in December 1968. Doesn't seem like 40 years ago...


Big Gee
Hi To Bobby B, I am a wilks but I do not think I am related to the Sam Wilks from the winding dept. My daughter has done sone research on our family and a Sam Wilks name is not there.
Any body out there emember the Mercury Arc Rectifier department. Spent a good part of my apprenticeship and had my first full time job in the estimating office. Remember people like Ron Bate, Widgery, in Estimating Norm Dugard, Sid Robb, Brian Hood, Jim Benson and Harold ? in the development group. Spent lots of overtime comissioning coal mine winders at Shirebrook and Birch coppice coal mines etc.
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Shera, are you any relation to ALEX SUTTON who also worked at witton He was on the magnet club commitee along with JIMMY JACK (Both played Bowls for MAGNET CROWN GREEN CLUB)?

no baron i didnt have any relations working there at all.
Hi Baron, Was Roy Barker in PCD? I seem to remember him checking out an installation of a Stainless steel sheet grinder line project at BSC Pentag, I was part of the commissioning team.
Hi Roger, you new Len Moore in RPD ESTERMATING he was the guy who had the Hydroplane? He and I were great mates for a number of years when at the GEC & Midland Hydroplane Club Bodymoor Heath back in the 70s.
The Joy you speak of was JOY STAFFORD.
Roger, have you seen jp909 is looking for the WILKS FAMILY TREE MEMBERS.
May be you could help you may be related?
Does anyone recall whether there was more than one GEC company on Electric Avenue in the 1950's? Apparently there was a department that made balance fan winders - does anyone recall which part of GEC carried this out?
This is my brothers wedding gift party when he was in MAGNET COMPUTER OFFICE at GEC WITTON.
Any one know any one?
All my family - grandfather, dad, uncles and aunty all worked for the GEC. Grandad Bert Walker started with the company when it was based in London and came up to Brum with it - names of others are Sid Walker, Jack Walker, Ken Pettifer, Joan Walker, Bill Bond.
GEC Works Witton

Looking through the loft on wet a miserable Saturday afternoon.

I found this Photo from the air of the GEC Works Witton in 1950' s, it ain't like that today.
Re: GEC Works Witton

Old photo's from GEC Works Witton

1) a Large Stator for a Hydro Electric Power Station Pitlochry in Scotland

2) Turbo Shop

3) Turbo Shop again a Large 200 Megawatt Stator again for Scotland Kincardine Power Station 1962, the fitter is me with hair
Re: GEC Works Witton

In the 1970's I was apprenticed at Landor Cartons in Landor Street. I seem to remember being told that the large building we occupied was an ex GEC place... maybe during the war.

Of course the building is no longer there.
Re: GEC Works Witton

The big white building in Landor Street had used to be GEC it was a part the Domestic Division, I think it was Goblin Vacuum cleaners which were made there.

It was closed down in the 1950/60 and the work was transfered to Bradford Yorks.in a Government Scheme which paid money for relocation of firms to area of high unemployment.
Re: GEC Works Witton

Great photo's Ray.

I am fairly sure my father worked in there....i remember him taking me in there in the 1950s.....I can smell it just seeing the photo's

Father was Harold Dawson, in case anyone might remember him

Re: GEC Works Witton

The G.E.C. was at the bottom of our road. My Uncle worked there for many years, and we went every year for a party. It wasn't Christmas, so it may have been a sports day. All I remember was having a wonderful time as we did as kids.
Hi Brumdelv,
I know all of the names that you have mentioned.
My Father was Bill Bond and after Mom died he then remarried to Joan Walker which is how I know the Walker family.

Sid Walker lived near Banners Gate Junior school and had a son called Robert.
Jack owned a hardware shop at New Oscott- what a smashing chap he was.
Ken Pettifer was also a good man- I last saw Ken at my Fathers funeral in 1991.
I think the Bond and Walker families accounted for a good number of G.E.C. employees.
Best Wishes,
Mike Bond.
Hi Jean,
Have just joined up,I lived in Streetly and started my Apprenticeship just about the same time that you began work at G.E.C. Our paths never crossed, I finished my time in the New Turbo Shop and then left to join P&O Lines as an Engineer Officer.
I seem to have done things in the opposite way to yourself Jean.I lived and started work in the Midlands and have ended up marrying a Geordy and living in South Shields.They are good folk with a wonderful sence of humour.
keep yer stotties warm Hinnie.
Mike Bond.
Just putting pictures in the right home.

The Sales picture in Turbo Shop do'es anybody remember the names of the 2 sales members on the extreme left and who was the visits.

I think that they may been Eastern Block countries.