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Which office did your Dad work in?
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Xpelair factory

My name is Madeline Smith. My husband, Ronald Smith, worked at the Xpelair factory based in Witton, Birmingham from 1970 to 1988. I believe he was exposed to asbestos during his employment at GEC-Xpelair Limited. As result of this exposure, he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, which is a cancer caused almost exclusively by exposure to asbestos, and sadly passed away in 2005.

I am trying to trace any witnesses who worked at the Xpelair factory around this time.

If you worked at the Xpelair factory I would be grateful if you could contact Irwin Mitchell Solicitors, who are dealing with my claim, on email address mandy.kaur@irwinmitchell.com or telephone number 0870 1500 100 and ask to speak to Mandy Kaur.

Any assistance you could provide regarding your knowledge of the site and your employment at Xpelair would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Madeline Smith
Hi, my Dad worked in Swichgear Progress Dept GEC & C.A.Parsons (after the takeover) Turbo Enginering Cost Dept till he retired.
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Just another view of the Admin Block of GEC WITTON were I started my working life back in E.D.O (ENGINEERING DRAWING OFFICE) 1957 Apprentice intake.
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re G.E.C. witton.

I'm new to the forum so apologies to all if mistakes are made. Seeing the posts about the G.E.C. reminds me that my father, William(Bill) Knight started working there on 11th Sept 1939, the outbreak of WW2 having prevented him continuing working as a coach driver at Stockland Coaches. He was the driver to the managing director, James Johnstone Gracie, who as well as his GEC post, became a local Home Guard officier. Gracie lived in Moseley at the time, and my family moved from Erdington to Moseley as Gracie,who was 'on call' required his driver to live locally.
My father remained as his driver until Gracie retired, my father remaining at Witton until he himself retired from the company in 1965.
During the war my family were required to take in lodgers and a lady who also worked at the GEC stayed. Her name was Vera Upton, she had two daughters, Barbara and Gloria.
As a yound lad in the fifties, I remember Dad coming home in the the cars he drove, we garaged them at our house. Rovers, Jaguars, Bentleys
Austin Sheerlines and Princesses.

Many of my family worked at GEC /Parsons Witton over many a long year, and I beleive my Uncle played cricket at the Magnet Club.......is that where they had the children's parties....I went to a few of those...but that is over fifty years ago so do not remember too much about them.I also think my other Uncle went fire watching during the war at the GEC.

If the names Harry or Len Peakman ring any bells

Harold Dawson

Jim Nicholls

I would love to hear from you always interested in anecdotes about my family

Best Wishes

Just a few more names from GEC/PARONS
any one know any one?
These are just a few of the guys who worked in the offices of both GEC&PARSONS in the day of witton some saddly not with us now.
GEC Witton

Hello Aston.

Tom Blewitt was the father of Joe Blewitt, a dear friend of my youth who was killed in a car accident in December 1967 when he was 21. I think Joe also worked at GEC for a time, but when I knew him he was at Dunlop. The Blewitt family lived in Stoneleigh Road, Perry Barr, when I first knew them, but moved to Stonnall in the 1960's. Joe and I cut our teeth on life together, and I miss him terribly even 40 years on. They were wild times, even by modern standards! Joe had an elder sister, but for the life of me I can't remember her name.

I have a personal memory of GEC Witton - I went there for an interview when I left school, in the bad winter of 1962/63. I turned up on time, and was told by the receptionist where to go to meet the bloke who'd interview me, and promptly got lost in the labyrinth of corridors! When I eventually located where I'd been sent, it was made very clear to me that I wasn't correct material for GEC....ah well!

Big Gee
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GEC Witton

My dad Harold Newman worked at GEC Witton through the war years and after. I remember him saying in the late 50s early 60s that he worked with the father of the then Villa goalkeeper, Nigel Spink if I recall correctly.
My dad Harold Newman worked at GEC Witton through the war years and after. I remember him saying in the late 50s early 60s that he worked with the father of the then Villa goalkeeper, Nigel Spink if I recall correctly.


That would've been Nigel Sims. Big bloke, great goalie. If you watched the Villa v Man Utd cup-tie on the box the other week, Nigel Sims was guest of honour along with Peter McParland and (I think) Johnny Dixon.

In those days the Villa trained at the Unity Ground in Trinity Road, and unlike the so-called soccer 'stars' of today they always had time for us kids tagging along behind them.

Big Gee
Hi, any one who worked in the contracts/projects dept of either GEC/C.A.PARSONS at Witton REMEMBER Keith Jenney?
:) Hi I know of Keith Jenney, Tom Dilworth, Keith Richardson, Les Berry & Doug McCliskie who sadly are no longer with us. I was Secretary to Nigel Steeley at Witton Kramer and we both moved to pastures new in 1979, I still as his secretary. I worked prior to WK with Terry Doidge and worked at the Magnet Club Friday/Saturday with his brother David. My former married name was Farina and my ex-husband Marc worked for many years in 2DO. When Nigel and I went to work for Boxmag-Rapid we met up with a few ex-employees of GEC Witton who were working at B-R. Hope this helps a little. Sorry to say Nigel and I now retired - he in his 70's and myself 70 this year. :rolleyes:
Any one know any of the following all Ex members of GEC or C.A. Parsons based at Witton Works:
Mr Tom Dilworth, Keith Richardson, John Prince, Don Richens, Viv Horder, Barry Bartleet, Doug Bragington, James Allworth, James James.Terry Doige, Barry Eyre, Ted Richards,
This is to name but a few of the many.
IF any one knows of these, or has any info, please PM Me.
:shocked: Regrettably Tom Dilworth & Keith Richardson passed away many years ago, in fact Keith pre-deceased Tom. No idea what happened to Don Richens or Viv Horder but I worked with Terry Doidge also his brother David and I worked Friday/Saturday nights behind the bar at the Magnet Club. My ex-husband, Marc Farina, worked in 2DO for many years if there is anyone out there who knew him.
do you remember Nigel Steeley Who was in charge of Witton Kramer in the 60s.

:shocked::shocked: I rember Nigel Steeley very well I worked as his Secretary at Witton Kramer until we both moved to Boxmag-Rapid in 1979, he was Managing Director and myself as his Secretary. Nigel retired in 1996 but I have remained in contact with him and his lovely wife Jane. Prior to Witton Kramer I first joined the GEC in late 1963.:'(:'(
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Re: G.e.c. Witton Kramer

:cry: I was Secretary to Nigel Steeley, General Manager of Witton Kramer, and it gave me great pleasure to read your precis as to how Witton Kramer commenced. Thank you. :)
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Hi Jean & WELCOME, Sorry to say my work mate & very good pal Viv Horder past way a few years a go in Good Hope, he had a family Heart conndition & it was very sudden. Have lost conntact with Jimmy James after I went to work for GEC at Rugby.
Keep to memories comming
:( Hi Aston - this is Jean thanking u 4 msg. Sorry to hear about Viv and yes I do remember walking through factory having a chinwag with some of you but making sure bosses were not around at time and like yourself I have no knowledge of Jimmy James whereabouts and as time stands still for no-one, and unfortunately like most people my age (70 this year oh!), you tend to lose sight of people and names. One of my very vivid recollections is the beautiful convertible Bentley with its dinner plate headlights and highly polished even the running boards used to gleam.
I still remember several names of office personnel but after leaving the site in 1979 unless you have a really close friendship you tend to lose track, so for this I apologise. Bob & Di Baldry, Dennis 'Joe' Stokes, Steve Dudley, Brian White (these last three Nigel Steeley & I met up with when we moved to Boxmag-Rapid). Is there anyone you can recollect who worked in PCD (Plant Co-ordination Department) - one name does come to mind and that is Ron Ramsden (good driver but did not have a clue on how to park a car. Hope to hear from you soon - take care. :smile2:
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they left the front on and built behind it
:( Hi - I do think the ORIGINAL part of the Main Admin Block is still in one piece as some time during the 1980's, after I had moved on to pastures new, I believe a survey was carried out on site by Birmingham Historians and the Admin Block was given a Listed Building status - I may be wrong and hope someone out there with more knowledge of GEC Witton can verify or deny this fact. It is sad to see such devastation on the site and to think only two of the original buildings stand, ie: the Magnet Club which has belonged to the Greek Community for many years. I worked behind the bar in the Magnet Club Friday/Saturday nights for several years, where some good times were had by all. I used to lunch there and also enjoyed a game of snooker with some of the 'lads' - such memorable days!! :wave:
Hi again, Di & Bob Baldry moved to SOUTH AFRICA when PARSONS PEEBLES left Tyburn Rd Offices. Do you remember Richard Rowe? PCD he has posted on this forum
Will look up some names & be back
:) Good morning again Aston: Tks info on Bob & Di Baldry, faded memory seems to remember John Coole having mentioned Bob & Di going off to South Africa after I had already left GEC/CAP. Sorry Richard Rowe does not ring any bells, working in Accounts Dept for some time where Harold Rooke was my boss - he moved up to North East to Parsons HQ after they took over and I accepted a position as Nigel Steeley's Secretary over in Witton Kramer until he and I both moved to WK competitors Boxmag-Rapid and consequently retirement.
Sorry if my replies are not sent as quickly as they should be, I am a total computer nerd :headhit: (oh the joys of modern technology) and am just learning and find difficulty in trying to 'log on' to site and then to respond to msgs. Anybody out there can tell me the quickest and easiest way of working out how to play this stupid but entertaining game!!! :cry:
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:rolleyes: At last Aston I have just about managed to find out a little more (and I mean a little) about how to use the bookmark you mentioned to me but I think I will have to book myself into Adult Education at some point to learn how to use even basics for a computer instead of being a nerd!!
Would be interested to learn if you or anyone else knew of George Bebe's whereabouts - I know he lived in the New Oscott area for many years and whilst looking through some old photies for my son I came across some that George had taken a number of years ago.
Hope to make contact with other ex-members of GEC in the future.
:) Hi I know of Keith Jenney, Tom Dilworth, Keith Richardson, Les Berry & Doug McCliskie who sadly are no longer with us.
I believe I have made a boo boo in my first line and it should have read that Tom, Keith, Les and Doug McCliskie have sadly passed away as I am aware Keith is still with us and I do apologise most sincerely for any upset and and pain I may have caused through this comment and hope Keith can forgive me.:(
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Jean, Did Keith Richardson live in Witton road...Cat:)
:thumbsdown: Sorry Catkin, Keith lived in Sutton Coldfield but am not sure where and if you associate him with Tom Dilworth, Tom lived near Kingstan-ding Circle. Keith and Tom not only worked together but they were good friends also and if my failing memory serves me right I believe they socialised outside of office hours. :rolleyes:
Jean, Did Keith Richardson live in Witton road...Cat:)
Failing memory just started kicking in slightly. Keith did live in Sutton as I remember on a couple of very rare occasions when he did not have his car for whatever reason and with me living in the Streetly area I used to drop him off at the Beggars Bush, New Oscott, and he would get the 307 which in those days used to go down Jockey Road into Sutton.
:cry: Sorry Cat got it wrong again, the bus number was 107, 307 is Streetly bus route. I think I better give up while the goings good otherwise I am going to drive myself mental - not that I am not already part way there anyway. Bye for now :redface:
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Hi Jean, thanks for giving me the KISS OF LIFE! now I can get on with the rest of my life.
keep the memories comming.
:redface: You lovely man Aston (KJ) - I cannot apologise enough for my terrible faux pas when I re-read some of the quotes (being new to this game) this morning I could not believe what I had typed up - I will leave it to your imagination what I called myself!!!
Thank you for your forgiveness - speak soon. Bye for now :sweat: :blush: