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Frankfort street, Hockley

Hi I'm Tony Shuttleworth daughter he now lives in Lichfield we lived at number 65 Frankfort street at my Grandparents house George and Betty Shuttleworth happy times so many memories..
i was born at 59,to bert and amy walker,there was,billy,brenda,irene,john,susan,rob,i was only 8 when we left to live in northfield.At 61,was archie,maggie,margie,and ann weetman.who was moms sister.good memories of the coronation,we wheeled the piano,s into the st,then finished off in mapplebecks factory.it,s only looking back i realise how poor we were,as i only have happy memories.hopscoth,long skipping rope one end tied round lamp post,the old peck in gee st,all innocent fun.i live in burntwood now,but will always be proud to say i was a "summer laner!.thanks for the message....
Hi I had family living at 21 in the 1890's. They sold second-hand clothing. I have no idea when the property was demolished (I presume it was). Is it possible to locate the position upon the old maps? Dave
PS My dad was born in Gee Street early 1900's. No. 4 I think.
Below is a large scale map showing part of Frankfort st with no 21 in red

By looking at directories of around the period (many streets were renumbered in the period 1880-1900) in combination with looking for where the courts are in the electoral rolls
By looking at directories of around the period (many streets were renumbered in the period 1880-1900) in combination with looking for where the courts are in the electoral rolls
Thanks Mike. I thought it may be a reference out---but only this morning in the shower after I had posted!!!!
Hi I m looking for any pictures of 10 court 3 frankfort st Birmingham in 1900 onwards or prior also the Rolph Arthur and Clara wit all the daughter's lived there and at 43 Lord St they are my grate grandparents any information is much appreciated
hi folks a few more new pics of frankfort st...think there is about 12
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Lyn,looking at the first picture of Frankfort St post 124 took me back a bit. It could just well have been Whitmore St looking up to Park Rd with the cafe on the corner and our entry right opposite, even down to the lampost. Uncanny.

hi terry i took a good long look at that pic myself...looking at my trusty 40s st map frankfort st ran from summer lane to gt russell st..im pretty sure the st running across is not summer lane so therefore i would say its gt russell st...

Yes you are right Lyn, That's The Justice on the corner of Frankfort St and Gt Russell St. moss

hi moss...i thought it looked like a pub on the corner..in fact in amonst that batch of photos were these 2 of the justice..
my gt gran lived in frankfort st moss but this was round about 1900 so well before those pics were taken

Same houses though Lyn.

thats true enough moss...would have to check my notes but i think she was back of something so for all i know it could have been the courtyard pic..there again it could be just me being romantic again lol
I don't know this side of Birmingham well, but the photo's do take me back to my childhood, and could also be of Ladywood, or Edgbaston, so atmospheric, so very dear old brum.
i agree paul...lots of places did look the same and they also take me back to my childhood...it only takes one photo to spark a long forgotton memory...

Hi Lyn, thanks for letting me know about the new pictures. These are fantastic! Our house was directly across the street from Mapplebeck's. The factory loomed right outside our living room window. This is the first photograph I have seen of the factory since those days as a child in the early 60's. I remember it from the vantage point of a 5 year old kid of course, 3 foot tall, who enjoyed seeing things get squashed under the big truck tires i.e. my glasses. The picture (and the others) brings back a lot of childhood memories As you can see, it appears our house and the others where the photographer is standing, have been demolished. My dad revisited the area about that time--1968, just before we emigrated, and he said everything had been pulled down. Was Mapplebecks pulled down too?

On image #8, is that the front to Kirby's scrap yard, by chance?

Thanks so much Lyn!
hello kev im afraid i dont know if that is the front of kirbys scarp yard as the only memory i have of frankfort is when i used to collect our dads window money from the houses that had the arched entrance to them which you can see in photo 2...these have only recently been demolished and new houses built..as far as i can see on street view mapplebecks has gone..frankfort st has been cut shorter now and only runs from summer lane to hospital st...glad you like the photos kev..

all the best
Hi gill, I have just read your 2010 post on here re Maidens and Bent families. I am married to Dennis Bent ( the son ) the address was 6/66 Frankfort street I believe. I am trying to research the family tree so it's great to find someone who remembers them !
Regards, Marie Bent x
Hi Everyone, wonderful pictures of Frankfort Street. I've been searching for some showing Frankfort Street / Moorsom St for ages so thank you. I've been looking at the street in the 1800's and was interested to see that Kev's family was there then. My Gt grandparents were there in the 1870's before my Gt grandfather died. Gt Grandma then moved to Summer Lane and set up as a 'Clothes Dealer' (funnily enough I love jumble sales etc. as does my daughter - must run in the family!) Thanks again to this brilliant site - I managed to contact someone in the US recently who I'd been trying to get in touch with for years (on a different thread but the same streets).
I feel sure that that pic is the opposite corner to "The Justice" ( Which a relative of mine ran). My Nan had a shop in Gt Russell St opposite that pic.
hi folks glad you are all enoying the photos of frankfort st...i reckon it will be a while before anymore are found

Re: old times

You would be right Old times, Roy Kirby worked in both Jack's & Henry's yards back in the day, and Jack was Roy's uncle but as time went on it would be Henry who ended up with both yards, the one in Frankfort Street and the one in Gr Russell Street, this was dew to the fact that Jack went down for along time so Henry bought Jack out..
I know all this because Roy Kirby is my father and Henry was my grandfather, and Jack and Henry are Brothers along with Bert Kirby the professional boxer..
Its a very funny thing being a Kirby, folk know more about your family than you do yourself...
Kind regards Kirb's