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Frankfort street, Hockley

Yes Kev it would have been.... Infact when we were young and if we had messed the house up Our Mom used to say....... " It,s Like Jack Kirby,s Tat Yard in here".
Hi Mossg
I believe so. I was only a child but I do remember having to cross the road to get to it. His house and yard were at number 86. I can still remember the wonderful smell of beer and tobacco wafting from the windows of the Justice. I have never smoked, and sadly don't take the time to enjoy a drink often enough either, but the smell of it to this day makes me feel right at home

i remember frankfurt street, i was in love with a boy there i was about ll at the time he facinated me he and different coloured eyes one blue one brown i wish i could remeber his name my mum used to said me to the frankfurt arms for a shandy once a month good days we lived in farm street my name was shakespeare
i remember the words to that song and the music it went like this vote vote vote for mr lawler whos that knocking at my door
if its so and so and his wife( i imagine that was the oposition) we will stab them with a knife and they wont come voting anymore,
sounds horrible doesnt it but my brother and i was singing that song not long ago here in Australia it was a real catchy tune
mr lawler owned a factory in geach stree,
Hi ,has any one got a picture of Frank ford street ,b Birmingham .It would be great to see what the street my ancesters lived on .Regards Kim .
just come across this great pic..never seem it before..showing houses built before the war on the corner of gee st and frankfort st..most important thing with this pic is it shows some of the old houses of frankfort st..if you go to my pic on post 89 the photographer is standing taking that pic in the archway you see on this one..

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forgot to say that to earn a few bob i can remember going into those new buildings collecting our dads window money for him...
bringing to the top for mike and when time permits could this thread be moved to the streets and neighbours section please..

many thanks..

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just found another pic of kids playing on the corner of frankfort st outside the bookies dated 1964 will scan and post it later on

Hi Lyn,just wondering where this picture of Frankfort St is?brought this back to the top just to remind you.Hope i am not being too pushy.moss
Hi Lyn,just wondering where this picture of Frankfort St is?brought this back to the top just to remind you.Hope i am not being too pushy.moss

oops i forgot about it moss yet another senior moment lol...will post the pic asap

img587.jpghere you go moss...looking down frankfort st dated 1965..pretty sure ive not seen this one before but could be wrong...im hoping that fellowkev maybe on this one as he lived in frankfort until 1965

Great picture Lyn,showing Beckett's bookies and Jack Kirby's rag and bone yard.Thank you,moss.

glad its a new on moss not easy to find frankfort st pics..got it from a 2010 carl chin brummagem mag...

Hi Lyn,
thanks for another great picture. Slowly but surely Frankfort street comes alive in its entirety. It looks much more dingy than I remember it, though I was only five years old at the time. Actually, when I first saw the little boy on the left I thought that was me--same size and build and even the haircut was one I had back then. I can't get enough detail from the image to say for sure. Who knows! As I have said before, we were at Kirby's rag yard near every day exploring. His yard must be in the middle of the picture, correct? What corner road is that (I don't have a map in front of me)?
Lyn, thanks very much for this,
Just saw a new post from leonardjob--Great Russel Street... thanks!
hi kev i dont know why but i had a gut feeling you were on that pic..will try and get someone to enhance the boy on the left..if you read mossg.s post 102 he say that kirbys rag yard is showing..

I fear that is the photo is from a newspaper or of newspaper quality only slight enhancement will be possible because of the printing method used for photos - lots of little dots. Worth a try though.

Best I can do as if you try to enlarge it much more it starts to break up.

Frankfort Street.jpg
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frankfort redo.jpgtry this kev..maybe someone may be able to do better..click twice to enlarge oh use a magnifying glass on it as well as zooming in

I just had a quick look through this thread, I can't see this photo anywhere on it. Perhaps it was at one time and it was lost with the others.


  • Newtown Dolphin Frankfort Street 1964.jpg
    Newtown Dolphin Frankfort Street 1964.jpg
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Thanks everyone for trying to enlarge the picture but it just breaks up and gets blotchy. Still, I had fun imagining that it could be me. It's was a chance in a million I would have been standing there when the photograph was taken; there were so many kids playing in the streets in those days. Thanks!