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Fox and Grapes - Digbeth

thanks from me too michael...good to have another pic to add to the collection..


hi folks..was not sure where to post this but as a lot of you know the fox and grapes is just one building that we are worried about losing due to the new high speed track that is being built..un beknowns to me my name has been put forward by mike hodder the citys planning archaeologist to represent the birmingham history forum to attend a meeting the week after next..i received the invite from the hs2 stakeholder manager for the west midlands area..the meeting is to discuss how best to mitigate the impact of the hs2 on the heritage assets in the area..this will include the fox and grapes ..cant really pass up a chance to meet someone who may be able to give us all some answers as to what is planned for the fox and grapes and so i have accepted the invite and trust me i will be asking some questions.. Will keep you all updated..

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That's really good Lyn. You will make an excellent advocate for Birmingham heritage
hi mike and thank you..just hope i can do justice to the forum..this has come completely out of blue..could be that mike has got fed up of me badgering him lol...the fox is just one building we are concerned about..think the eagle and tun was another one mentioned but if any members know of any others that are at risk just let me know and i will ask about them as well...

Looks like your motivation has been noticed, Lyn. I hope that it goes well. Are you going armed with ideas?
We have few Georgian pubs left. The Bull, the Gunmakers, the Great Stone, the Bell at Harborne are all in that select club & I understood the Angel on Stratford Rd was to keep its frontage, though I have not heard that confirmed. Of course, If the Fox & Grapes is earlier than 1700, which is a possibility, then it belongs to an even more select class.
thanks everyone there is no harm in me going along to see what its all about...

shirl i have not really had much time yet to think about what i will go armed with except a deep passion for saving brums heritage..have to agree with you about the age of the fox and grapes though in which case it must be saved...

Give them "What for" Lyn, don't let them think they can do whatever they want even if they can.
dont worry phil i shall be listening to what is said and will be take notes and i will speak for all of us on this forum who value our historic buildings.we just cant keep losing them at the rate of knots that we are..its times like this i wish i was up to speed with the shorthand...will just have to make do with speed writing lol...

You deserve that place at the meet Lyn. You've got a battle on your hands but I'll know you'll do your best.

Sent from my HTC Wildfire
Good luck Lyn , you may one day find yourself doing a spot on bbc WM or even Central News :fat:
now that will be good ........... ragga xx
thanks froth..wend and ragga..apparently i have got some papers being sent to me next week so it looks like i will have to get me specs out lol...

oh ragga please dont talk radio or tv..i would be hopeless at that sort of thing..i would be a shivering wreck lol.

just hoping that i can come back to you with some posative news

Brilliant Lyn. I know you'll do a good job - it's in your heart. Just go for it!! Viv. x
thanks viv like i said there is no harm in me going along to see whats what..feel very strongly about the fox and grapes so i am keeping everything crossed that somehow it will be incorporated in the scheme of the HS2..

I only hope you are right Lyn, but without putting a damper on things, it is right at the end of the proposed platforms 5 and 6,the only way is to incorporate it into the new station complex.
I only hope you are right Lyn, but without putting a damper on things, it is right at the end of the proposed platforms 5 and 6,the only way is to incorporate it into the new station complex.

exactly john..so its off the platform and into the pub lol..on a more serious note i just hope that the fox and grapes will be incorporated somehow the place would make a fortune....if not they will just have to move platforms 5 and 6..

hopefully when i have been to this meeting we may have more of an idea of what the plans may be...this will go on for some time yet john as there will a meeting every month so its on going for a while yet..

dont worry john you have not put a damper on anything...i am under no illusions at all when it comes to the powers that be not giving a jot about our historical buildings...everytime i pass the pub on the bus i look to see if it is still standing and breath a sign of relief but also being aware that at any given time the ball and chain gang could be called in and flatten it in no time at all just as they did with island house...to them i may only be a girl who was born in a back to back house in aston(something i am proud of ) so what do i know??.. but you dont have to be clever to care..nor am i stupid and i will not stand by and let this building go without a fight and i will have my say...

ok rant over..im calm again now...will keep you informed john..

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I am sure a good architect could incorporate it. This is being done , in a wat in reading, where the old main frontage of the station some years ago became a pub, and is being preserved, still as a pub, into the frontage of the new station. The view below is artists impression .
Of course it is somewhat different , in that it was originally the victorian station.

morning mike...yes i seen something similar at blackpool where one of the exits to a ride leads you into a pub..im not suggesting that the fox and grapes be the only exist for the HS2 (that would be impossable) but it could work as a choice given to passengers..just thinking out loud...
Its not actually the exit. It used to be one exit when it was an open station, but the doors were bolted after turnstiles were introduced (bit like the W H Smiths on New St) . It will, it seems, be incorporated into the structure as a separate unit
as you say mike any half decent architect should be able to work a plan whereby we dont lose this building...in fact it should have been done a long time ago. i am going find out just how many brummies are involved in HS2..

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hi folks..attending the meeting last night and i really found it interesting....must say i was made very welome by all the reps from HS2..bcc reps..residents ass rep and what a treat to eventually meet mike hodder bcc archaeologist who is the spear head for saving the fox and grapes..i asked questions and was listened to and did not feel out of place at all...there is no doubt in my mind that all concerned are trying to retain the fox and incorportate it into the stations plans but i fear its going to be very difficult having seen the plans as they stand..as already said the fox is smack bang on what at the min would be where platforms 5 and 6 will be but i hasten to say the plans are far from being finalised..also the eagle and tun is a concern and is being addressed...even given the age of the fox and the surrounding archeaology which is the oldest in birmingham if they cant find a way to retain it within the station im afraid it will go..

final plans are expected to be put to pariiament by the end of 2013
they expect it to be rubber stamped by 2015
work to start 2017
station to be opened 2026...

what pleased me most was when mike was asked by the chair if he had any questions and he said no i think lyn has said it all..for now lol..that gives me the encouragement to carry on and i will be attending all future meetings..next one is in november and since last night i have thought of more questions i would like to ask..oh and i came away with 2 of the biggest plans and maps i have ever seen..i would need a scanner 10 times the size i have to scan them..that is all i can tell you all for now but i will be kept in touch with developements so will inform you as and when..

so its onwards and upwards folk..the battle is not yet lost..

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oh thanks mike..must admit i did not know what to expect when i got there...its one thing me ranting and raving on the forum where no one can see me but sitting in a room full of experts (only 3 women there lol) and speaking for all our members is a different kettle of fish..dont know why i was a tad concerned..every single person in that room introduced themselves to me and took time to listen and one or two even took time to chat to me after the meeting had closed..i also found myself fascintated by all the aspects of getting the HS2 under way....things i didnt understand but were explained in a way that i could...wish you could see these maps and plans i have mike...maybe if you can get to the christmas meet up i will bring them along...


Well done to you, it sounds as if you acquitted yourself as our representative admirably last night. You never know last night HS2 Rep, tomorrow Councillor Lyn
thanks phil but not much chance of that happening..i would be far too unpopular with the majority of councillors dedicated to robbing our city of its heritage by sweeping aside all in its path..anyway it would give me no time for me forums and friends and i cant let that happen lol..
