Drew Douglas
proper brummie kid
Hello everyone! 
After stumbling across this forum quite by accident while researching, I immediately signed up.
I've got a vested interest in Birmingham, particularly during the early 19th century. That's because my paternal line comes from the Birmingham area. I'm Australian and have been researching my paternal side on and off for a while now. It's been a long and at times frustrating journey, family history research was never really done with any significant effort until now.
What I'm trying to uncover is my direct paternal side as far back as possible in the UK. As you can imagine for someone who lives at the other end of the world, this is not an easy task. Unfortunately I have no idea about my Great-Great Grandparents, William and Hannah Douglas. When were they born, where did they live, what was life like for them, where are they buried? Who were their parents? Where did they come from? So many unanswered questions I'm sure all of us are familiar. So that's the reason why I signed up here. I got a feeling that this forum could unlock many mysteries.
It's my intent that one day I'll travel to the UK and follow my ancestors footsteps, visit the sites of significance to them and visit their grave sites (if they still exist). I'm sure you understand.
I look forward to chatting, learning and one day even visiting this fascinating city.

After stumbling across this forum quite by accident while researching, I immediately signed up.
I've got a vested interest in Birmingham, particularly during the early 19th century. That's because my paternal line comes from the Birmingham area. I'm Australian and have been researching my paternal side on and off for a while now. It's been a long and at times frustrating journey, family history research was never really done with any significant effort until now.
What I'm trying to uncover is my direct paternal side as far back as possible in the UK. As you can imagine for someone who lives at the other end of the world, this is not an easy task. Unfortunately I have no idea about my Great-Great Grandparents, William and Hannah Douglas. When were they born, where did they live, what was life like for them, where are they buried? Who were their parents? Where did they come from? So many unanswered questions I'm sure all of us are familiar. So that's the reason why I signed up here. I got a feeling that this forum could unlock many mysteries.
It's my intent that one day I'll travel to the UK and follow my ancestors footsteps, visit the sites of significance to them and visit their grave sites (if they still exist). I'm sure you understand.
I look forward to chatting, learning and one day even visiting this fascinating city.