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Double Zero Club

hi ptrc..thanks for letting us know that david is doing ok...maybe you could point him in the direction of this forum..would be great to have him as a member...

Thanks ptrc ... Its a bit late in the year now, most of the old ****s will have laid up their bikes for the winter, (They're pensioners now!), however I'll speak to those few still around. I'm sure something could be arranged, even if it was just an informal talk on the subject to those interested/who were there. After all, this represents quite a sizeable chunk of post war social history in B'ham and it's environs. The local Council to the Ace Cafe in London thought so, and backed the resurrection of that site with cash and planning support.
Hello Geoff this is Pete I had a Bonnie when at D Z we went to RHYL a few times there was you me WINK big Ernie Irenie and a few others have got some old photos of us if you get in touch .

Hi Peter, Geoff I am sure I am the big Ernie you speak of I also purchased a new Bonnie in 1969 (ROF 141G) after a lad named Johnny Ford flew past my old Constellation one evening my self and Peter Hayes had the same models and there seemed to be a competition as who had the cleanest, and who was the fastest along Farley st, Pete always had the edge properly because I was a lot heavier than him, I remember going to Rhyl with you and sleeping in a hay barn on someone's farm a lad we nicknamed Barmy Bill disappeared and came back with a load of new laid eggs that he relieved the farmer of I remember stopping on the way back on the a5 and Pete let me try his bonnie this made my mind up to swop my old constellation for a Bonnie. I also go to Bassetts Pole ( only when the sun is out ) and see some of the old faces, when we get some decent weather I might see you there I will be on an old V-Max just sold my Valkyrie as I don't venture out on the bikes very much, hope we recognise each other as we have all change a little.
hi ernie only one big ernie down the dz that i know will try to get down bassets pole when weather gets better i still see a few old members now and then look out for a yellow triumph rs with a few marks on fairing
those names dont ring any bells what part of brum they from our part of family covers weoley castle and sheldon . notice name hook in names of interest nans surname was hook
They lived in Sutton I worked with Rosalynd, but don't know where they originated. My uncle Thomas Hook was the postmaster at Sutton main post office
hooks my side of family from camebridge nearly 100 years ago dyers from black patch think related to queenie smith plack patch in brum long time past
After my previous post here about David Collyer I have been trying to persuade him to use a computer - for various reasons this hasn't come around but yesterday I did persuade him to come and have a ead of this forum.  He has given me a message to put here (the first thing I would say though is don't believe everything you read in the newspapers, especially if they don't give the story from both sides, but I guess you all know that anyway.  Now here is what he gave me to post "Hi, I'm Dave the Vic, now at 75 memories begin to fade, so reading this forum has been a great pleasure .  My best wishes to all of you have memories of those exciting DX times.  These days I'm retired and if you read local newspapers, Carole, (the coffee-bar assistant and my wife of 52years) and I have had 7 or 8 tough years thanks to some local business men and the "Old Bill".  We aren't out of the woods yet, so if any of you say prayers please add us to your list, keep your eyes on this forum and I'll try to get here again.  I remember the fabulous times with you all and remember you with great affection.  David Collyer - Dave the Vic"
Secondly I'd like to add the Double Zero book will soon be available in digital format, (should be very cheap) and I'll let you know how and where it is available
Re: DZ

I was also a member of the DZ in 70/71
I was also there the night the guys from Wolverhampton paid us a visit.
It was an amazing place. The coffe bar, the TV room, the Gym, the Workshop,the outside Loos, the hugh car park.
It was sad when it was all over. Does anyone remember Brian the vicar?
I can remember several people, members at that time. It was a good time to be a biker, lots of "British Bikes". Hardly anyone had Jap at that time. I had a Triumph T110 with sidecar, and several more after that. Am still a biker now!
I recall Brian the Vic. A mate & I borrowed his Landy one day to pick up his broken down bike. Coming back we pulled into a garage for fuel. We couldn't find the filler cap anywhere. After 10 mins head scratching we found the fuel tank under the front seats. What a pair of twats!.
Only got to the DZ about twice ,if we went to town we ususlly started at Alex's,by the Albany if i remember rightly,most of the time we spent around Acock's green area,Stratford road,Cov road or there abouts,still bike when i get the chance but not so often since i retired as it came with the job.
I was lucky enough to be a member of the club. I have memories of Johnny W drag racing inside the hall, and another time pouring Castrol R on the gas fire when listening to Sound Stories on the record player. Oh, and a trip to Rhyl on my old Sunbeam outfit............. And me on my Goldie, with Manx John both on open megas racing up and down the lane outside the club! Noisy? Us? And the Mint riding his Royal Oilfield with us to the TT in 1967........... And Tom R on his Velo Viper Clubmans....... Oh boy, I'm nostalgicating seriously here!
Happy Days indeed!
I'm now an old fart, retired and on the South Coast, but still have a couple of bikes.
Love to hear from some of you guys!
Paul, ex GoldStar, ex Sunbeam chair, etc etc.

my email address is paulsmailbox2@gmail.com
Are there any old motorcyclists out there who remember The Double Zero Motorbike Club?

The club was started in the late sixties by the Rev. Dave Collyer (whatever happened to him) at a church in (St. Basil's?) Heathmill lane Digbeth.

I used to attend until about 1969/70 when I sold my bike. Now after 30+ years I am back in the saddle and reliving old memories.

Bob Johnson

I know this is quite an old message thread, but we have just uploaded a copy of a leaflet from the 1960s, which was designed to challenge people's perceptions about motorcycle gangs, specifically the Double Zeros. It can be found on our History Pin website. It is pinned to Heath Mill Lane.



I remember this.
We did some publicity for the picture house that was showing it at the time, can't recall the name of it but it was on the road through Newtown going towards Perry Barr, just past The Bartons Arms. The run went from the DZ up Digbeth, along New Street, into Corporation Street and I think we carried some banners or something. What was called for was Girls on Motorcycles and there was plenty of those ! All on the pillions though, none up front. We got a free showing of Marianne Faithful and Alain Delon.
So, who can answer - when was it and who was in the procession ?


No takers yet ? Who/When ?

Girl on a Motorcycle had its national ABC release starting Sunday 13th October 1968. I have all the records for films 1966 to 1980. So the Birmingham presentation would have been in that week or close to.

The cinema would have been the ABC Orient.


From the AstonBrook/Aston Manor Birmingham memories site. The dual carriageway was up and running then.
Old member of d z Pete heyes died few weeks ago will be missed r I p if god rides a triumph he will have a good mate

hello peter...i am saddened to hear of petes death...he and my steve lived next door to each other in hathaway road and had known each other since childhood and were bikers together...steve passed away in sept 2010 so i am guessing that he and pete are now up there somewhere having a good get together...R.I.P. PETE..

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Hi Lyn,
Any photos of him back in the day? The name seems familiar, but my old brain is failing nowadays........ All seems a long time ago.....
Hi Lyn,
Any photos of him back in the day? The name seems familiar, but my old brain is failing nowadays........ All seems a long time ago.....

no sorry cafemoto i dont have any photos of pete hayes im afraid..

no sorry cafemoto i dont have any photos of pete hayes im afraid..


Thanks for your reply, Lyn. I was part of the DZ in thee late sixties, moving away to the South Coast. My name is Paul, and I had a Goldie, before that a Sunbeam chair. Were you there in those days?
Thanks for your reply, Lyn. I was part of the DZ in thee late sixties, moving away to the South Coast. My name is Paul, and I had a Goldie, before that a Sunbeam chair. Were you there in those days?

yes paul the late 60s would have been when i was going there...only went a few times though as i was only about 16 at the time and if our mom and dad ever found out i was going there i would have been in for it lol...when i did sneak off there i told them i was at spring hill rollar rink...

So sorry I missed this I remember Pete Hayes and his brothers. They lived near Mere Green. R.I.P. Pete.
Is there any chance of a d z gathering before we are all pushing up daisies

Go to Hoar park tea rooms/garden centre and fishing lake on Wednesday morning between 10:00 and 12:30hrs.

Every week there is a gathering of us old uns, many of whom went to the DZ.

We are still around on our bikes. In the summer there might be 150 bikes attend.
thanks for that info bob i will pass it around to a few bikers i know...forgot to say that pete hayes was at my steves funeral in 2010..
