Hello Geoff this is Pete I had a Bonnie when at D Z we went to RHYL a few times there was you me WINK big Ernie Irenie and a few others have got some old photos of us if you get in touch .
I recall Brian the Vic. A mate & I borrowed his Landy one day to pick up his broken down bike. Coming back we pulled into a garage for fuel. We couldn't find the filler cap anywhere. After 10 mins head scratching we found the fuel tank under the front seats. What a pair of twats!.I was also a member of the DZ in 70/71
I was also there the night the guys from Wolverhampton paid us a visit.
It was an amazing place. The coffe bar, the TV room, the Gym, the Workshop,the outside Loos, the hugh car park.
It was sad when it was all over. Does anyone remember Brian the vicar?
I can remember several people, members at that time. It was a good time to be a biker, lots of "British Bikes". Hardly anyone had Jap at that time. I had a Triumph T110 with sidecar, and several more after that. Am still a biker now!
Are there any old motorcyclists out there who remember The Double Zero Motorbike Club?
The club was started in the late sixties by the Rev. Dave Collyer (whatever happened to him) at a church in (St. Basil's?) Heathmill lane Digbeth.
I used to attend until about 1969/70 when I sold my bike. Now after 30+ years I am back in the saddle and reliving old memories.
Bob Johnson
I remember this.
We did some publicity for the picture house that was showing it at the time, can't recall the name of it but it was on the road through Newtown going towards Perry Barr, just past The Bartons Arms. The run went from the DZ up Digbeth, along New Street, into Corporation Street and I think we carried some banners or something. What was called for was Girls on Motorcycles and there was plenty of those ! All on the pillions though, none up front. We got a free showing of Marianne Faithful and Alain Delon.hI
So, who can answer - when was it and who was in the procession ?
No takers yet ? Who/When ?
Thats the when and where done with then, now who joined in the run ?........................starting Sunday 13th October 1968 ............... The cinema would have been the ABC Orient.
Old member of d z Pete heyes died few weeks ago will be missed r I p if god rides a triumph he will have a good mate
Hi Lyn,
Any photos of him back in the day? The name seems familiar, but my old brain is failing nowadays........ All seems a long time ago.....
no sorry cafemoto i dont have any photos of pete hayes im afraid..
Thanks for your reply, Lyn. I was part of the DZ in thee late sixties, moving away to the South Coast. My name is Paul, and I had a Goldie, before that a Sunbeam chair. Were you there in those days?
Is there any chance of a d z gathering before we are all pushing up daisies