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Double Zero Club

My husband told me his memories of the Double Zero in the mid sixties .

Enjoyed reading the memories. I've read Rev Dave's book a couple of times and it's a great read - one question I have is where was the coffee bar in Sutton that the DZ lads tassed off to - I was a biker then but not a DZ member and knew the insides of all the coffee bars in Sutton in that period but can't fathom out where they rode to. cheers Lol
I remember a coffee bar in Mere Green nr Four Oaks some of the Biker Lads and Girls would go to. It was just off the island. One of my friends at the time was killed after she took a lift on one of these bikes. She went off with this lad and she didn't have a helmet, he skidded on a patch of oil in Belwell Lane and she came off and hit her head on the curb. RIP Judy:(
I remember a coffee bar in Mere Green nr Four Oaks some of the Biker Lads and Girls would go to. It was just off the island. RIP Judy:(

Indeed, RIP Judy we did a lot of silly things in those days. Thanks Wendy for where the coffee bar was. From Sutton it was a right turn round the island wasn't it - not the other way towards the present wine bar.

BTW, my Mom's maiden name was Yates, her father was Charles Yates lived at 75 Springfield St.
Yes thats the one! I can't remember the name of the coffee bar but it was owned by John Harris who would ride around in a big American Car. The upstairs was a sort of folk club for a while. I worked at the hairdressers by the bank on the Lichfield Road.
Yes thats the one! I can't remember the name of the coffee bar but it was owned by John Harris who would ride around in a big American Car. The upstairs was a sort of folk club for a while. I worked at the hairdressers by the bank on the Lichfield Road.

Yep that's it. Don't recollect the bloke's name tho. Going up to the folk club to act the pratt and leer at the birds.. (sorry!) My daughter also a hairdresser was in a salon in Whitehouse Common, joined me 2 years ago, got married, now expecting. Now own a modern-day Triumph. Great times. At least we'll have memories to tell our grandkids, it's getting them to believe it is another matter!
Did my 'Yates' link help at all?
The only reason I remembered his name I went to school with his son David who was in a group.........he opened a dance place called The Soos Blues Room behind the library in Mere Green. I think this was somewhere for Dave and his group to play. I had an email from Dave a few years ago he was on Friends Reunited. I think he lives in USA now. Sorry can't see a connection to my Yates as yet my grandmother was Clarissa and her father was Arthur he was an engineer the lived in Golden Hillock Road.
hi i joined the club in 1967 went on the run to towyn north wales was there when wolverhampton lads came and walked out alive i marshaled at mallory when we provided marshals also played for football team we regularly lost 11-0 worst defeat was 21-0 i seem to remember but we had fun i played right back then we got a professionl coach and i think we managed to win a game the old grey mist tends to make you forget alot i lost my badge in eighties during house move ,i do remember dave the vicar and pop and socks:rolleyes:
Used to go there now and again in about 69 / 70.

There was another vicar as well as Dave the Vic, but cant remember his name. Surprised no one else has mentioned him. I saw him walking around Cape hill occasionally in the late 70s, so my guess is he had a parish around there somewhere.
it was the vicar whom formed the double zero club
and alfred froggat was a member there with linda in tow
and so was my younger brother dave
best wishes astonian ,
Re: DZ

I was also a member of the DZ in 70/71
I was also there the night the guys from Wolverhampton paid us a visit.
It was an amazing place. The coffe bar, the TV room, the Gym, the Workshop,the outside Loos, the hugh car park.
It was sad when it was all over. Does anyone remember Brian the vicar?
I can remember several people, members at that time. It was a good time to be a biker, lots of "British Bikes". Hardly anyone had Jap at that time. I had a Triumph T110 with sidecar, and several more after that. Am still a biker now!
I recall Brian the Vicar, he had quite a good theatrical group going in the old church. I borrowed his jeep one day, and having done my errand I went to put some juice in it. After half an hour we found the filler cap under the front seats.
I remember Pete Heyes & Sandra, Nij Heyes his brother, Les the Ted & Johnny rocker, Johnny Windsor 3-finger Barry the bike thief, Ted Kett, little Sue.
I was called Nelson cos of my one eye. I also remember the Dolphin fairing hanginf high up inthe corner of the room, headlight blazing. Teffen
I remeber Pete and Nij Heyes they lived in Hathaway Road in Sutton. They were always on powerful motorbikes. Nij gave me a lift home once from Sutton it frightened me to death!!:D
I remeber Pete and Nij Heyes they lived in Hathaway Road in Sutton. They were always on powerful motorbikes. Nij gave me a lift home once from Sutton it frightened me to death!!:D
They always had 650 & 750 Triumph Bonnevilles, they race tuned the engines. Bonnies always vibrated at speed, I bet you had a numb bum after that lift Steve.
I bet you had a numb bum after that lift Steve.
Your not kidding Steve! I think they had a younger brother too. They hung out alot by the pub at the bottom of the Parade in Sutton. I can't remember the name of the pub though.
hi wendy...thought i recognised the name pete heyes...he and steve(my other half were next door neighbours in hathaway road) known each other since they were kids...they still see each other....pete is fine still got his long black hair..although thinning a bit lol and nig is now living in suffolk....they all went to the dz together so chances are you bumped into steve.....what a small world....

Well Lyn you are right it is a small world. I can only remember going to the DZ a couple of times as it was difficult for me to get there. We would sometime congregate in a café in Mere Green. I probably met Steve if he knew the Hayes brothers. My best friend Judy was killed coming off a motorbike on her way back from the DZ. The biker skidded on some oil in Belwell Lane and she hit her head on the kirb. She was not waring a crash helmet. I visited her grave last year at St Peter's church in Little Aston it bought it all back. I am sorry but this event turned me off motorbikes.
yes wendy..this would put you off bikes..and i am sorry to hear about your friend.....steve has had at least 4 friends die as a result of bike accidents and he himself had a very bad one about 25 years ago leaving him with severe leg injuries....of which he still suffers...of course years ago it was not compulsory to wear hemets..

any road up....at least you know the hayes bros are ok....

ps..steve said to say hi just in case your paths did cross...
I went to the DZ in the late 60's early 70's, names i can remember are Lez the ted, Nelson and gabby i think he had a tatoo on his shoulder of a chiefs head the only girl i remember was Pamala Bennett i'm sure i gave her a lift home she lived in west heath
The Double Zero,,As the song goes,Ah yes I remember it well, We used to go there most nights for an hour then up to Alexs or the toe rope,,
I remember agreat guy called Geof Campion. And Trophy Joe he all ways was taking his bike apart no matter where you went once you stopped he had to strip something down,,And another guy named Graham Davis every time you seen him he had another joke to tell,,As for me I was born in Balsall Heath so I was in easy reach of both the double zero etc,,I realy miss my roots,I live in Cornwall now..Wished I was back in Brum..:D
hi frenchy and welcome to the forum..hope you enjoy it and although you may live in cornwall now you will never be far away from yer roots on here...:):):)

Hi,Astoness.I feel like i,me a million miles away.But never mind. I am still riding a bike and when I am out for a run I often think of the times and good friends lost from Brum,To me it was Fantastic.Even though times were hard as young folk there its still where my fondest memouries lie and always will..:)
hi frenchy....you are among friends here..take your time to look round the forum..theres plenty of pics of the old streets and roads on here...if you need any help just shout...:):)

I started riding bikes in early 70s,but never went to the dz,a few mates did,we used the malt shovel at stonebridge island,where i met pete haze amongst alot of other bikers ,we used a number of pubs over the years the lamp tavern digbeth ,the eagle hill st,and lots more finishing with the lea tavern kitts green,i still ride bikes .I read on a previous thread someone askin about bikers named Hodgetts from kitts green,they still have bikes and i see them from time to time.
I started riding bikes in early 70s,but never went to the dz,a few mates did,we used the malt shovel at stonebridge island,where i met pete haze amongst alot of other bikers ,we used a number of pubs over the years the lamp tavern digbeth ,the eagle hill st,and lots more finishing with the lea tavern kitts green,i still ride bikes .I read on a previous thread someone askin about bikers named Hodgetts from kitts green,they still have bikes and i see them from time to time.
:(hello joes yes to all of that,i lived in kelnmead rd lea hall rd one end and wheatcroft rd the other,i spent time at alex,s and other places,there was a lad at the top of our road name hodgetts,used to be a tester for the velo,
came home on a different on every night.
We had some grt times some scary times and lived to tell the tale happy days regards dereklcg..
Used to go there now and again in about 69 / 70.
There was another vicar as well as Dave the Vic, but cant remember his name. Surprised no one else has mentioned him. I saw him walking around Cape hill occasionally in the late 70s, so my guess is he had a parish around there somewhere.
Mike Williams ? proper name Michael Reakes Andrew Reakes-Williams.
He was a real gent, tall, balding, distinguished looking and a proper biker. When walking, would sometimes carry a silver topped cane. I recall going with him to the folk club in Digbeth, The Jug of Punch. After he had done his training he couldn't get the CofE powers that be (bishop or whoever) to give him a parish so he went off down under to mind a parish in Oz but I somehow remember him coming back late 70's ish.

Thinking about it I think he was known as Brian the Vic, or Rev.........as opposed to David Collier, who was Dave the Vic.
Hi im reffering to parton my mom barbra Parton now Robinson had a brother Joesph Parton (Joe) Rip,
who was in the Dz's.
:(hello joes yes to all of that,i lived in kelnmead rd lea hall rd one end and wheatcroft rd the other,i spent time at alex,s and other places,there was a lad at the top of our road name hodgetts,used to be a tester for the velo,
came home on a different on every night.
We had some grt times some scary times and lived to tell the tale happy days regards dereklcg..
hi,i lived on meadway in flats,i see they finaly knocked em down,did the phil morgan your looking for live on bordesly green an have two brothers who also rode bikes?if so i still see all three of em.mick hodgetts worked at velo,i know is younger brothers dave an pete.
Thinking about it I think he was known as Brian the Vic, or Rev.........as opposed to .......
Brian Flavell. He lived in Rubery somewhere, by the flyover I think. As I recall he hadn't entered the church until later in life so looked a bit old to be a curate.
