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Do you still have a local?

I read in yesterdays newspaper that in Birmingham, keg and cask ale pubs are really holding their own, even with this recession. Could this be because the yobs cant afford good beer. It was said by several members that the smoking ban has closed all the pubs, how are keg and cask pubs doing it because you cant smoke in any of them?
Flashbang, Its not having the preservative effect on me. Cellular degeneration is alive and well and living in Arkrite.I try not to look in mirrors, this old bloke keeps staring back and frightening the life out of me.

Stitcher, there has been an increase in interest in Cask (real ale) beers. Most of the big pub companies make an effort to have at least one pull handle in there pubs, but not always.That is my drink of choice.
Keg is easier to take to if you are a lager drinker and more are giving it a try.Beer and Lager prices vary enormously and the recent good weather will have brought out the punters.Where have all the smokers gone? Well I still see most of them. They seemed to have swapped one local for another. The pubs I know which have closed it has come as no surprise to me. They were tettering on the edge before the smoking ban. Out my local pubs 2 have closed,1 is still struggling, 1 turned into Bar /Cafe, 3 appear to be OK. I have not included the hotel bar as it is not the sole source of income.
The Economy is enough to drive you to drink......arkrite.
I gave up, it was doing nothing only pickling me I've gone all crinkly or is that wrinkly Arkrite:D
I read in yesterdays newspaper that in Birmingham, keg and cask ale pubs are really holding their own, even with this recession. Could this be because the yobs cant afford good beer. It was said by several members that the smoking ban has closed all the pubs, how are keg and cask pubs doing it because you cant smoke in any of them?

Hello Stitcher.
You are probably right about yobs not able to afford real beer. That's why they drink lager!
No one said the smoking ban closed all the pubs,just the final nail in the coffin of those on the brink.
Personally, I am quite happy for non smokers who no longer have to smell of smoke.
However,do you think it right that the non smokers should have every pub and the smokers non?.
Real ale is the way forward,they should ban lager,because, I don't like it.:rolleyes:.
Hi everyone,
Let's get this smoking ban into perspective, we have a pub here in Brighton, and we have seating for about 60 outside.
We have installed canopies over the tables, all the customers that are inside say how nice it is now there is no smoke etc.
I have been told , before the ban, if you don't like smoking, go elsewhere,
May be I am prejudiced because I have never had a cigarette in my life.
Smokers cause more rubbish and pollution than anyone else.
No doubt I will get some flack from the smoking fraternity, but there's no contest- smoking is the pits.
However,do you think it right that the non smokers should have every pub and the smokers non?.

Barstaff would then have no choice other than to quit their jobs. I remember that the passive smoking campaign kicked into high gear when Roy Castle blamed his cancer on working in smoke filled pubs and clubs. I remember some actually caused you to cough when entering, and then I was a smoker. The pub is a far cleaner place to be now.

John you put it far more eloquently than me.
Arkrite, alcohol hasn't had a preservative effect on me either but l have cracked the problem of the man in the mirror.
Next time you pass a mirror dont look at the reflection in it.....just look and see how nice the frame is!!
No one said the smoking ban closed all the pubs,just the final nail in the coffin of those on the brink.
Personally, I am quite happy for non smokers who no longer have to smell of smoke.
However,do you think it right that the non smokers should have every pub and the smokers non?.
Real ale is the way forward,they should ban lager,because, I don't like it.:rolleyes:.

Sorry, I thought it was an answer to the question in the post. Certainly did not mean to rant.:rolleyes:
John do you drive a car if so you are polluting the atmosphere to every one

No one had an extra cigarette and beat someone to the ground, because of that. No one had an extra two or three cigarettes and killed someone.

Be nice to get back on topic now.

Does anyone know of any pubs in brum that allow dogs through their hallowed portals. We take our puppy out for long walks round the canals etc and its would be nice to stop for a quick vimto now and again. Nobody seems to like dogse even when there is no notice on the door asking you not to bring them in. The only one we know is The Crown next to Stevenson Tower.
My local now resembles a yuppie creche.
Since the no smoking ban came into force, things have changed for the worse.

The menu has changed, and we now have la-de da food, where we used to be able to get a proper pub meal, and gone are the darts teams, the pool teams, and 5 a side football teams e.t.c.
We now put up with the rich London oi-ti-toits, and their privately educated brats.
Sunday afternoon used to be the hi-light of the week, over the local for a couple of drinks before Sunday dinner, but now we trip over hundred's of flippin' kids, who haven't been introduced to manners at their posh schools. It's a nightmare.
O.K. my local IS in Cornwall, where I live now!!!
Mind you, one thing we DON'T have, is security camera's!!
I was shocked when I visited my old local in Birmingham, to find I was now being WATCHED on camera!!!
How times change???
No and we don't have good Cornish Pasties so there are somethings to be greatful for in Cornwall besides you can't eat a Camera:)
If I was living in our family house off Marsh Hill then my local would be the Hare and Hounds. I know there was a right barney not to long ago with fighting inside and out one night.Not sure what's it's like now. The Stockland Inn was closed down and is a Chinese Restaurant now. Those two pubs were the local for many people for years around our way. You had to go much further to find any other pubs in that area. The Brookvale in Slade Road for one, the Golden Cross at Bleak Hill and Turfpits Lane...now also gone.
The Leopard, still going not far from that area.

If I was living at my brother's place at Lichfield Road and Little Green Lanes there would be quite a few pubs within walking distance. Dad didn't drink alcohol hardly at all and he and Mom used to drive out to the country for a meal and a drink ...The Cock at Wishaw, The Green Man at Middleton, the Swan at Fradley....places like that. Many pubs back in the late l950's used to do great meals at reasonable prices so when I went along I have memories of those pub visits.
Jenny you forgot the Brookvale Social Club just as you turn into George Road opposite the shops. I use to go to my Buffs Lodge at the Hare & Hounds and and after to the club:)
Too right Alf......I didn't think about the Brookvale Social Club. It would have been a bit of a walk down George Road. If you were living on the Ridgeway
Alf there wern't many pubs around that area except for The Barn and then the Safe Harbour? in Moor Lane.
Too right Alf......I didn't think about the Brookvale Social Club. It would have been a bit of a walk down George Road. If you were living on the Ridgeway
Alf there wern't many pubs around that area except for The Barn and then the Safe Harbour? in Moor Lane.

The safe Harbour ( The Grave Diggers ) still sells a great pint :)
Too right Alf......I didn't think about the Brookvale Social Club. It would have been a bit of a walk down George Road. If you were living on the Ridgeway
Alf there wern't many pubs around that area except for The Barn and then the Safe Harbour? in Moor Lane.
There was the Chase Gyspy Lane and the Safe Harbour would be a no no if the Cemetery Gates were closed.
But they were the days before drink Driving. But I use to enjoy a walk most of the time to the pubs, also on the way back you were always offered a lift in those friendly days.:)
I've lived in his village 20+ plus now and was offerd 2 lifts while walking to the Bus one picked me up on the way there and one standing at the stop till he saw what I was carrying then refused point blank.
What was this offending artical? two pieces of curtain rail plastic folded and taped. I had my 4 year old George with me at the time, yes times have changed
The Diggers was my local when i lived in Brum we had my late brothers funeral do there 2 years ago

All these years Mossy and you were only across the road:)
My Dad alway used the place on a Sunday with his mate Les Hollis
Morning all,
Iseemed to have upset the apple cart with my posts on smoking-not intended-sorry.
To get myself back on thread here's a list of my locals when I lived in Brum.
The Avenue
Custard House
The Hobmoor.

New Inns
St. Bernards Grange
Yardley Arms
Yew Tree
Ring o Bells
Stirrup Cup
Chestnut Tree
White Hart
The Trees
The Bagot

The Beeches
The Highlander
The Woodcock
The Black Horse
King George IV

I wonder how many of these are still going, I've put them into the areas where I once lived.
John bet you couldn't do that lot in a evening:)
No Dakes Drum Aldridge Road by the college