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Do you still have a local?

Hi Bernard,

That's pretty much what myself and my husband do now. Out for a drink and a meal. Although, while we have the summer months, we do sometimes go just for a drink. For my sins, I still smoke, so in the summer I can sit out at a pub and enjoy a cigarette with my drink.
Perhaps the closures will start to slow. The pub that is within walking distance of us, used to fairly quiet, but gets quite busy now that so many have closed locally. They must have gained The Wagon and Horses customers after it burnt down!

Frothy, I had forgotten about The Digby. Used to go there a lot thirty plus years ago. Must check it out next time we go to Sainsbury's.

I have some sympathy with Stitcher's view, a local isn't really a local if it's a fifteen minute bus journey away, a local is somewhere that's within 5-10 minutes walking distance, in my view.

There are 52 pubs closing each week at present and they are mostly in pubs in inner city areas, not the centre itself, although many of them haven't done great recently, but the areas around, so in Birmingham all the places like Aston, Ladywood, Lozells, and the eqivalent for manchester, liverpool and so on. The population of these areas have changed and so the area has to change to accomodate the needs of the new population.

Drinking of an evening or after work as a matter of course is also dying a death now, people, well men, no longer routinely go to the pub after work then out later for a few pints. People's habits have changed but the pubs haven't.

It will even itself out, but we'll end up with all local pubs being places for all the family, wacky warehouse and resturant attached, and the rest being shut down.

As for locals, I have a great one called The Duke, just off Sutton High Street. Expensive but serve real ales and have TV and a dartboard. Importantly, no yobs, as they are all in the Litten Tree and Bottle of Sack round the corner.
As some of the members know I was the last steward of the Tally Ho Bowling Club..I think there are a few reasons why our pubs are closing..40 yrs ago the pub was the place were a man could take his wife on a Saturday or a Sunday Eve and catch upon the news (or gossip)have a sing a long and a good night out with friends and neighbors.without fear of yobos starting trouble.. ....today you dont need to go to the local to catch up on the news (it's on your t.v)and the supermarkets sell beer and lager cheaper than the pubs and clubs ..at one time the Pub was the focal point for the community ..now there is no community
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we are not so bad off round here for pubs we have got The fox and goose,the hornet,the brookhill,the cross guns,the barley mow all within walking or staggering distant.:Dps i forgot the bromford.
Marstons are trying to raise £170 million, their main priority to buy city centre sites . They have seen Wetherspoons business plan work and will probably open similar places. These companies exist to pay shareholders and will close and sell off none profit making pubs. The Government would rather see us in the Council built leisure centre working out in the gym and creating revenue. The day of the small local is coming to an end to be replaced by the giant drinking emporium which you will need some sort of transport to reach.

I have over the years used private membership clubs however petty squabbles sooner or later broke out. Rather than split my loyalties I just stopped going.
Recently I was asked to join a club over 150yrs old with a great tradition but I declined. Why? No full membership for women,who when visiting the club could only
sit in the skittle alley, not order drinks from the bar, must be with a male member.
I may be old fashioned but I am not archaic.
We don't have a local here in Nacton (The Anchor Club) it closed in 1912-14 on a vote taken by the Women Folk of the village saying that their Men Folk were spending to much time on Sunday morning there and missing Church ( Its in the village records):)
Two very diffrent views of women and drinking etablishments. I wonder if the club rules in Arkrites post are in place to prevent the Ladies " doing a Nacton" . By the way i am in total agrement with Arkrite, this is the 21st century.
Yes Ann i have three locals in the village where i live, The Whistling Duck which is the nearest The Bell and The Brewers Arms and they rely on passing trade and of course us locals:D


Problem solved another couple of Mossie's and they would all be open again:D

Whats a pub anyway , I haven't been in one for 16 years do they still use sawdust
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Alf yes some still have sawdust,when i went to Court Farm last week to the cowboy week there was sawdust all round the bar:RopingCowboy::D Mau-reeeeeceee
Hi Mossy,

That's great that you have three locals to choose from. We ought to come and check them out, and if we like them, buy somewhere closeby. That would be one way of getting a local that we liked.
When we moved to Williton Somerset, we had a good local there, and that was The Masons. I liked the way they welcomed us from day one.

The Local used to be the hub of the local community, not just a place to drink. I lived on College Road by the College Arms (that is a typical example now a Mc Donalds) but I drank in the Yew Tree in Witton, albiet 20 years ago now. People were really concerned about one another, and helped one another. You could get anything done by somebody in that Pub, building, decorating, car repaired etc. and always at a fair price.

I remeber an old Lady who used to come in for a couple of drinks with her old mongral dog. When the dog died, we all chipped in and bought her another puppy as a suprise !.

Everyone blames the Supermarkets, but what about the corner shops selling drinks so cheap they must have come from France and not had any duty paid on them.

Closing Pubs are just another example of the death of our English / British culture.
Link to how open a bottle of beer if you have forgotten bottle opener

. Len.
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I can see my local through the window as i sit at my computer, used to be called The Sheldon, had a refurb last year and now is called The Crane and Dragon,described as, "English Pub and Thai Dining" Never been in, but it seems the food is expensive looking at the menu outside.
Not had a local since I moved back to the midlands from deepest west Cornwall, there the village local is still very much the hub of the community, up country there is lots of choice from wine bars to massive supermarkets knocking out beer at silly prices and taking their toll on the local pub. Talking about where I am now at least 3 pubs have been demolished and re-developed as housing and another half dozen are boarded up or up for sale...very sad loss to British social history
We got four Mossy :p when the bugle aint shut that is never been in any of them more than once or twice I used the castle pub when I lived in weoley castle that was the only "local " that I ever bothered with and I suppose that is way of a lot of people ...the funny thing is I have been in more pubs since I joined the forum :D:D
The only way to have a quiet enjoyable pint in my local would be if you were deaf and took some decent beer with you. Casual dress in there includes stab vest, gumshield and steel toecap boots. The locals are not too friendly.
For this reason me and the missus walk 5 mins to the top of Hurst St and have a pint or two in the Old Fox.
The Fox was the first pub l had a pint in Birmingham, we sat outside in the sunshine and l was amazed at how friendly and considerate brummies are. A person who was obviously down on his luck approached us and asked if l had any change for a cup of coffee.... l did but it was very nice of him to ask...... l haven't seen him since but everytime we go there the Big Issue seller asks us the very same question.......nice to know they care isnt it?
flashbang, I like your sense of humour.
I have seen it over the years when the local goes like the one you described. When it gets bad enough it will close then the rabble move on to the next pub and do the same again.
My local is waiting for someone to buy the tenancy.( I think everyone knows my local now, only 5 minutes away)
The lady who is running it at the moment must be doing something right.The place yesterday was full of people having a drink and socialising, basically having a good time:)
OK pubs have been having a hard time lately, but I think the pubs left are giving it a go. God bless em:)
Last Saturday I had to visit four pubs in Hereford trying to find a place for me and the mrs to have a drink and a meal. Three were packed both inside and out.The final one quickly filled up after our arrival.All do good food at reasonable prices. Nearly all customers were eating while drinking. Most were families. I consider Hereford a poor second to Worcester for places to eat and drink
We do use one of two pubs on a pretty regular basis mainly for lunchtime snacks. They are the Cat and Fiddle Beacon road and Farmer Johns just off the Queslett road. We had an e.mail from the Cat and this week we can have two main courses for £5.00. Not bad eh. Or locals where we go for a drink are at Arley and are always busy in the summer. Jean.
G'day Arkrite,
The problem with Worcester is the food pubs are limited in the evenings.However,one I have found is "The Raven"out on the Droitwich Rd.they do a very good carvery,and the price is right,avoid weekends,and get your timing right,buy your ticket and drink,and wait...for the fresh veg too come out,usually about 6pm.:rolleyes:.
Hello Ray. If you like the The Raven then I think you will also like The Loom and Shuttle, on the Kidderminster to Stourport road, opposite the old sugar beet factory site. Both are carveries run by Marstons.
We keep out of Worcester at night on the weekends. It can ,like most cities, be abit scary but we know of plenty of places on the outskirts which are safe.However we are mainly daylight,midweek birds. With the mrs confined to a wheelchair for most of the time I look for big pubs all on one level. These places are normally visited by quieter folk during the day but at night become less freindly places simply because they are overrun by noisy youngsters.
I am usually in bed with my cocoa at a reasonable hour.
We visit Worcester a couple of times a year,and always stay in the same place Burgage House,it overlooks the cathedral,so you can see, we can't avoid the city.One thing I do if it's crowded and we want to eat in a pub is to ask the doorman,to find us some space,they are always obliging.
Funny how these pubs go up and down,one visit is fine the next it can be poor.:rolleyes:.
Alf , I wonder if the kids did any on site research.? How do they know Guiness is dark and creamy? Or that Beer is served at room temperature? I think I may go back to school.
Alf that looks like a school of dreams they never tought us like that maybe some of the other schools could learn a lesson :D;) do they teach em how to drink as well:D
To be fair Tom my school never taught in depth about drink but they they gave us a good basic in most subjects whether you liked it or not, I for was interested in most, still am today.:)
I remember being told of the Evils of Drink but thought it an under researched academic field. I have since attempted to rectify this by putting many hours of study but my research still needs much more work. Have to leave you now ,they will be open soon.
35 years ago when l was at school l was told that alcohol was a very good preservative. Looking in the mirror recently l was undecided whether they were mistaken or l'd underestimated the quantities required .
Like you Arkrite l think l need to research the the matter further.
Perhaps a study group needs to be formed....... Stictly for research only l hasten to add.....
Now if only suitable premises could be found....
Doesnt that lead us back on topic?