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Crimes : Birmingham murders

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I think these are 2 diferent cases. Joan Marney was killed in Sutton Park in around 1948 by James Farrell who was hanged in Winson Green in 1949.
hi guys
regarding the aston murders it was tower st aston where christeen went missing along with reynolds
we lived on the block and when the girls went missing it was morris whom killed then on the chase
there was big panic from all females to frighened to walk on there own
the police worked dammed hard on that case and they never left a stone unturned they was searching our back yards and going through our house at least twice a day for weeks day and night they came all hours of the day evening mid day monday to sun
l the sacret hard girl was from white house street at a different period and unconnected it was some body else whom they apprended and charge and along the rd from white house st on victoria rd was another man whom ran the little sweet shop and news agents at victoria rd he was an od disaabled man whom live alone found murdered by his lodger he got caught and locked up the lodger worked for birds custards factory
best wishes astonion
Was it "Stephenie Baird" the YMCA murder around this time near 5 ways I think, or Edgbaston or Bristol Road, memory is a bit rusty now.
THE YWCA its still there, on the corner of Bristol Rd and I think its Fredrick Rd
It doesn't have the https in front. I get cannot find this page, you may not be connected to the internet......., BUT I find that if i copy into search box it goes ok
keep getting "Invalid" max.

Sorry you are having problems with the link Paul, the thread can be found by typing in Stepanie Baird in the search box, there is excellent information posted by Lloyd. Max
Yep, working for me too now max, but I did try it 3/4 times, but have read them all now max very illuminating and contriversal story,I remember my dad and mom talking about it for weeks at the time.
hi guys
i think you are abit of track stephs baird was wheely rd edgbaston near five ways and two rds from five ways houser at five ways
and withj todays alterations of the rds come up from holloway head to the top by the yuppie flats the rd bends to the left the bus goes that way and the traffic lights there where most traffic turns right to go to five ways
well instead of turning right goe straight across the lights and wheelys rd is facingtravel up wheeleys rd at the top of the hill there is a junctiom sand the ymca isor was om the corner it layed back in the grounds it looked like a very big posh house at the time and secluded ina long entrance surrounded by trees
thats where she was murdered
I remember this murder really well,we didn't live far from where it happened, and my sister who had recently married lived just a couple of minutes away,she was really scared to stay home alone, I remember when they did catch him, they realized he had actually got away on the number 8 bus, it would seem the conductor had reported a man who seemed to be behaving a little strange,on the day but it hadn't been followed up, the YWCA is still there at the bottom of Bristol Rd laid back just by McDonald's, I think there is also a pub called The Tree's
Hello Liz I am moving my reply to the correct thread as we appear to be deviating from the heading. Dek
Liz we appear to disagree with the location of the murder like you I always thought it was down by the Bristol Cinema but other reply,s state it was in Wheeleys Rd higher up towards 5 ways reading other information they appear to be right but I never new a YMCA up there only the one on the Bristol Rd I,m bemused. Dek
It was Edgbaston,a bloke I worked with at the time lived near by,and the police interviewed him and took his shoes away,so they must have had a footprint as well.
When they found this young woman,there were other body parts on the mantlepiece,too grusome to recount here.
Oh,Patrick Byrne was released after 9 years...
I am closing this thread now as I think we have all gone very off-topic since January 2009 and there is not much more ground to cover.
This book covers in some detail
Crimes of Horror
Angus Hall (Editor)
Publisher: Reed Editions
ISBN: 1850511705 Edition: Paperback; 1991-09-23

Book Details:

Physical Description: 8.5"x10.8"x1.0"; 1.8 lb; 192 pages
Edition Info: Paperback; 1991-09-23

Regarding Patrick Joseph Byrne -dead or alive? - difficult to tell- but a high death rate of 71 of his namesake have died in period from 1984-2006
The tragic killing of 5 yr old John Shorthouse in police raid.Does anyone know location in Kings Norton Walkers Heath where it occured?
I'm struggling online and all i can find is Barrett Road -which doesn't list in Birmingham :dft005:
hi tali
yes lady linda is corect as always on her thread of information take it from me
also you can take it from me because i lived in sisefield rd at the time of this incidence they said it was an accident at the emediate time but al of of us never beleived it
i lived in the ground floor masonettes opersite the church al#l my kids was christened there and my friend lived next door to them my mate albert
and it was behind our house and next door to johns i personaly beleived the young copper paniced but saying that is finger slipped as he was geting down to look under the bed
but remember in those days not many police officiers was allowed to be isseud a gun in those days and to be quite honest i would not do a policemans job to day
for three grand aweek tax free as its a different ball game but what gets me todays human race ever body slates the police off but when they arein trouble they they need the police and then they praise them up still but sadly that what happened and you do not forget these things do you
my grand fathers family was and some are in the legal proffession and one was a high judge one was a police officier one was in CID Walsall before he gotkilled
in a police chaser many years ago he was what they call today young police officers young rookies they make mistakes
just like the young officier whom shot john under the bed best wishes astonian
Does anyone know the address of the ywca in wheeleys road edgbaston, i understand that it has now been demolished but i am still interested.
Birmingham YoungWomen's Christian Association (Edencroft hostel), 64 Wheeley's road

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Thanks Jim It mentions Flats in Stone Rd (which is just round the corner from where the cinema was)but also65/66 Wheeleys Rd(as mention by other posters)but this is a mile from the cinema.still not sure. Dek
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