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Crimes : Birmingham murders

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Does anyone recall the 11yr old Pakistani girl murdered and found in alleyway in Ivor Rd Sparkhill.Her killer was a 15 yr old with surname Costello
This was in 1990s
Or in 1980s West Indian Stanley Conner stabbed to death in Stratford Rd phone kiosk(outside Sparkhill centre) as he made 999 call.This one made the national news aswell
Does anyone recall the West Indian Chelsea fan lived in Park Rd Sparkbrook who was crushed to death under a bus in early 80s in City Centre after being chased by Blues fans?
hi ragga
i think you may be getting mixed up with this one
that was the lady before she was the lady from the rainbow pub
a little further along the rd on the oppersite side to the dubliner
she was murdered first ,then a little later on in time
this lady was on holiday and working in security along with this bloke
whom was also in securtity from ireland and beleived to be taken from the
dubliner pub digbeth and then driven to bromsgrove
i was told he murdered her then fled back to dublin
where he was apprended on another charge
so i don,t wish to be seen knocking you ragga but i think you may
find i am right the discription of the pub is correct with the green emblem ,yes thats the dubliner but the cleaning lady was the one
from the rain bow as it was known then in digbeth
she was bumped off about 12 months or two years from this lady
best wishes astonian ;;;
Yes Tali I do remember the brummie Chelsea fan being killed by a
bus in Deritend :(it was around 1978/79 i think, was it a Friday nite
game when blues beat chelsea 5-1 ???
but i cant recall The two murders in Sparkhill , i will investigate
more over the weekend .
ragga :)
Yes Tali I do remember the brummie Chelsea fan being killed by a
bus in Deritend :(it was around 1978/79 i think, was it a Friday nite
game when blues beat chelsea 5-1 ???
but i cant recall The two murders in Sparkhill , i will investigate
more over the weekend .
ragga :)

I thought it was on a Saturday - but i am not 100% sure.Afaik and iirc the incident occured where the bus stops- below Park st Multi storey? heading out of city centre .
and thanks to barry he confirmed it
so i know that you was abit out on the timing and the other lady was from the rainbow best wishes astonian
I have just seen this thread, I know this thread was a while ago now but I remember those murders I was a school girl at the time and went to school with Margaret Reynolds cousin John Reynolds, and the police board with her missing picture was on every corner where I lived, Borderley Green and yes she lived in Clifton Road. she was eight, and later they were known as the Cannock Chase murders.
A little known fact about Jaqueline Thomas is that she was related to Leslie Thomas the author, I read one of his books and on the last page he mentions her and the case.
I married at the beginning of September 1961 and the tree outside my flat in Washwood Heath had a poster with Jacqueline Thomas photo on it.
I remember the time very well,it was the 'verdict' of the pub goers of the area that the man had done it.
He was a young married man with a baby and he used to say he would not rest until they had found who had murdered Jacqueline.
He then went on to murder another young woman in 1969.
The first case was step at the ymca it was an horrendous case of a young girl
they should have hung him for what he did he mutilated her body and put all different parts of her body around the room and one part in the sugar bowl you can imagine what these coppers had to face when they found her corpes it had to make you feel sick at the sight of all the parts scattered around the room
its bad enough when a person gets strangled or the throat cut but to put her in sections
they should have hung him as i say again never locked him up
and there was the second murder of mrs hanlon of hingestion street hockley
whom had a big family of kids whom was a faithful soul of a person whom never drank or smoked her kids came first i know that because i associated with this family as the one lad was our friend
byran. his nick name was blondie, because of his blonde hair he was a cracking lad
none of them was ever involved with the police
the old man her husband never done a days work in his life ,dranked and smoked never left the arm chair
on the day in question he asked her to fetch is fags from the out door across the rd facing
the rose and crown and because she was talking to the gather of the pub for some time
he accused her of having affair with the gather , mind you she was an attractive lady he was angry because she kept him waiting for his fags
they always kept an axe by the fire grate and when she came back they had the arguement
and he picked up the axe and struck her with the axe into her head she died instantly
he got life but was life in those days ten years , it was nothink,but the judge says ten years but after
about five years they was eligible for parole and more often they get so whats the price of a life -- cheap
ain,t it , life should be life , but more realistic hang them .
even todays courts is a laugh i meet with many a judge and magistrates at there home and socialise
with them and we always debate the sentence routine why are you not giving the longer sentences
we have to follow the amercans on this longer sentence,s and treble so it means a double murder senteces
and they do not get no time off for all this nonesence for good behavior
so when you read in our papers or on the meduium a guy as got a sentence for five years he never gets five years in a way because as soon as the judge as said five years that sentence is auotmatic became
two and half years and with a good behaveior record its half again and because the population
in prison is over whelming they put them on tack
or they go to an open prison where it an holiday camp and they wonder around just like butlins
there aint no gates they can just wonder home it makes me laugh when you hear of prisoners have escaped
from some where like these prisons as there is no security officiers by there entrances to these places
and they send alsorts to these prisons sex caces murderers voilent prisoners
any proffessional person automaticly goes to these prisons whom had commited crime of any sorts
any police officier whom as done wrong he will go to hese placeslife of riley as the old saying you to be
then you had the sacret heart church murder ,in aston then you had poor old mr cook whom ran a little paper shop on the victoria rd aston just yards from he old six ways aston
and just up from the sacred heart school he was a guy he took in as a lodger mr cook whom i also knew on a daily basis was a little disabled man and his lodger whomworked at birds custard factory was charged with his murder after afew years they are back on the market so to speak whilst these victims of familys suffer
then there was the two little girls one in clifton rd killed by morrisson
should have hung him
but as you say we cannot hang any more ,
judge jelf sent william arnold to be hung on his first case by henry piepoint from bradford for the murde of his wife in worcestershire despite there was a petion of six thousand people demo for a repreve
and thats the way to do it hang them , and the robbers locked up for life and mean life no silly parole
or behavier , i can honestly say i know of two people whom have killed people one served just under 18 months and the other whom killed the gather at the laule,s hingestion street hockley yard from the hanlon murder
and he only served four years for his murder
lets bring back the hanging i say thy hav no respect for us decent people and no respect for the police nor the law in for a penny in for a pound thats there motto because they still get the same lengh of time
no matter what they do
best wishes to each and every body ,Astonian ;;;
I Have been reading various replies to this thread , i dont wish to be somthing that i am not ,but for reasons of accuracy , i think i am right in saying that poor Stephanie Baird was staying at the YMCA in Wheeleys Road Edgbason , She was buried in her home town of Cheltenham .
She was murdered horribly on 23rd December 1959 , her murderer partric byrne ,was sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court in March 1960 to life imprisonment , which later ( i dont know why ) was reduced to man slaughter although it didnt affect the sentence .
it was said at the time to be the most horric murder since Haigh !!!
the killer of the 3 little girls ,found buried at Cannock Chase was Morris, his car that he transported them in was auctioned , and the person that bought it then burned it .
Max you are quite right about Stephanie Baird i remember it well the YMCA hostel was behind the old Bristol Cinema.I,m not so sure about this but i seem to remember Morris lived in Walsall and one of the girls he murdered was from Aston.Dek
The little girls names are etched in my mind Margaret Reynolds , Diane Tift and Christine Darby , The mongrel responsible was indeed from Walsal as you say Dec , raymond leslie
morris ( dosnt deserve capitol letters ) . I was in the scouts with Margarets brother at the time she went missing , she was indeed from Aston , Clifton road seems to come to mind .
The murders where more commonly known as the A34 murders , ( Also Babes in the Wood and The Cannock Chase Murders ), just a shame he wasnt hung , i would happily pulled the lever Max
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I think nearly everyone is confusing three or even four different-but similar-child killings in the Birmingham Walsall areas during the 1960's. The proper thread starter is about Stephanie Baird in New Year 1959/60, whereas later kidnappings which ended up on Cannock Chase regarding the mystery of the Morris 1100 which had for a time the Police chasing up all sorts of similar BMC models, were in the 1964-67 period.

The Stephanie Baird killing is actually the subject of yesterday's (Thurs 4 March)Birmingham Evening Mail 'archive crime' and I'm interested in the location of the black and white photo on Page 32.

Actual newsreel material can be found on the British Pathe newsreel site here:-
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Can you put the picture on Richie for those of us without access to the Mail

Maxwell has got a link there to the text-only version of yeaterdays feature, otherwise you can go via the 'Crime Files' section of www.birminghammail.net which by now has yesterdays edition on-line as we speak.

No pictures there though, and a technical melt-down on here has meant I can't post images.
Thanks for the links Richie , very good , I particularly like the Pathe News. Max
Who was the young girl who was murdered in the early 70s , her body was found in an alley way just opposite the Breedon pub near Stirchly . I remember the morning well because I was on a passing bus that morning and it scared for months after .
I think nearly everyone is confusing three or even four different-but similar-child killings in the Birmingham Walsall areas during the 1960's. The proper thread starter is about Stephanie Baird in New Year 1959/60, whereas later kidnappings which ended up on Cannock Chase regarding the mystery of the Morris 1100 which had for a time the Police chasing up all sorts of similar BMC models, were in the 1964-67 period.
Werent they looking, for a blue Austin Cambridge for the same reasons, and interviewing the owners of every one registered in the area, or am I mixed up with another case ?
I do remember seeing on the news that the car had been auctioned, and that someone had bought it and then publically st fire to it.
Dont want to frighten you Jean , but its a fact that more murderers have come from Yorkshire than any other part of the country .And if you add on the legal killings by Albert Pierrpoint ,James Berry ,Thomas Scott,and Alberts brother Thomas Pierrepoint , you will understand why whoever said that God was a Yorkshire man was worshipping a very strange God indeed . Max
Ps i have nothing against Yorkshire or its people
Hahah max I just read that to my Yorkshire Hubby heh and he is killing himself Laughing ( Not while reaching for the axe I might add )
There was another murder in the seventies in Moseley when a girl went next door to ask the guy to turn his telly down . He got angry and chopped her head off and dumpred her in the bin :(
BTW I have a friend who lives in Hyde in Cheshire and that is yet another tale :)

Arent we morose tonight :)
Jean x
Well Jean the statistics ,( and quote about God ) comes from Gordon Honeycomb the old news reader RIP, from his book "Murders from the black museum" , I think i remember the case about the telly , wasn't the guy a schizophrenic , if he wasnt he sounds like it LOL Max
Getting back to the original thread.

I remember the Barbara Forrest murder - I was about to become a teen at the time and lived opposite Pype Hayes Park - but on the Eachelhurst Road side and not the Chester Road side where she was found. I remember that the drained the pond in the park looking for a weapon or something or other. A neighbour worked for Rawlings Brothers and they had the task of relocating the fish - and I was lucky enough to help out with the netting of some as the water was drained . I know some of the fish went of to Salford Park - I don't know where the others went.

The simlarities between the two murders of Mary Ashford and Barbara Forrest still intrigue - attached are a few Newspaper clippings ( in PDF format ) from the time of Mary Ashford's murder and the subsequent legal goings on with Abraham Thornton.
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I am researching the Barbara Forrest case. I read in the papers that her family was from Northamptonshire,Margarete Forrest. I am trying to find out their address in Northamptonshire if anyone can help. I think her father was Gordon D Forrest.
Ancestry.com has Barbara's death registered in Jan/Feb/Mar 1975! Before she died?! Was it 74 or 75?
I was amazed at the tale of two presidents until realising that the last bit at least, about Marilyn Monroe could not have been the case, as she died a year before Kennedy.
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