hi guys
does anybody recall the disapearing lady from ireland
whom stayed at the dubliner pub a couple of years
and beleived to have been murdered and dumped in
around the bromscrove area
can any body tell me whether or not did they ever find
the culprit or even the body
she had young children back at home awaiting for arrival
to come home
i personaly think they should bring back the noose
i know its very debateable and i have been to these politicl
meeting with goverment bodies and they get very heated
the last one i went to was up in ebber vale south wales
there was a riot going on
i myself say an eye for eye i know of a case personaly
that took place in birmingham some years ago
i knew this personaly whom committed the offence
with another friend and the person they attacked and
beat him to death. and this person was a handicapped
person ,they killed him dead ,
and this person whom i knew personaly served 18
months only in a open prison and was released
i have never spoken to this family since
the particular person whom committed the offence died
about four years ago of cancer
its like the story in the news this morning
the lockerbie bomber is dying with months to live
and they want him to be released on compassion
grounds , but did he have any compassion for the 200
or more he blew up ; i don,t think so
people whom commit murder should be executed
thats my opinioun
but i would really like to know did they find this young lady or not and if the culprit was caught
have a nice day every body best wishes astonian ,;;;;;