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Comics & magazines


Aunt Jane used to buy mine, Every Tuesday she would arive with The Dandy and Beano, and I loved them. I don't recall who was in each comic now. But my favourites were Desperate Dan and Lord Snooty. I wasn't into girls comics, the only ones I ever saw were my sister's. I think she had Bunty :?:

Do children still read comis?
I think I had a comic called 'Jackie'?

But I also loved The Beano and The Dandy, which my big bro had.

Across the road from where I lived as a child, we had a swap shop - swapped magazines, books, comics, knitting patterns, you name it.........spent many an hour in there...........I still adore the smell of second hand book shops, it reminds me of my childhood so much
The Eagle has landed

14th April 1950
Wish I had kept the 1st one.
I also had the Beano & Dandy what about Film Fun and Radio Fun, Knock-Out, The Wonder, Tip Top and Chips a few to go on with.
Anyone remember any of these :lol:
I also had the Beano and Dandy, when I was quite young I used to have Enid Blyton's Sunny Stories cost 2d. About 10 or 11 years old graduated to The Girls Crystal, and a bit older the Picturegoer and the Moviegoer.
Our eldest sister used to give me and my 2 immediate older sisters comic pocket money on a Friday when she got paid from Averys.

We had the Dandy, Beano and Beezer between us. Kate had School Friend (girlie comic) I think Sue had Bunty (or summat like that) and I had The Eagle and sometimes The Tiger as well.


Friday was always a great day when we were at home. Dad would come in from work(Averys)with 4 comics, Beano and Dandy for my brothers and Bunty for my sister and School friend for me. The best was the bag of sweets he brought for us.....mmmm.Jackie
I remember my mom taking me down Newtown Row to get the first issue of the Eagle. When we went to see gran at Alvechurch mom always got me Radio Fun. The Wizard and the Rover where my favourites; great stories. I can't remember which it was in or what it was called but there was a great series about a Lancaster bomber crew.

I did a paper round for the newsagents on the corner of Bevington Road and Trinity Road around 1962. I delivered Bevington, Jardine, Nelson, Witton, Normandy and The Broadway. 0n the way round I delivered a Bunty to a rather nice girl and instead of putting it in the letterbox I would knock the door and give it to her. Nothing ever came of it, shame is'nt it.

I suppose I was'nt pushy enough. I would say I am now [about time] but I would look daft in short trousers and a paper bag. Dafter than normal that is, bye, Dave
My brother and his family lived in Bevington Road in the '50s and '60s; you probably delivered comics to my nieces could be one of those was the Bunty girl. I can't remember the number of their hose though

Hi Michael, I can't remember whereabouts this girl lived. I wonder what she's doing now, STOP IT Dave, your married.

I used to get 10 bob a week for my paper round, that was 7 mornings and 6 nights, double round on Sunday. I also had to go to Mush Callahans house at the villa and the lodge at Aston Hall. I used to do half of it walking and half on my bike.

With all that effort it would be nice if I'd remembered what I spent the money on.
My sister would have been your age, if you were a paper boy in '62, and she had Bunty. But it wasn't her Dave, we always went to Olivers in Witton Road. :D
I recall my father once bringing us "American comics" that somebody sold him in the Railway pub. We never got to read them as Mom took one look and threw them in the fire.

For the past 55 years I've pondered over what was in them.

Oh I'm pining now for my Bunty girl.

P.S. don't tell my wife, I'll get no sleep tonight unless I have a couple of Syndol. Just to go off the subject a bit, Syndol are a headache/pain tablet, but they are also a mild sleeping tablet, has anyone tried them.
Don't panic, you don't get hooked.

Just to get back on track, I used to read the Beezer

What about that Lord Snooty in the beano or dandy I can't remember which. He used to play with his mates dressed in a top hat and tails.
I don't remember any of my mates in Aston or Witton dressed like that.

Theres another one, Korky the talking cat, give us a break, whoever I wonder thought him up
A few more I can remember,it was such a long time ago folks since I last read one,............
Film Fun, Chips, Puck, Funny Wonder, Champion, ( with Rockfist Rogan of the RAF) Mickey Mouse, (on a better paper and more expensive,) Adventure, Rover,Hotspur,& Knockout, On a friday afternoon when we were in the junior's we were allowed to take comics to school to swap

One bloke who allways puzzled me was Desperate Dan. He never had a close shave, he was allways getting stuck into a cow pie with a couple of horns sticking out, but never put any weight on. He had a big chest yes, but his legs were real skinny. And why was he desperate ? Blimey I felt more desperate than he did having to go to Deykin Avenue School and get beaten up every day.

I don't think so Dennis, I never saw him go into a bathroom. In fact I never saw him sitting at home relaxing, he was always walking about with the same clothes on
Pansy Potter,Keyhole Kate. Dolly Dimple, Kitty Clears Schooldays :oops:

Not forgetting Deed A Day Danny :D
Modern Comics

Is there any truth in the rumour that the Sun and the Daily Star took the place of The Dandy and the Beano (With apologies to the Dandy and the Beano)

Sga, it can't be right, cause I can't remember any skimpy clad dollys appearing in the Beano or Dandy.

Also Alf, I can't remember Pansy Potter, Keyhole Kate etc, what decade were they from, about the 30s ?
No Dave 40s I have Book which show Comics that were about in the War.
I'll try to scan acouple over the next few days to show you and other friends what they were like. :D
are you sure Dave I don't remember Korkie the cat being overdressed