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Clifton Road Aston

Hi Icarus,
Just saw your post where you mentioned the neighbours of your wife in Clifton Road as George & Ada Neal. I am researching a Neal family and have an address from the marriage certificate of Marian Lily Neal in 1913 as 261 Clifton Road, fathers name Joseph Henry, mother Mary Ann, incidently she married a Charles Howell also from Clifton Road No. 310. Although this is a long time ago I was wondering if you knew anything more on George & Ada, they are names I have not come across yet but just thought I'd ask.

Hi Lizzie

I know little about the Neals apart from they had a daughter named Doreen and a son, Alfie, who died at age 13 ... oh...and they attended our wedding reception at Upper Thomas Street School and bought us an ironing board as a wedding present! :)

I don't think the Clifton Road, Aston, numbers reached as high as 310 and believe yours is the one in Sparkhill/brook. Checking the Electoral Rolls, I see that a Sam Howell lived at 310 Clifton Road, Sparkhill with the Pannell family in 1920. May be a relative of Charles?

In 1930 & 1935, Charles & Marian Howell lived at 113 Avondale Road, Sparkhill ... in 1930, Mary Ann and Florence Emily Neal were also listed there.

In 1912, Henry Neal lived at 261 Clifton Road, Sparkhill.
Hi Icarus,
Firstly thank you for replying and I'm sorry I seemed to have put you to the trouble of looking through the electoral rolls as I already had this information but thankyou anyway. I don't know too much about the districts in Birmingham so didn't realise there could be two Clifton Roads but Sparkhill is the area I am looking in and I will keep this is mind.
Hope the ironing board was ok:) and you never know maybe these Neals will crop up somewhere so I will make a note.
Thanks again
Hi everyone,
Lots of good memories and memory joggers from you all.
Some more to add, my Father, Henry John Chinn, was born at, I think 1/161, which was 1 back of 161, Clifton Road although the Family home was 159. He was a twin but sadly his brother, William Percy, died before his 1st Birthday.
From what I can gather my Great Grandfather, Henry Chinn, moved in to 159 Clifton Road when they were first built in the lat 1800's He had 9 children, all living in a 3 bedroom house!
I have happy memories of visiting my Grandfather, William Henry Chinn, at 159 and staying there occasionally, we lived on Washwood Heath Road in Washwood Heath, I can just about remember the Coronation street party in 1953 and have a couple of photographs somewhere of it. My Grandmother died long before I was born and my Grandfather remarried Elsie Bridge but we were NEVER allowed to call her Gran!
My Father's Sister, Agnes, married Tom Clarke and used to live in one of the 'back' houses 3/159 they had 4 children, Michael, Peter and twins Colin and Christopher, sadly Michael died from Leukaemia, when he was 18/19 and at Leeds University, and from what I remember Christopher died in a motorcycle accident so they had more than their share of sadness!
Access to these back houses was via the entry between 159/161 which then split either way to the back gates of 159 and 161 and the 'Brewhouses' the main entry continued and there were 6 houses with small front gardens a central front door with a room either side, the right hand one being the living room/kitchen and the stairs went up from this room to the 2 bedrooms above. The outside toilets were at the top of the entry, shared by all of the back houses, it was always sheets of newspaper on a nail on the back of the door! The houses that fronted on to Clifton Road had their own toilets although they were outside as well.
There was a brassworks factory on the other side of 161 which extended back behind the 'back houses', there was an Ansells outdoor on Clifton Road opposite the 'Terrace' which was next to my Grandfathers hose and I can remember being sent over with a jug to get it filled with Mild or possibly Nut Brown Ale. I always thought it was strange because you had to go up 2 or 3 steps into the 'shop' but when they had to access the cellar they had a trap-door behind the counter to go down into the cellar.
At the end of Clifton Road as someone has, quite rightly, said was Potters Hill. This used to run from Victoria Road down to New Town Row where the Aston Hippodrome was. In Potters hill there were more factories as well as houses one of which was the Cyclo Gear Co. when I had my first bike I used to take it there to get my buckled wheels 'trued' which they would do for you straight away if they wern't too busy, I also bought replacement cables from there too until they moved or maybe closed down. I then had to get my cables from Clarkes in Nechells, but that's another story!
One of my Uncles, Uncle Arthur[actually a Gret Uncle, I think], I seem to remember ran a pub, which [I think] was the Vine down Lichfield Road, supposedly the only pub bordered by a Road/Street/Lane and, at the moment, still exsists!
Another Great Uncle, Ernie, was a butcher at the Co-op at Aston Cross where we would occasionally go to get a joint for Sunday Dinner, we didn't have lunch in theose days! Aston Cross was quite a bustling shopping centre in those days.

Hello Bill

Thank you for such a wonderful description of where your family used to live in Clifton Road. I was particularly interested in the fact that your gt.grandfather lived at 159 Clifton Road as my family lived in No.25 Court, also known as Gothic Terrace, which I believe came between Nos. 157 and 159. My gt.grandparents James and Ellen Martin lived in this court from at least 1881. Ellen's mother, Ellen Bellamy, was living in the court in 1871. My own grandparents, William Thomas and Rose Hanson were living in the Court from about 1911. Rose was the daughter of James and Ellen. So you can see I have a lot of family connection to 25 Court. After James and Ellen died, their daughter Minnie and her husband Ralph Jones,took over the same house, No.7, and was there until the late 1930's. Your family may have known mine!

Your description of the houses with windows either side of the front door, fits in with a description my Mom gave me of her grandmother's house with a large Conch Shell on each windowsill as decoration. I have often wondered where this house was and whether it was the Court in Clifton Road, but after reading your description, I feel sure that this was the location.

I know that in the court there were a couple of shared lavatories, and the my young children had to take their turn in scrubbing the communal them out. Also there was a cold water pump in the yard where Grandma Hanson and Gt Grandma Martin (mother and daughter) would sit scrubbing the skin off new potatoes in the sumer. My Mom and her brother and sister all went to Upper Thomas Street School. An interesting piece from the School Log Book for 20 December 1922 - "Low attendance due to weather. Bad boots a cause. Snowed heavily in morning - thaw in afternoon"

Clifton St - Chinn family

Hi everyone,
Lots of good memories and memory joggers from you all.

Evening Bill, just read your post and wondered if you were related to Cathy or Kathy Chinn ? My mom is from same area and she recently gave me list of names she played with at school or in street and I recognised Kathy as one of them when I saw your surname...
Clifton Road

Hi Judy,
Yes I do remember the Terrace and have seen it marked as Gothic Terrace on a map dated around 1900/4, I also have a pal who remembers several families from the Terrace and went to school with some of them[Upper Thomas Street]. Sadly I personally have no memory of any of the neighbours of my Grandfathers other than our family and the local area.

Hi Objd,
You mention Clifton Street so not sure whether you are in the right place but I certainly have no knowledge of a Kathy Chinn in our family, although I do, or did, know a Kathy Chinn who lives in the Coventry area.

Hi Bill

When I found out my family connection to Clifton Road some years ago I went to try and find out more about the area but there was hardly anything left, it was all under Aston Expressway. It was so sad, if I had known when I was younger and lived in Birmingham I could have seen where my family lived. If only I had been interested in my family history earlier:(

Clifton Road

Hi Judy,
Yes it's sad my Grandfather was moved, compusory purchase[against the wishes of a great many of the residents], and was re-housed in Chelmsley Wood. Sadly a whole relatively close community split apart and not at all for the better except maybe for the property developers! But then that would start me off on another of my rants regarding the decimation of the City Centre the developers who did even more damage than the Luftwaffe!! And the main culprit was knighted for his efforts too!!!

Hi Linda

I was born in 1953 and lived at no 12 Clifton Rd until our house was compulsory purchased by the council to make way for the Aston Expressway in 1971.

I don't have any photos but I do have memories.

My grandmother Dolly Mellon kept the outdoor at no
100 Clifton Road- next door to Jacksons Fish and Chip Shop.

Opposite was Elsies grocery shop and next door to that was a shop I always referred to as being owned by "Mrs Mac."

In or around the 1920's my great grandmother Elizabeth Harper and her husband John - kept the Golden Lion public house on the corner of Clifton Road and Upper Thomas Street.

My mother is still alive so if there is anything you want to ask please feel free and I will see if she remembers.

Best wishes

My name is Gary Hagan (was Astley)
We lived at 2/106 clifton rd from 1957 - 1969 eventualy there were 11 of us in the little back house i remember all of the above as the fish shop & the outdoor were the next entry to ours, the bottom of our yard stood out because there was a great tree at the road end,i used to run errands for the shops Elsie(Cook) & Mrs macs and my dad Frank drank and played darts for the red lion
Hi all
Love reading all your replys about Clifton Road in a early message i said my Uncle Jims (James Hunt)shop was on Clifton Road where it was actually on the corner of Clifton road and Upper Sutton Street,i also went and had a look a few years back and there was nothing left,found out that in 1912 my Hunt family were living at 158 clifton road as well as 154 in later years,my poor grandad fell down the stairs at 154 and died in 1942 his death down as accidental death on his death certificate.The family lived ther until 1969 when we moved to Quinton to make way for the Aston Express way.So i don't remember anything about Aston except what my dad tells me now.
Thanks for all your memories it gives me something to tell my dad and he lets me know if he remembers the names mentioned.
Thanks again
I Had 2 Auntys And Uncles In Clifton Road. Roddy And Violet Preston And Tommy And Lily Preston.they Lived In A Terace On Bottom Section Of Road Near Upper Thomas Street. Unfortunatly All Are Dead,with Lily Preston Dying A Couple Of Months Ago. Uncle Roddy Used To Drink In A Pub Which I Think Was Called The Eagle On The Corner Of Sutton Street. My Aunt Lily Used To Work In Sutton Street At A Place Called Phillips And Crosses Who Used To Manufacture Funeral Goods, Like Brass Coffin Handles And Crucifix. My Mother Jesseie Morris Worked There Also. My Mother Lived In Gothic Terrace At No 16 in Clifton Rd With My Father Reg, My Sister Violet,myself Reg And My Brother Billy. I Was Six When I Left Terrace,so Its Nearly Sixty Years Now.
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Hello All, It's been quite a while since I've been on the site and I've really enjoyed reading many of the posted memories.

My Grandfather, John Robinson Webb, grew up at 52 Clifton Road and attended Upper Thomas Street School. He was born in 1910- the illegimate son of John Webb and Elizabeth Robinson (nee Sutton- her father ran the Nottingham Arms on the corner of Bristol Street and Bristol Passage in 1901)). Elizabeth died at 52 Clifton Road in 1916.
John soon found another partner- Alice Davis (nee Meaking), she was referred to as the housekeeper! However, this proved to be more than a professional relationship and in 1926 John and Alice had a daughter, Rose Webb Davis, later followed by two sons Arthur Webb Davis (1927) and Norman Webb Daivis (1931). Alice and her children all unofficially took on the Webb name.
John Webb died in 1945, but I know that Alice and their sons continued to live at 52 Clifton Road (listed under Webb in the electoral registers) until the late 1950s. Their daughter Rose left earlier in 1951 after marrying Charles Pedley.
The last time I posted a message regarding my family a lovely woman, called Doreen, recalled Alice and her sons- she wrote "I remember they both had very dark thick hair. Mrs Webb [Alice Davis] was quite a big woman, not fat, just quite tall and big. The houses they lived in were quite strange... although they were on to the street they only had the facilities of a back to back- Just one room, then one on top of that, and an attic on top of that. The back part of the house was lived in by some-one else and reached via an entry.'
Another family member, Walter Blower, who lived for a short time at 54 Clifton Road wrote to me saying he remembered the boys being called '...Arthur and Pongo. There was also a Fred Davis [Now known to be Alice's son from her marriage to Amos Davis], but no-one said who he was as he'd spent time in prison'
From the information that Doreen gave me I now know that Norman Webb (Davis) lived rough for many years around the Aston area, and died (of no fixed abode) in Birmingham 1995.
Whilst I wanted to share the information that has been passed to me, I also wanted to thank Doreen for all her help- just the smallest snippets have helped to bring some of the characters in my tree alive. Many thanks Doreen :)

I would love to hear from anyone that thinks they may recall this family (good or bad!)
Hi Icarus

The Moss and Cashmores were my family in Clifton Road.

Louisa, I lived in the same back yard as the Cashmores, we lived at # 10/32 I am sure they lived at #14/32 was it a Sammy Cashmore? I also recall 'old lady Moss' (excuse that description,we were kids then) but really cant remember her well. I do know she lived next door to the asian Ullha family, her backyard stretched down to our yard area, we would climb her steel fence boundry, she would give us hell 'and more'
hope this gets to ya.
Dave Nutt
Hi I see you Billiard as one of the names you're interested in. I'm Sharon Billiard and during the 1960s I lived at 57 Upper Sutton St. My parents were Billy and Irene and they had 6 children.
Hi, The Billiards had a family in our back yard-back of 32 clifton road. Aston.
Husband was Billy wife (cant remember) but it will come to me. Kids?- Roy-Kathy (sadly died quite young) Babara- and I think-John.
Have looked on here and also tried Friends reunited but can never find a trace. I do know that they moved to Pelsall, Staffs in the 60s as did my folks, so kept in touch until about 70s,then sadly lost touch. Would they be your relatives?
Re: Clifton Road

My parents Jessie and Reg morris lived at 16 Gothic Terrace. i have a sister Violet, brother Billy and myself Reg. Me and my brother were both born atin Gothic terrace. My uncle Joe Bullock his wife Madge,sons frankie and Joey also lived in terrace. Some names i remember are Velda Wishton ,Williams who moved laterr to live in Liverpool I left there when i was about six aprox 1948 Also Copes and Sampsons
Hi Judy,
Yes I do remember the Terrace and have seen it marked as Gothic Terrace on a map dated around 1900/4, I also have a pal who remembers several families from the Terrace and went to school with some of them[Upper Thomas Street]. Sadly I personally have no memory of any of the neighbours of my Grandfathers other than our family and the local area.

Hi Objd,
You mention Clifton Street so not sure whether you are in the right place but I certainly have no knowledge of a Kathy Chinn in our family, although I do, or did, know a Kathy Chinn who lives in the Coventry area.

Hello Reg. Hope you are well. Do you remember Minnie and Ralph Jones living at No.7? You may have been too young, I think they were there until about mid-1940s time. They were my mother's auntie and uncle.

There you go Morris,look at the photo.bottom left,move to the right the first woman standing is your aunt Lily,in front of her is her daughter Lily,next to her is cousin Ena.My cousins are all on the other side of the table,I was down the other end,(went walkabout).
My address was 5/106.It's the middle section of Clifton Rd.
About half the people on there I can remember.

Sorry to here about Lily I knew her quite well,last saw her in her teens.
Hi Judy. i cannot remember the Jones i will ask my sister if she can remember them as she is a little older than me
Hello Reg. Hope you are well. Do you remember Minnie and Ralph Jones living at No.7? You may have been too young, I think they were there until about mid-1940s time. They were my mother's auntie and uncle.

This is my own photo.jean,have the original.
On there is my dad 2 aunts my little bro.standing at the front with jelly down his shirt,the other little boy standing with a tie on is our cousin Ken Baglin.
Look to the right end a lad with a pointed hat on,too the right of him his sister Beryl Mills,with the golden hair,go right again,a boy with dark hair looking wistfully at Beryl.thats me.
hi judy. I cannot remember the jones i will ask my sister if she can remember them as she is a little older than me
hi judy my sister cannot remember them,although she says she does not remember everyone.
She remembers williams wishdons varley thompsons cleavers restores?
there you go morris,look at the photo.bottom left,move to the right the first woman standing is your aunt lily,in front of her is her daughter lily,next to her is cousin ena.my cousins are all on the other side of the table,i was down the other end,(went walkabout).
My address was 5/106.it's the middle section of clifton rd.
About half the people on there i can remember.

Sorry to here about lily i knew her quite well,last saw her in her teens.
hi ray .have not been on site for a little time now. I see you have replied saying the photo shows my aunt lily and daughter lily and her cousin ina. Did you know tommy lilys husband,and his brother roddy and wife violet preston. Thanks for info reg morris
Hello Morris,
Yes I knew all the Prestons the lived in the yard opposite ours,the one with the big tree,my cousins the Smiths lived in the front house,I lived up the back.
Can't be sure of this, were Tommy and Roddy brothers?
Hi Reg - I forgot I had asked you before about the Jones family in Gothic Terrace. Shame your sister can't remember them. Minnie Jones was the licensee at the Queens Arms in Victoria Road (definitely in 1921 but not by 1944) but the family lived in Gothic Terrace until mid 1940's.

Hello Fay,
Would your mom be the daughter of Dolly Melon?.
If so is she on the photo.I have just posted,and was she in one of the services during the war?.
Hello Morris,
Yes I knew all the Prestons the lived in the yard opposite ours,the one with the big tree,my cousins the Smiths lived in the front house,I lived up the back.
Can't be sure of this, were Tommy and Roddy brothers?
yes ray they were brothers