Hello All, It's been quite a while since I've been on the site and I've really enjoyed reading many of the posted memories.
My Grandfather, John Robinson Webb, grew up at 52 Clifton Road and attended Upper Thomas Street School. He was born in 1910- the illegimate son of John Webb and Elizabeth Robinson (nee Sutton- her father ran the Nottingham Arms on the corner of Bristol Street and Bristol Passage in 1901)). Elizabeth died at 52 Clifton Road in 1916.
John soon found another partner- Alice Davis (nee Meaking), she was referred to as the housekeeper! However, this proved to be more than a professional relationship and in 1926 John and Alice had a daughter, Rose Webb Davis, later followed by two sons Arthur Webb Davis (1927) and Norman Webb Daivis (1931). Alice and her children all unofficially took on the Webb name.
John Webb died in 1945, but I know that Alice and their sons continued to live at 52 Clifton Road (listed under Webb in the electoral registers) until the late 1950s. Their daughter Rose left earlier in 1951 after marrying Charles Pedley.
The last time I posted a message regarding my family a lovely woman, called Doreen, recalled Alice and her sons- she wrote "I remember they both had very dark thick hair. Mrs Webb [Alice Davis] was quite a big woman, not fat, just quite tall and big. The houses they lived in were quite strange... although they were on to the street they only had the facilities of a back to back- Just one room, then one on top of that, and an attic on top of that. The back part of the house was lived in by some-one else and reached via an entry.'
Another family member, Walter Blower, who lived for a short time at 54 Clifton Road wrote to me saying he remembered the boys being called '...Arthur and Pongo. There was also a Fred Davis [Now known to be Alice's son from her marriage to Amos Davis], but no-one said who he was as he'd spent time in prison'
From the information that Doreen gave me I now know that Norman Webb (Davis) lived rough for many years around the Aston area, and died (of no fixed abode) in Birmingham 1995.
Whilst I wanted to share the information that has been passed to me, I also wanted to thank Doreen for all her help- just the smallest snippets have helped to bring some of the characters in my tree alive. Many thanks Doreen
I would love to hear from anyone that thinks they may recall this family (good or bad!)