master brummie
As I moved from Warwickshire to Devon in 1954, at the age of 15, I guess everything here, for me, is a childhood memory. 

our house either, however, the TV looks a lot like our first one, which was a STELLA.View attachment 121033 Our house did not look quite like this one but it does remind me of my early years.
I can see my house in Birdbrook Road (212) in that picture, it was opposite open ground when I was there which I think later became built on as a driving test centre.
The sand pits were still there too, I used to get off the bus on Kingstanding Road and take a short cut across the top down to near my front door.
Does anyone remember these? What about those 2 piece bombs attached to a parachute?
oh yes dave i well remember those caps..used to put them under a little metal plate on a plastic rocket chuck them in the air and BANG....many hours of fun..happy days
Hi Eric I lived in Birdbrook Rd 101 from 1942 to 1959, just below Prethrose the Fish and Chip shop we used to go for a bag of batter bits.
You must have lived close to the Caponhurst Family lived 2 houses down from Dyas Rd.
Dyas Road was an un-adopted road till well after the war when the road was constructed to allow bus to use.
The was another sand pit at the back of houses in Dyas Rd the side of the pit was the army barracks this the waste land where Pat Collins fair used.
Next to the Co-op dairy was B'ham Council Child Nursery
The other sand pit in your 2 young children killed digging sand out to constructed a cave in the cliff face
The ones we had were made of metal, and yes we would use our hankies to make the parachute. I do remember the milk top spinners too. We would add to the fly ability by rotating a penny of halfpenny in the top until the edge was square, this gave your fingers more to grab on to when you flicked it in the air, and a more horizontal rotation.Caps, yes Dave, I remember you could buy a plastic little bomb, put the cap in the head, throw it I'm the air and it would detonate the cap on hitting the ground.
You could make a parachute out of your hankie by tying string to the four corners and putting a weight on the centre. Throw it in the air and hopefully it would float down.
Do you remember spinning the school milk tops between your fingers, if you achieved a good one it would spin and float for some time, with a bit of wind.
Ahh happy days before computer games and mobile phones.
Photograph please!!!I also remember putting rolls of caps in my Davy Crocket rifle, had the full works too Davy Crocket top and trousers complete with all the tassels off the arms and down the trouser legs and racoon cap. Did I look good, you bet.
Went to see Fess Parker in Walt Disneys Davy Crocket at the Sheldon at the time, around 1958
I, along with all my mates, also had Davy Crockett hats and we had all seen the film at the Sheldon. Later on there was Zorro and everyone had a plastic sword with a piece of chalk on the end so you could write "Z" on the wall.I also remember putting rolls of caps in my Davy Crocket rifle, had the full works too Davy Crocket top and trousers complete with all the tassels off the arms and down the trouser legs and racoon cap. Did I look good, you bet.
Went to see Fess Parker in Walt Disneys Davy Crocket at the Sheldon at the time, around 1958