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can you place any forum issues in here after the rebuild

Ads regularly appearing for me (on IPhone with no adblocker - why should I have to have one?) ) in mid thread, between posts. Also sometimes at the very end of a thread, like a final post. (The latter MAY be a bottom of the page advert but are in that case too close to the thread itself and look like part of it).

The mid-thread appearances are highly intrusive and therefore very undesirable of course.

i did also say bear with me while i tune it as i have to do it all myself now and there is a certain amount of experiments involved.

I've turned those off now but i still need time to get the formats rights its all coding and we cant use auto ads either so its all manual.

just try and bear this in mind, they are minimalistic after ezoic, there are nowhere near as many. Im trying to keep them sympathetic but it takes and patience.... <--- look it up fun word!
My experience today.

The adverts have been top and bottom of the page on my tablet (I have removed the ad blocker) and, to be honest, they currently don't seem particularly intrusive. It reminds me of the early advertising we had on here (which I think was before we changed to the Xenforo system).

I'm finding it easy to use the site, no adverts are currently getting in the way of doing what I want to do. As long as they stay in those places and don't hamper writing posts or Moderator actions, I'm happy with that.

Warren is trying to balance all this for all our benefit, and I for one appreciate the effort he is giving to this difficult task. Thank you to members for your patience.
My experience today.

The adverts have been top and bottom of the page on my tablet (I have removed the ad blocker) and, to be honest, they currently don't seem particularly intrusive. It reminds me of the early advertising we had on here (which I think was before we changed to the Xenforo system).

I'm finding it easy to use the site, no adverts are currently getting in the way of doing what I want to do. As long as they stay in those places and don't hamper writing posts or Moderator actions, I'm happy with that.

Warren is trying to balance all this for all our benefit, and I for one appreciate the effort he is giving to this difficult task. Thank you to members for your patience.

absolutely agree with you viv...i have never objected to having adverts if it brings in a few quid to help keep us running as you said we used to have them before...the problem started when we became over run by ads and pop up videos obscuring the main page so making it impossible to use the forum properly and so i had no choice but to use an ad blocker...as you say if warren can get us back to just a top and bottom advert i will happily de activate the ad blocker

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