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Burbury Street

  • Thread starter Thread starter RayD
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well sussed jules...i must be slipping..lol...kve scratchings i love them....

have they really been going that long...

yet another good pic from ray...

I was born at 303 Burbury St which was my Granddads house, me and my brother had a bedroom in the attic. We had a long garden and grandad bread Rabbits. My main memory however was the Pear tree which every year gave us the best fruit I have ever eaten.
Later we moved to 295 Burbury St and I went to Gower St school till I was 15.

Yes i suppose those houses at the time were considered 'posh' probably because we had an indoor toilet ! Happy times ?
Yes I went to Burbury St School must have started when I was 5 ( 1945 ?) Remember well that I hated school even at that age. My dad used to drop me at the front gate and I used to run out of the back gate and bump into him by the time he got home ! Think my first teacher was a Miss Butterfield. I lived over my dads Electrical shop in Great King St in those days
I wonder if you remember my family who lived in Burbury Street? There was Cissie and Charles Birbeck who lived at 282 and their daughters Jean and Vera. Vera later lived at No. 280 with her husband Alfred Dauncey. Their first child was born in 1946 so maybe not the right timescale for you. My two brothers went to Harry Lucas.
I used to work as a paperboy in the newsagents in burbury street. approx. 66-68. run by an irish family at the time. used to do my rounds reading the paper. have vivid memories walking along graham st. and stopping as i read the headlines that brian jones had died.
Great picture's of Burbury Street Wen, I used to work there at a place called Mascord & Brooks, Early 1970, before walking round to Villa street, and walking in to another job, as you could in those days. (Newby) Reg.
Hi and welcome Reg. There are many here who have memories of the street from the 60's onwards. Where abouts in the street was Mascord and Brooks and what were they?:)
Hiya Wendy. Mascord and Brooks, were a Car body repair workshop, going down towards Nursery road on the right hand side, not very far from the Wills street Jnc, there is a picture of some shops in Burbery street on the Corner of Wills street. The workshop was almost opposite these shops. I started work there in what must have been 1970-71. Now I think there is just a gap between the houses, the last time I past there was a long time ago.

Didn't stay there long, couldn't afford to, at £5 a week. Mother took £3 off me for rent God bless her. Mrs Smith across the road in the shop took the rest off me for the stuff I had on tick. Happy day's. Reg.
Thanks for the info Reg it helps with the jigsaw yes my Mom took half my wages around the same era! The rest went to pay off me catalogue clothes.......as you say happy days!
Hello again Wendy. I've just noticed a picture, the one with the flowers in the foreground. The Garage across the road looks to me, the place I used to work. Mascord & Brooks Though on the picture it looks like someone else runs then, what would be date of that photo, any idea.?
Hi everyone
i am trying to find photos of 187 Burbury street of lozells district in the 1940's to 1990's as it used to be a shoe repair shop i think was known as Jefferson Bros would be grateful for any assistant
regards ste
Have no pictures - sorry. But I remember the shop very well. The man who worked there was an eldely chap (at least he seemed so to me as a small child) but I have fond memories so think he was a kind sort of person.
hi expertbrummie
thank you for sharing that info ...the elderly chap was my great uncle on my fathers side and owned the shop for many years ..i was told that he died in 1980ish ? and that he lived there with his sister
i have been up since to look at the shop and is now lived in as a house and the sign is painted over but the name can still be made out however i would have liked some photos from when the shop was open.... could you advice me on how i may find photos of the shop from 1940's...i do not know everything about the type of person he was as he died before i was born and would love any other info you may wish to share
regards ste
Hi Ste

I think you are right about him dying around that time. I remember when I was in senior school at around that time, it being converted back into a house and one of my friends lived there. I know when it was a shop it had a brown door and was quite dark. When you entered the shop you were in a small lobby area and there was a counter with I think a shutter and a door bell type thing for you to ring for attention. I think there are some photos on this site somewhere of that part of the street, but don't think they show the shop. I will have a look for you and see what I come up with. Jules.
Hi Jules
that would be great if you could find some photos ....just searched the ancestry for his death he died 1989 ....do remember his sister her name was lil as she used to look after my great uncle at the shop i notice when i popped up there was like a garage type entrance can you recall what this may have been at the time the shop was open ....
thank you with the greatest of gratitude for sharing the info you have
regards ste
Hi ste

Do you know if he was still living in Burbury Street in 1989 only I left Burbury Street myself in that year and it was definetely in the early 1980's that I went into the house that had been converted from the shop.

There was a petrol station at the corner of Burbury Street and Nursery Road and your gt uncle's shop was about half way up the part of the street before you reached Graham Street on the left. I think possibly it was on the corner of an opening into a grove where there were more houses. If you look on the just testing secion of this site on the first page there is a photo of the lower end of Burbury Street and it shows a row of houses. Your gt uncles shop was one of them. Jules
hi Jules
i am not sure when he stopped working there or whether he still lived there in the 1980's anyway i will look at the photo you stated if i can find
thank you for your help
My main memory of Burbury st ,was when we would go from Harry Lucas in our dinner time and play football in the park , you know i tell my kids it was the only park to have no grass , but am i right , did it have a few blades forcing their way through ? Max
Hardly any football played in the dinner time .It was the fights we went for Harry Lucas v Gower Street and the Girls v Lozells girls .Them where the days .I thought there was grass round the edge by the fences etc. I remember three gates .The parkies shed where we used to climb on the roof etc ,and the wickets painted on lucas wall
Mebmm1950, imagine my problems ,seriously , i only went to Harry Lucas when i was "asked" to leave Gower St ,I remember once being called into Walkers office and blamed with causing a mini riot In the park, all good fun . Max
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Cheers Lyn i will have a nose , by the way the Sali army has been finished , it still is a religious place the Church of Shiloh i think it said , but i was on the bus so the spelling could be wrong .
I Remember all the teds as they were .Showing off on the swings going over the bar .Tryed it but chickened out .Seriously great times were had at burbury street park .I remember using my new Blessed John Wall Blazer as a goal post.Only to find when we had won the world cup etc .Someone had nicked my coat .Wouldnt go home ,Because i knew what i was going to get .

thanks for the update max on the sally army....pity it couldnt be kept as such but in this day and age i guess there is not much call for it....still at least its not been turned into a warehouse...

Great photos Lyn of the street , are there any pics of the park .?
morning max...i knew there was one somewhere...as far as i know this is the only pic of the park...taken in 1956....you may have been there...come to think of it i may have been as well...

Smashing photo , nah i wasnt there, i wasnt born then ,(In me dreams)
Hi Lyn , seeing this pic reminded of my (groping) courting days in the park shed there.