Lyn,I do know your friend,Ilene is it?also had a younger brother?Was quite friendly with my mother.Thank you would be delighted to see the photos of Nursery rd.Knew Roy
Bandage who lived in the shop(hardware)I believe on the corner of church st.
john not sure if you remember my friend as i think hes a bit younger than you but his name is maxwell may recall his parents better.. they lived at no 20 from about 1948 to 1965
click on the link below to take you to the nursery road thread where i have posted a few photos (including the 4 corners and the hardware shop corner of church st)...when i have time i will post a few more on there...its best to start reading from post 1 so that you do not miss any photos
Nursery Road lozells
I saw a photo of our house, which was built over the Villa St post office run by Mr and Mrs Reeves, and next door to Singl etons where they made packing crates. I can't find the photo but if anyone has this picture, I really would appreciate it being posted again.The name plate is also visible.

all the best....lyn
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